Here we go again...gun control.

WTF's Avatar
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  • 05-17-2022, 09:09 AM
... YES - they surely were!

... But Trump was NOT the one who forced them.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
So they were held down and given the shot?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-17-2022, 09:12 AM
Therefore defunding sounds extra stoopid. No? Less cops covering more things. Not working. Eh Comrade? Nor would it.
That's your own dystopian wet dream. Turns out the known mentally defective perp, purchased his legally, even though he had been under scrutiny. Oh, BTW: he did not purchase it from a private citizen, but a licensed dealer. Try using actual facts
No and you know it. Not even a nice try on your part
What we need is sensible crazy mofo control. Is that your new theory? So should probably increase cop funding to do that as well as mental health funding A-N-D punishment for violators. See? Easy-Peasy
Reread all of the above, multiple times and see if the answers are there for ya.
I take it you were savagely assaulted by a bag of dildos, multiple times in your youth. The two are not even remotely related, nor are the perps even remotely related. Frankly, that twist of a logic-break makes you look like, well... a chimp at best. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Hey muther fucker, how about you quote me in context.

I was asking Wacko, not you about his post.

On one hand he said police weren't doing their job and on the other he said we needed more cops.

The reason you do not have mass coordinated shootings is the exact same reason you do not have mass coordinated voter fraud....because it is impossible to do undetected.

Now stfu with your distortions of what is written.
texassapper's Avatar
So they were held down and given the shot? Originally Posted by WTF
You are either being disingenuous or are really stupid.

This is a gun control thread... do you plan to physically hold down everyone and take their weapons from them?


Of course not. It's not necessary to PHYSICALLY hold someone down to force them to take the shot... you simply threaten to remove their ability to feed their families. That FORCES people to get the shot.

You don't have to physically hold down people to pay their taxes, you simply threaten them with jail time... voila.

Stop being a fcukwit, commie.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-17-2022, 09:21 AM
You are either being disingenuous or are really stupid.

This is a gun control thread... do you plan to physically hold down everyone and take their weapons from them?


Of course not. It's not necessary to PHYSICALLY hold someone down to force them to take the shot... you simply threaten to remove their ability to feed their families. That FORCES people to get the shot.

You don't have to physically hold down people to pay their taxes, you simply threaten them with jail time... voila.

Stop being a fcukwit, commie. Originally Posted by texassapper
In that regard the government is forcing you to work. You know...if you do not work for us, your family starves according to your logic.

I was not forced to get the Trump vaccination.

The only fuckwit commie I know is your boyfriend Why Yes I Do
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
We'll tell him you earned your $25 today. I don't need gun control. I practice my gun control regularly. However, I could use a lower price on ammo. That would be the most beneficial thing I can think of. Speaking of curbs - God bless my state for having Constitutional carry so we can set the trash out to the curb as needed.

Venezuela and Cuba don't have a Constitution. You might go try one of those out Comrade.

America - Love it or Leave it.

Challenge to the right; craft some gun control laws that would
A. Be constitutional and save lives because as we all know you guys are very pro-life so show it
B. Would have "greatly help reduced"all shootings
C. Not bother anyone who uses guns for hunting and protecting their properties

If righties had a bit of a brain they would ask themselves why the USA has by far the most shootings of that kind. There has to be a reason and weather or not you think that reason is justify, there's still a reason why. Righties never bothered to try to curb this senseless shit. You can hide all day long behind the 235 years old (obsolete) constitution to justify this madness, but at the end of the day you won't try anything to stop that. So shut the fuck-up and let "lefties" try to fix things. Or maybe you can open your mouth and propose changes that would help your fellow human being! Originally Posted by Clit Eastwood
rexdutchman's Avatar
of course its the gun,,,,, at this fits the insane narrative , But not NY subway, or the guy that ran people down at the parade , But menafesto leftist ? Hum
Simon and Garfunkle....The Sound of Silence. Nothing from the left again. FYI, the some of the first gun laws were written by the NRA. For the last 60 years, no, for the last 90 years the Dems have passed as many gun laws as they can at every tragedy. None of these laws would have stopped the tragedy.

I'm going to give you all on the left another chance but stay on topic. No more ADHD.

