China Is Watching Ukraine

Taiwan would be treated like Ukraine by the U.S.

Putin was simply sick of supporting most of Ukraine for decades and getting a slap in the face in return. NATO talks simply the wrong mistake by Ukraine. I think Biden was far to weak and reactionary however and could have done more to avoid conflict there.
But when it comes to war, China is much different than the northern Bulldog. Sneaky and sly--Viruses, Witches, Potions, and Crusades.
Omg jackoffs. Did you know that Vatican City is watching too. What ever will we do??? Lol n omg n wtf the sky is falling

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Whew! For a second there I though Xi was gonna fly 9 or so military aircraft over Taiwan today. Welp... glad that didn't happen. Wait! WUT?!? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Skipper Xi has decided to take his war ships out for a little romp through the straights this coming week. Come on man, who didn't Xi this one coming?

China Announces Military Exercises in South China Sea from Sunday thru Tuesday
The Chinese Communist government announced military exercises in the South China Sea from Sunday through Tuesday.
The state-sponsored Global Times announced the maneuvers today.
They know, like Russia, that now is their chance to make a move.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
it really depends on how big this naval excerise is before it becomes too obvious.

its been said that u need 1 million men to invade taiwan.

this d-day level operation. there were I think 1000 ships involved that operation.
LexusLover's Avatar
As the WORLD steps up to surround Ukraine with effective and state of the art U.S. developed military fighting machines within easy striking distance of ALL OF UKRAINE and the Ukrainians are stepping up to the fight ...

... I suspect the Chinese might take a look or two.

If they are going to make a move they had better do it while Bitten's in!
LexusLover's Avatar

this d-day level operation. there were I think 1000 ships involved that operation. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
In those days they lacked the quality information systems of today...

... not to mention the effective long-range weapons systems.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'm starting to wonder if China and Russia will get into it over Mongolia.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm starting to wonder if China and Russia will get into it over Mongolia. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
The Russians need fuel for their military transportation.

FYI: It's not being publicized "here at home," but their armored vehicles are running out in Ukraine and the Russians don't "own" the skies in Ukraine to protect them until they get refueled*!!!!

*An old, good friend of mine (RIP) was a "tanker" in Europe during WWII and had many interesting stories and pics he had gotten out of Europe through a Scandinavian country .... he is Black and as he put it: "that's what "we" did!" Going to "wet" a "dry" tank is "problematic"!

The Ukrainians are good at spotting them and dispatching them. Putin didn't learn the Nazis lessons of WWII as they chased the Russians across their country ... those "supply" lines get thin.

It's one thing to be short on food, but not fuel and ammo.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Patton also had fuel supply issues while taking his armored across europe into Germany. His Lorraine campaign was a classic logistics allocation problem.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Patton also had fuel supply issues while taking his armored across europe into Germany. His Lorraine campaign was a classic logistics allocation problem. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
heh. they solved that problem with the red ball express. that was the name of the logistics train that was formed in the wake of pattons logistics problem.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I'm starting to wonder if China and Russia will get into it over Mongolia. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Only thing I see them debating is where to put the super highway and pipe lines through the region.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yes Dilbert.
Patton convinced Ike that his armoured could cut through a weak spot cause the Germans were reinforcing to the north to slow Montgomery down. Battle logistics is taught at every level of military rank. And these old examples are always used.
LexusLover's Avatar
Patton also had fuel supply issues while taking his armored across europe into Germany. His Lorraine campaign was a classic logistics allocation problem. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
What's missing is that Patton "over-ran" his support and neglected to keep the "support" fully informed of his intended strategies. The Brits cautioned him about getting too far "out front" and it is generally accepted that Patton was more interested in speed. He ended up in jeopardy...err... his warriors did.

In the stance circumstance it appears that Putin miscalculated and misinterpreted the resistance that might be encountered ... and I heard that explained yesterday from a former tactical general who was particularly focusing on Putin's "surround" strategy that created a logistical problem with keeping four fronts adequately supplied. One can say "200,000" personnel, but a good portion of those have to provide support functions and that is even more necessary for invasion tactical decisions ... as opposed to those defending their turf.

Contrary to some of the media hype (more in the past) the weapon systems used by the Russians lack some of the expertise and preciseness that U.S. manufactured and provided systems, which were shared during the Trump years to SUPPLEMENT BLANKETS provided during the Bitten/Obaminable years! But the AntiTrumpers can't speak those words without CHOKING on Trump's tweet-style while they fuel up with the rapidly rising fuel prices. They enjoy funding Russia's invasions by buying oil from them. Putin likes it also.

Putin needed this depot and base more than the Ukrainians:

"Climate Change" anyone?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yes LL, and Ike reamed him for that, but then gave him the fuel.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
There's news clips out about a Ukrainian guy roasting a Russian tank crew for being out of gas.