The Biden Touch is GOLDEN!!!

There we go again, two minds thinking alike. I just finished writing about how we stopped gas and oil production to help "save the planet" and lower carbon emissions, and then ask, beg OPEC to sell us back, the same amount we just gave up. We use it just like we always have and put just as much carbon into the air as if we were burning the energy that Americans produced and pay for generating huge sums of money and jobs.

Why is this so damn hard for some people to understand. I apologize about assuming we are thinking a like. You may be thinking, "what the F*** is he running on about". Yeah, I'm way past my bed time and I see the wine glass is empty. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

I agree, in the end it's a zero sum game when it's the same amount of pollutant being released. I suppose there's some "value" in holding on to what can be produced in country...sort of I'll buy your limited edition Pokemon cards but won't sell mine. But it's likely a strategic standpoint that has long past it's usefullness.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This thread like so many is a joke about Trump's dick is igger than Biden's dick or vice versa. Who fucking cares? The country is in shambles, record high inflation, energy costs going even higher, crime on the rise and th world is also at the brink of a major war. Originally Posted by Computerwise
We must live in a different country. My country is doing just fine as far as I am concerned. Nothing has changed other than Trumpsters losing their fucking minds.

Biden could cure cancer tomorrow and you whiny tin foil hat wearing Trumpsters would complain and say it was late because of election fraud and Trump would have cured it sooner if the election wasn't stolen.

You keep being overly dramatic though. I hope you get to your happy place eventually. LOL
No, we the same country just one of us lives a life with their eyes open. By the way I am the one with the eyes open. I buy gas for energy, I pay heating bills, I do not live in anymore tower somewhere or is it your head is so far up Biden's ass that you duplicate his tactics?

"What crisis at the border?" "Inflation is transitory?" "What Afghanistan? That was a success not a fiasco." "You should thank me for gas prices!" "Ukraine? Do I have holdings over there?"

Wake up, sir. The nation is being flushed down a toilet and at warp speed. Our enemies see it and are getting sassy, China, Russia and now this week Iran are threatening us and our allies. But the country is just fine, lol.

Two weeks ago, real life story, I am looking for emoyees and have been for months, no one wants to work. I called a potential candidate for an interview and he said "Sorry, I really don't want a job, I just have to apply for 3 jobs each week to get my unemoyment." This is real life.

Let me ask, do you buy gas ever? Do you buy food ever? Do you see the cost increases? Did you learn arithmetic? 7% inflation minus 5% wage increases equal 2% worse off. But hey as long as your family did not have a family member killed in Afghanistan debacle everything is fine. As long as you have enough money to pay twice the price for energy country is fine. Millions don't, come out of your ivory tower or cave whichever and use your eyes. Good for you, that you don't care your dollars are only worth pennies as it was a year and a half ago.

Maybe stop being so selfish, and look at what others have to suffer. Be an American and not just a Democrat. Together as a nation we thrive, separate and divide us and we fall.

In 20 years of owning a business I have never experienced the labor shortage and "nope I don't want to work" attitude I get now. I am woke to reality. Maybe you should try some of that. Use your eyes and see reality instead.of listening to your party's leadership. That's what I do. And no I am not Trump admirer, an America admirer.
lustylad's Avatar
^^^ Hey computerwise - thank you for giving Mucus McLame such an eloquent and well-deserved beat-down!! He is an insecure fraud who hates America and doesn't live in the real world.
lustylad's Avatar
Sure, It is a matter of perspective. Seven percent inflation seems tame compared to 14-16-20 percent and if you take a long view, the last 30 or years of abnormally low inflation and interest rates, you can recognize the aberrational market behaviour obviously due to Federal Reserve intervention vis-a-vis the bond market and manipulating M2b. I am happy with my stock market returns. However, if you have not pivoted to asset rich companies and a posture to protect and profit from a more inflationary environment ( I like lithium, copper, silver, even wood and paper), then its probably too late for you. Originally Posted by tobias1988

You still haven't answered the question - if the economy is "golden", then why are Biden’s approval ratings in the shitter?

Not only did I ask you this obvious question, I just noticed you started a duplicate thread where two other posters (Salty and HF) posed the very same question to you!!

If you can't answer it, just say so - or admit that your premise is wrong!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Computerwise, you sure make a lot of wrong assumptions about me. I am no Democrat and I am no Republican. I believe Biden is an idiot and I believe Trump is an idiot. I believe they both should never have been presidents in the first place. I believe in ageism and that both of those old geezers are incompetent fools.

