I bet Ukraine wishes it hadn't given back their nukes to Russia!

VitaMan's Avatar
You maintain this the same way you maintain Clinton is a felon. Face up to it, all you want to do is hunt for dirt on Democrats. Nothing more. And now going the pantie route....hilarious. Now spend your day searching for your ass.
VitaMan's Avatar

A real burger. Not the nothing burgers that get produced on here.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Bill Clinton is a convicted felon. Get used to it, believe it, accept it.
lustylad's Avatar
Face up to it, all you want to do is hunt for dirt on Democrats. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Let's be honest, VM... the only reason anyone has to "hunt" for it is because Big Tech in collusion with the Lamestream Media are always frantically trying to cover it up!

A real burger. Not the nothing burgers that get produced on here. Originally Posted by VitaMan
You've tried to sell a million of them, but no one is buying, lol. Dumb on.
VitaMan's Avatar
Bill Clinton is a convicted felon. Get used to it, believe it, accept it. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

You have mentioned this many times. What is the felony Bill Clinton was convicted of ?
VitaMan's Avatar
This part of lustylad's discussion may even more pertinent than the part Barley is so worked up about:

"In my opinion, the real mistakes in US diplomacy occurred later with the pell-mell expansion of NATO and the US support for the 2014 Maidan coup."

And still needing Barley's advise on what felony Bill Clinton was convicted of.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Hold your horses. Unlike you apparently, I have a life. Did some more research and it looks like word parsing time again. Federal Court Judge Susan Webber Wright found Clinton guilty of perjury. He paid a $90,000 fine and lost his law license (which he has never petitioned to have returned). Since this was a "civil matter" it is TECHNICALLY not a felony conviction...in a civil case. Had the same judgement been in a criminal case then it would have risen to the level of a felony. So, the same conviction, different circumstances save Clinton from the shame. However, we should bring up that Clinton admitted to draft dodging when it was a felony. Thanks to Jimmy Carter and the statute of limitations, Clinton walks again. Remember, he admitted to this in public. He was also credibly accused of rape, but the intervening years made prosecution in court impossible. He has NEVER denied the allegation at the time and for years afterward. He sidestepped the question when it came up. He admitted to smoking pot in college and that college was Oxford. England has much more serious drug laws than we ever did. Certainly, would have been a serious conviction if not for the intervening years.

So...technically, Clinton was not convicted of a felony but he was convicted of a crime that could have been a felony. Then there is that whole Epstein mess which Clinton will probably get the clock to run out before there is justice. Of course, Al Capone was not a mobster and never had anyone murdered. Speaking of murder, OJ was completely innocent of anything. Jeffrey Epstein was never convicted of sex trafficking. A lot of people have done bad things and walked away.
So, the moral of the story is Vman will now and forever more not accuse Trump of any criminal wrong doing (without a conviction) or be branded a hyocrite of the highest order.
VitaMan's Avatar
Barley before, several times:

Bill Clinton is a convicted felon. Get used to it, believe it, accept it.

Barley now:

technically, Clinton was not convicted of a felony but he was convicted of a crime that could have been a felony.

There is nothing else to say.
Precious_b's Avatar
TRB, commend you for taking the time to address a person asking for proof and admitting you made a mistake.

Doesn't hurt.

And you are one of the very few people with your POV that has the character to admit so.

As a person who has been there and will be in the future, your have my respect.