Ex-Army Generals Fear Insurrection or 'Civil War' in 2024

How long is an Australian football match Salty?

I assume that’s what you’re alluding to.

If so, then you’re not fooling anybody mate. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What the piss are you on about??

Are you defending Milley and what happened in Afghanistan??

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We’ll see mate.

Fourth quarter.
... Fourth Quarter? .... HE'S DONE! ... Surely countin' his days
to quick retirement... Would have done it already, but everyone
would be commentin' on the Afghan debacle "BOOM!" on his
way out the door!

... And, of course in true "woke" fashion - HE BLAMED BIDEN
for the shitty withdrawal and the bad consequences of that.

He's a Real Winner.

#### Salty
Ripmany's Avatar
We need a civil war I trying to get gun. And people to help me fight one.
Some of these posters said that Trump would be reinstated months ago when the ghosts of JFK and Elvis (maybe it was Elvia) appeared at Daly Plaza via a UFO.

Stop the squeal!!!Stop the squeal!!! Stop the squeal!!! I am not implying that trumptards are fat baby pigs, I am stating that as a fact.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
White supremacy is a valid issue in our military. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
No, it’s not. At all. Not that it’s an actual issue in general, because it’s not that either.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yes it is.

(See how that works?)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes it is.

(See how that works?) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

prove it. no CNN rants allowed.

we'll wait ..
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yes it is.

(See how that works?) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The difference is you don’t have the slightest clue what you’re talking about.

The entirety of actual ‘white supremacists’ in the USA wouldn’t fill a high school gym. Feral hippopotamuses are a greater threat to the country.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Like voter fraud? Is that what you’re saying?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar


https://www.insider.com/former-neo-n...rmy-2021-4?amp Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

OMG! your hack writers from the New Republic (sic), and the Military Times a mouthpiece for woke Pentagon brassholes have exposed dozens and dozens of cases of white supremacy! what a threat to the US!

news flash sport .. there are over 1 MILLION serving in the various services. the military is NOT full of white supremacists.

one of your hack writers even when back to the Civil War era as "proof" citing former Confederate soldiers involved in forming the KKK .. along with the Democratic Party.

because 1865 is so relevant to 2021 .. right? the country isn't the same now. well except for the Democratic party and their supporters being full of racists ...

HedonistForever's Avatar
Just to give one an idea how really stupid this group of Democrats are with all their hyperbole, first it was White Supremacists who were a "threat to our Democracy", so much a threat that they carried no weapons into the Capital and dispersed before the sun went down, to the latest threat to our democracy, Joe Manchin.

How can any sane citizen take these people seriously. If anything, Joe Manchin is living proof of how a democracy works.
Yeah, idiots hide behind nonsense, because they are retarded
Such pussies