I am not going to apologize for being fortunate financially. I busted my ass to get to where I am at. So yeah, I don't give a shit about prices. Am I foolish enough to not know it affects other people? Of course I know it does. Do I care? Not really because go work two jobs if you have to. I worked two jobs while going to school full time in undergrad. It sucks and I was always exhausted but I did what I had to do to eat and pay my bills.

If you want to say I like Biden simply because he is not Trump, you are 100% correct. If you want to say I like Biden because he is a game changer, you are 100% incorrect.

To make a simple football analogy; everyone always wants the 2nd string QB who got benched back in the game when the 1st stringer sucks. What they fail to realize is that they simply don't have a QB on the roster who is worth a shit and the 2nd stringer was benched for the current inept 1st stringer only because the 2nd stringer was so bad.
winn dixie's Avatar
^^^ Hey computerwise - thank you for giving Mucus McLame such an eloquent and well-deserved beat-down!! He is an insecure fraud who hates America and doesn't live in the real world. Originally Posted by lustylad

His follow up post is more proof.
  • Tiny
  • 02-10-2022, 07:40 AM
[S. You may be thinking, "what the F*** is he running on about". Yeah, I'm way past my bed time and I see the wine glass is empty.[/SIZE] Originally Posted by HedonistForever
When COVID is long past and Trump has passed away we’ll be like two peas in a pod Hedonist. I figured I better wait until today to post that so you wouldn’t have nightmares.
TechPapi's Avatar
Computerwise, you sure make a lot of wrong assumptions about me. I am no Democrat and I am no Republican. I believe Biden is an idiot and I believe Trump is an idiot. I believe they both should never have been presidents in the first place. I believe in ageism and that both of those old geezers are incompetent fools.

I am not going to apologize for being fortunate financially. I busted my ass to get to where I am at. So yeah, I don't give a shit about prices. Am I foolish enough to not know it affects other people? Of course I know it does. Do I care? Not really because go work two jobs if you have to. I worked two jobs while going to school full time in undergrad. It sucks and I was always exhausted but I did what I had to do to eat and pay my bills.

If you want to say I like Biden simply because he is not Trump, you are 100% correct. If you want to say I like Biden because he is a game changer, you are 100% incorrect.

To make a simple football analogy; everyone always wants the 2nd string QB who got benched back in the game when the 1st stringer sucks. What they fail to realize is that they simply don't have a QB on the roster who is worth a shit and the 2nd stringer was benched for the current inept 1st stringer only because the 2nd stringer was so bad. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Your statements that I bolded mirror mine. I'm not into identity politics. drumpf actually did a few things I agreed with, but he and his cult followers are just a bridge too far for me to support. I like some facts and science with my politics, and sadly that's just not the right these days. Too much anger and self pity.

Problem with the rightards nowadays...if you don't buy 100% of their deluded bullshit, then you must be a "radical leftist." Oh well. Fuck them. I also feel exactly the same way about the screechy far left.
lustylad's Avatar
I'm not into identity politics. drumpf actually did a few things I agreed with... Problem with the rightards... Fuck them. I also feel exactly the same way about the screechy far left. Originally Posted by TechPapi
You just broke my bullshit meter with those lies.

Right now you're the most hyper-partisan, biased, one-sided, closed-minded, annoyingly snarky and trollish trump-hating poster in this forum.

Why pretend otherwise?
TechPapi's Avatar
You just broke my bullshit meter with those lies. Originally Posted by lustylad

I thought I was clear. Bashing drumpf and trump-tards are my guilty pleasure. Some people like chocolate, I like telling stupid people that they're stupid.

Right now you're the most hyper-partisan, biased, one-sided, closed-minded, annoyingly snarky and trollish trump-hating poster in this forum.

So you're saying I'm winning!!!
lustylad's Avatar
Some people like chocolate, I like telling stupid prople that they're stupid. Originally Posted by TechPapi
Fire away!

So you're saying I'm winning!!! Originally Posted by TechPapi
In your dreams.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Why pretend otherwise? Originally Posted by lustylad
I think I see the problem here. You are using English, laced with cogent thought patterns and logic. I think it might only comprehend emojis.

Try this string on them. I'm somewhat sure it might be a Bambino approved dialect even:

Sure, it might be like chicken soup for their soul. It might not cure them, but it won't hurt them either.
HedonistForever's Avatar
You still haven't answered the question - if the economy is "golden", then why are Biden’s approval ratings in the shitter?

Not only did I ask you this obvious question, I just noticed you started a duplicate thread where two other posters (Salty and HF) posed the very same question to you!!

If you can't answer it, just say so - or admit that your premise is wrong! Originally Posted by lustylad

And getting worse by the day. He won't answer the question because he can't answer the question with out addmitting his post is BSC. A sure tell when someone can't answer a simple question.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar