Can't wait for the Primetime Hearings on the June 16 Insurrection

berryberry's Avatar
The people from June 16th didn't destroy federal property nor threaten the lives of lawmakers and the VP.. so no, I don't think they are going to sit in jail and rot like the Proud Boys Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
And yet many people who have been politically persecuted for Jan 6 didn't destroy federal property nor threaten the lives of lawmakers and the VP. They did the exact same thing the Colbert insurrectionists did yet some in the Jan 6 group was held in squalor in the DC jail for more than a year without a bail hearing

So again why do those laws only apply to Trump supporters?
And yet many people who have been politically persecuted for Jan 6 didn't destroy federal property nor threaten the lives of lawmakers and the VP. They did the exact same thing the Colbert insurrectionists did yet some in the Jan 6 group was held in squalor in the DC jail for more than a year without a bail hearing

So again why do those laws only apply to Trump supporters? Originally Posted by berryberry

The people in January are all being investigated by the FBI. Even if they didn't do the major action of breaking in to the buildings and putting their feet on desks, they were part of the group of people that did, such is the grounds for investigation.

All of the people in January who had their cell phones with them is going to be investigated by the FBI. Every single one of them. They can track your cell signal, they will know if you were in the building or not. Even if you weren't, you are going to be investigated and if they deem it worthy, hold you in prison until you can be seen in front of a judge. That's our our criminal system worked.

A lot of these Proud Boys were expecting their Messiah Trump to pardon them. But because Trump only cares about his own Rump, he didn't.

Not only did he actively encourage the mob in January to overthrow the election, he implied that because they are 'doing the right thing' for him, they will get a get out of jail free card. Well they didn't.

The people in June didn't break into the capitol with the intent of overthrowing the government, threatening lawmakers, and damaging federal property. They simply didn't, if you can prove that they did that (like how the people in January did), I'm willing to reconsider my position.

But you aren't going to do that, just like how you won't watch a 10 minute long video of selfie footage filmed by the Proud Boys Mob in January in an effort to justify it.

Yes, a few hundred people in a country of over 200 million is 'small', but a few hundred people marching on your front lawn, breaking in to your building, isn't the same kind of 'small', is it? If 40 people drive up to your house and tried to break in, would you say that is a 'small' number of people? Doubt it. Context matters, in everything. You clearly are ignoring context to justify your ignorant opinion.
berryberry's Avatar
The people in January are all being investigated by the FBI. Even if they didn't do the major action of breaking in to the buildings and putting their feet on desks, they were part of the group of people that did, such is the grounds for investigation.

All of the people in January who had their cell phones with them is going to be investigated by the FBI. Every single one of them. They can track your cell signal, they will know if you were in the building or not. Even if you weren't, you are going to be investigated and if they deem it worthy, hold you in prison until you can be seen in front of a judge. That's our our criminal system worked.

A lot of these Proud Boys were expecting their Messiah Trump to pardon them. But because Trump only cares about his own Rump, he didn't.

Not only did he actively encourage the mob in January to overthrow the election, he implied that because they are 'doing the right thing' for him, they will get a get out of jail free card. Well they didn't.

The people in June didn't break into the capitol with the intent of overthrowing the government, threatening lawmakers, and damaging federal property. They simply didn't, if you can prove that they did that (like how the people in January did), I'm willing to reconsider my position.

But you aren't going to do that, just like how you won't watch a 10 minute long video of selfie footage filmed by the Proud Boys Mob in January in an effort to justify it.

Yes, a few hundred people in a country of over 200 million is 'small', but a few hundred people marching on your front lawn, breaking in to your building, isn't the same kind of 'small', is it? If 40 people drive up to your house and tried to break in, would you say that is a 'small' number of people? Doubt it. Context matters, in everything. You clearly are ignoring context to justify your ignorant opinion. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Keep on deflecting and trying to change the focus. It is clear by your comments you believe there should be two different levels of justice in this country. One strict one for Trump supporters, a more lenient one for libtards who commit the same crime

Again, that is what this thread is about. Not your bullshit Jan 6 wet dreams. But how a group of Stephen Colbert insurrectionists illegally entered the Capitol after hours, unescorted when the building was closed to all visitors. Then they created a big disturbance, targeted and filmed certain GOP office areas (likely for purposes of harassment / threatening them), before being arrested. They deserve the same level of treatment and punishment that most Jan 6 protestors who also were charged with unlawful entry / causing a disturbance received.

If you can't admit that when two groups commit the same crime they should receive the same level of treatment / punishment than your words and views are utterly worthless about Jan 6
They aren't the same crime. They are similar, yes, but they are are not the same crime.

Someone drives into a school bus full of children with the intent to kill them. First degree murder.
Someone's breaks fail and that crash into a school bus full of children and they die. Manslaughter

You and fifty of your brothers break into the capitol building armed chanting 'hang mike pence'. That is intent to cause harm and nearly first degree murder.
You and five of your friends break into the capitol building and wander around. That is hardly the same thing as intending to kill the VP and members of congress
berryberry's Avatar
They aren't the same crime. They are similar, yes, but they are are not the same crime.

