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The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
what a swell guy, eh! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

The Bank of TWK don't lend no free money.

barley, if you don't mind my asking...

are you and other sailors required to wear red hash marks on their uniforms?

wearing it to show you got in trouble with the captain seems like an equivalent of a "scarlet A" letter. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

for dress uniforms you are required to wear all medals and decorations and service stripes.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Bank of TWK don't lend no free money. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You're bad as other banks when they stiff arm their customers. LOL. 50% interest... Thats ursury!

for dress uniforms you are required to wear all medals and decorations and service stripes.
Aren't there people who hate to wear medals/decorations? Do they have recourse?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You're bad as other banks when they stiff arm their customers. LOL. 50% interest... Thats ursury!

Aren't there people who hate to wear medals/decorations? Do they have recourse? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
TWK be a hardcore loan shark!!


some people probably do hate full dress inspections. i used to till i had my uniform custom tailored to look better. took it to a civilian tailor. you are supposed to keep your dress uniform ready at all times. sometimes they would pull a surprise inspection to see if they can find anyone not ready. i learned the hard way to always have my dress uniform ready. no problemo!

you were allowed to wear corfam dress shoes. no need to shine them. just wipe them off with a wet cloth and a quick buff and good to go.

by regulation you were required to wear all medals/ribbons and insignia and proper rank and service stripes. not sure why someone wouldn't. i wanted everything on my dress uniform especially my petty officer's crow.

yes munchymunch my service stripe was red. blue on my whites.

no munchymunch it doesn't mean i went to Captain's Mast. i wasn't in long enough to have more than one service stripe.
texassapper's Avatar
Aren't there people who hate to wear medals/decorations? Do they have recourse? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Been a VERY long time but unit decorations you had to wear, I thought that individual medals were not required... but that may have only been on mess dress. Once you set up the chest board though, there's no point in not wearing it since generally you took it off one uniform and applied it to another... unless you were really STRAC and kept one for each uniform.
I think this tells you what you need to know.
As far as I was aware, you had to put the hash marks on but since CO's mast was so prevalent, it wasn't a big deal. My first couple of CPOs had red hash marks. The good thing is that if you stayed out of trouble for 12 years then they become gold even if your first six years had problems. We called gold hash marks, 12 years of undetected criminal activity.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Army to Award “The Gay is OK” Ribbon To Entire Force

November 8, 2019 by Article 107 News

Army to Award “The Gay is OK” Ribbon To Entire Force
by Hugh Jashol

Editor’s Note: This article first appeared on The Shadowblog and was re-posted here January 26, 2016 with the permission of the original author.

WASHINGTON D.C. – In an effort to undo the negative influence of more than 100 years of bigotry, harassment, intimidation, and fear of homosexuals in its ranks, the Army announced yesterday that every Soldier will be issued, and required to wear, the new Personnel Ribbon in Diversity Experience, known more colloquially as “The Gay is OK” ribbon. Modeled after a well-known image of tolerance and diversity, the rainbow-hued PRIDE ribbon reflects an evolution in Army diversity, according to Chip Ringgold, the Army’s new LGBTQ Promotion and Integration Coordinator.

The Army’s new “Personnel Ribbon in Diversity Experience,” or “PRIDE,” ribbon.

Awarded after successfully completing mandatory “sexual orientation and re-orientation” training in basic training, the ribbon demonstrates “a clear commitment to righting past wrongs, preserving present power, and ensuring the future legitimacy” of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, and queer community within the Army, said Ringgold during an interview in his Pentagon office.

Sergeant Major of the Army Raymond Chandler confirmed that in addition to banning tattoos and the use of profanity while in uniform, the newest update to the Army’s uniform guidelines, Army Regulation (AR) 670-1, will reflect that this ribbon as the Army’s only “required” award, which all Soldiers will wear in the place of honor, centered on the bottom row of their awards and decorations.

Not everyone is happy with the new decoration, however. While the military brass trumpets its new-found tolerance, the rank and file are wondering what the big deal is all about. “We have always been ‘OK with the gay,’” said Army Corporal Alan Miller, a native of Mobile, Alabama. “Our Army has been at war for twelve years. Guys have been on multiple 12-plus month deployments together. You don’t think we managed to piece together who was gay in all that time? News flash, people: we. don’t. care.”

An excerpt from the new AR 670-1 shows an upstanding Army soldier properly wearing the new PRIDE ribbon.

“This whole Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal thing was a non-issue for us, because we came to terms with gays in our ranks sometime around… October 2001, when we decided we had more important things to worry about, like stopping AQ from blowing the shit out of our country again. People think that because most of the Army’s enlisted members come from the rural South, and that we’re predominantly Christian, that somehow we can’t work with our comrades who are gay. Listen, I worked with the Afghan National Army for eight months, trust me, at this point I can work with ANYONE. If they can do the job, let them serve.”

Other Soldiers agreed. “I’m not gay, I don’t want to be gay, I think I have a grand total of maybe two gay friends. My religious beliefs are important to me, and they say homosexuality is a sin. But so are a lot of other things that go on in Army units and on the battlefield,” said Specialist Demetria Young. I don’t like (homosexuality), it’s not for me, but that doesn’t make it incompatible with military service. As long as there are not special privileges that the Army’s LGBTQ community gets that the rest of us in uniform don’t, I don’t think you’re going to see any kind of major backlash.”

While tolerant of homosexuality and other alternative lifestyles, some Soldiers question why the Army is suddenly giving out an award for basically just being a decent human being. “Now they want to give us a ribbon for not being assholes to our brothers and sisters in uniform simply because they have a different sexual orientation,” said First Lieutenant Arnold Sheppard. “It’s stupid and insulting to give us decorations for doing things we should be doing anyway. That would be like giving every enlisted Soldier a medal every three years for not getting kicked out of the Army for a disciplinary issue… although now that I think about it, we do that too.”

The Army intends to use part of the cost savings derived from the Ryan-Murray military pension reduction plan to offset the expense of establishing and distributing the new PRIDE ribbon throughout the force, which is estimated to be $15 each for Army’s 1.9 million Soldiers.

Article 107 of the military’s Uniform Code of Military Justice covers “False Official Statements.” As our name implies, we are a satirical site, and you shouldn’t think anything we publish is real. You should, however, mercilessly mock anyone who does. You can follow Article 107 News on Twitter at @Article107News. If you’re looking for real news, check out our sister site The Havok Journal. Or you can follow us on Twitter at @HavokJournal.

Yes, we know that the image shown is actually the Army Service Ribbon; the person who wrote this article is in the Army. Additionally, the author isn’t gay, or a “gay ally” or even a liberal. He’s just someone who thinks it’s ridiculous that “the gays” is still an issue.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Leave it to ButtPlug to turn this into a homophobia thread.
texassapper's Avatar

Army to Award “The Gay is OK” Ribbon To Entire Force Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
LOL...... it used to be called the tutti fruiti, but this makes much more sense!
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