Challenge to the right; craft some gun control laws that would

A. Be constitutional and save lives because as we all know you guys are very pro-life so show it
B. Would have "greatly help reduced"all shootings
C. Not bother anyone who uses guns for hunting and protecting their properties

If righties had a bit of a brain they would ask themselves why the USA has by far the most shootings of that kind. There has to be a reason and weather or not you think that reason is justify, there's still a reason why. Righties never bothered to try to curb this senseless shit. You can hide all day long behind the 235 years old (obsolete) constitution to justify this madness, but at the end of the day you won't try anything to stop that. So shut the fuck-up and let "lefties" try to fix things. Or maybe you can open your mouth and propose changes that would help your fellow human being! Originally Posted by Clit Eastwood
I know facts are confusing to the left but here is an article from NPR (National Public Radio) that can explain that the US is actually number 32 in the world for gun violence.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No YR is firmly entrenched it the narrative of the LSM...he just started a self-anointed 5-star thread about it. Originally Posted by bb1961
isn't that Tinky Winky's buddy?
I'm very pro gun rights. Guns don't kill people, people kill people, always have, always will. What seems to be different is the lack of basic respect for life. I never stepped foot on a school campus where there weren't guns from junior high school on. Nobody got shot, kids that had problems with each other went behind the gym. You won or you lost, either way you didn't go to your car and grab your gun. If you wanted you could fight again tomorrow, and the next day, but you didn't go stupid.

That said...and I live in an open carry state and respect that. THERE are people that shouldn't be allowed to own a gun ( or at least carry it in public). I don't blink when I see someone in a store or on the street open carrying, I assume they respect the responsibility they have. Would I want the wacked out panhandler on the corner to have an AR? Honestly, I'd rather they have that than a 12 gauge, but either way, they probably shouldn't have it.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Yeah, I'm not for gun control either. I'm not a gun freak and I have sold mostly all of my guns other than my Henry and a 9. And I don't carry them around with me. They stay in my bedroom away from the kids. They know not to touch them but just in case; I take the necessary precautions to make sure they can't.

Anyway, guns are like many things in this world that whether it is legal or not and you want it, you can easily get it. They could have gun control laws and you know what? I'd still have the same two guns I have now. Or I would still have all of the guns I sold that were just taking up space in my garage... having said that, I have no intention of ever even pointing a gun on any life form. Hell, I don't even go hunting - never have and never will... if I have a problem with someone, I'm more than happy to throw hands if it comes to that, but they'll never have to worry about me pointing a gun at them unless I feel like my life or my family's life is in danger.

So yeah, I don't believe in gun control because crazy fuckers do what crazy fuckers do. If some unstable motherfucker wants to massacre people, he will figure out a way to do so regardless of the gun laws.
ICU 812's Avatar
Gun Control?

As Ted Nugent once said, " Ten in the X-Ring, that is gun control!"
Clit Eastwood's Avatar
We'll tell him you earned your $25 today. I don't need gun control. I practice my gun control regularly. However, I could use a lower price on ammo. That would be the most beneficial thing I can think of. Speaking of curbs - God bless my state for having Constitutional carry so we can set the trash out to the curb as needed.

Venezuela and Cuba don't have a Constitution. You might go try one of those out Comrade.

America - Love it or Leave it.

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Interesting answer, I bet you drive a pick-up truck and you've married your cousin? I'm always amazed at MAGA morons who think that Trump is a strong man! In reality, he's just a little pussy who avoided the war because his daddy paid off a doctor so he wouldn't go. But he's very skill at selling his shit to simple minds.
texassapper's Avatar
Interesting answer, I bet you drive a pick-up truck and you've married your cousin? I'm always amazed at MAGA morons who think that Trump is a strong man! In reality, he's just a little pussy who avoided the war because his daddy paid off a doctor so he wouldn't go. But he's very skill at selling his shit to simple minds. Originally Posted by Clit Eastwood
Another Commie asshole self-identifies.
Yeah, I'm not for gun control either. I'm not a gun freak and I have sold mostly all of my guns other than my Henry and a 9. And I don't carry them around with me. They stay in my bedroom away from the kids. They know not to touch them but just in case; I take the necessary precautions to make sure they can't.

Anyway, guns are like many things in this world that whether it is legal or not and you want it, you can easily get it. They could have gun control laws and you know what? I'd still have the same two guns I have now. Or I would still have all of the guns I sold that were just taking up space in my garage... having said that, I have no intention of ever even pointing a gun on any life form. Hell, I don't even go hunting - never have and never will... if I have a problem with someone, I'm more than happy to throw hands if it comes to that, but they'll never have to worry about me pointing a gun at them unless I feel like my life or my family's life is in danger.

So yeah, I don't believe in gun control because crazy fuckers do what crazy fuckers do. If some unstable motherfucker wants to massacre people, he will figure out a way to do so regardless of the gun laws. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
... Too Right! ... Me basic problem with "gun control" is that
I don't want the police, military and government to be the
onley ones with guns.

Do you?

#### Salty