Someone drives into a school bus full of children with the intent to kill them. First degree murder.
Someone's breaks fail and that crash into a school bus full of children and they die. Manslaughter

You and fifty of your brothers break into the capitol building armed chanting 'hang mike pence'. That is intent to cause harm and nearly first degree murder.
You and five of your friends break into the capitol building and wander around. That is hardly the same thing as intending to kill the VP and members of congress Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
So chanting some absurd statement without any specific action backing it up is now a crime. Really.

And even if you believe it is - your comparison and conclusion fails because only a small number of those charged on Jan 6 did that. Most of the others did exactly what the June 16 Colbert insurrectionists did - unlawfully enter the capital
They aren't the same crime. They are similar, yes, but they are are not the same crime.

Someone drives into a school bus full of children with the intent to kill them. First degree murder.
Someone's breaks fail and that crash into a school bus full of children and they die. Manslaughter

You and fifty of your brothers break into the capitol building armed chanting 'hang mike pence'. That is intent to cause harm and nearly first degree murder.
You and five of your friends break into the capitol building and wander around. That is hardly the same thing as intending to kill the VP and members of congress Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
... Wrong comparison by you.

Most of the protestours from 6th Jan. didn't break in.
The police held the doors open for them.

They were NOT armed... No guns. ... And were NOT chanting
"Hang Pence" as the milled-about the building.
There was NO attempt "to kill the VP and members
of Congress." ... None.

The "nearly first degree murder" act that you mention
was against Justice Kavanaugh.
Have YOU condemned the attempts to SCARE him and his
family - and scare the other Justices??

YOU are again being LIED-TO by the liberal media.
And that's surely okay IF you believe it.

### Salty
Iceman's Avatar
Originally Posted by Iceman

The whole Trump supporters are against Antifa is insanity. Do you know what Antifa means? Anti-fascists.

Why are Trump supporters PRO Fascism?

If they dressed up on Jan 6th, they were committing domestic terrorism. Doesn't matter what party they are in, what god they pray to, or the color of their skin
berryberry's Avatar
The whole Trump supporters are against Antifa is insanity. Do you know what Antifa means? Anti-fascists.

Why are Trump supporters PRO Fascism?

If they dressed up on Jan 6th, they were committing domestic terrorism. Doesn't matter what party they are in, what god they pray to, or the color of their skin Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Thanks for showing us even more ignorance and lack of knowledge with this response. Unreal. Try educating yourself on the issue
The whole Trump supporters are against Antifa is insanity. Do you know what Antifa means? Anti-fascists.

Why are Trump supporters PRO Fascism?

If they dressed up on Jan 6th, they were committing domestic terrorism. Doesn't matter what party they are in, what god they pray to, or the color of their skin Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
... So IF they dressed on 6th Jan. then they committed
"domestic terrorism"?? ... But when Antifa and the
BLM people were burning down police houses and
destroying business buildings and setting churches a-fire
- that was what? ... Just protesting??

And shutting down whole city blocks and NOT allowing
police or firemen or medics inside - what do ya call THAT??

... just askin'

### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
They aren't the same crime. They are similar, yes, but they are are not the same crime.

Someone drives into a school bus full of children with the intent to kill them. First degree murder.
Someone's breaks fail and that crash into a school bus full of children and they die. Manslaughter Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
That’s an accident. Horrific, yes, but not manslaughter or any other crime.

You and fifty of your brothers break into the capitol building armed chanting 'hang mike pence'. That is intent to cause harm and nearly first degree murder.
You and five of your friends break into the capitol building and wander around. That is hardly the same thing as intending to kill the VP and members of congress
Let us know if that ever happens.
berryberry's Avatar
Chad Pergram - From colleague Jake Gibson. The "Colbert 7 Insurrectionists" are slated to appear on July 20 in DC Superior Court after being arrested last week and charged with unlawful entry into the Longworth House Office Building.
Chad Pergram - From colleague Jake Gibson. The "Colbert 7 Insurrectionists" are slated to appear on July 20 in DC Superior Court after being arrested last week and charged with unlawful entry into the Longworth House Office Building. Originally Posted by berryberry
Thank you berry, when I'm feeling down, all I have to do is read some of your post to put a smile on my face. keep up the good work
berryberry's Avatar
Chad Pergram - From colleague Jake Gibson. The "Colbert 7 Insurrectionists" are slated to appear on July 20 in DC Superior Court after being arrested last week and charged with unlawful entry into the Longworth House Office Building. Originally Posted by berryberry
This actually is another example of the two different justice systems in DC - one for Republicans, one for Libtards. While January 6 defendants have to face the kangaroo court known as DC District Court these libtard activists get off easy at the DC Superior Court. Why?
berryberry's Avatar

Politico’s Betsy Woodruff Swan: "I have talked with two separate Democratic members of Congress in the last couple of weeks about January 6th … Both of them have said, offhandedly, ‘Nobody gives a bleep about January 6th'"