Trump just delivered the biggest win for Conservatives in 3 generations

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fuck republicans and all Trump supporters. Originally Posted by txpilot3

if you say so
HedonistForever's Avatar
Yet another issue the states can wrestle with and fight over....until one state sues another, and the case winds it way up the court system.....until it reaches the Supreme Court.

Cities fight over new sports stadiums and who will pay for them. The taxpayer ? Always, until some clever official thought that out of town visitors can pay for them by taxing rental room and cars. Of course if there is not enough money, the city is then obligated to pay. Clever governments.

As for Trump ? There are many tapes of him stating he was pro choice. Has he said anything recently about this issue over the last year ? Or has he been too busy spouting off the election fraud nonsense.

Trump is a plain scumbag carpet bagger dressed in different clothes. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Shall we review the history of statements by Biden that he has now switched to? Like

When Joe Biden Voted to Let States Overturn Roe v. Wade

It was a new era in Washington in 1981, and abortion rights activists were terrified.

With an anti-abortion president, Ronald Reagan, in power and Republicans controlling the Senate for the first time in decades, social conservatives pushed for a constitutional amendment to allow individual states to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling that had made abortion legal nationwide several years earlier.

]The amendment — which the National Abortion Rights Action League called “the most devastating attack yet on abortion rights” — cleared a key hurdle in the Senate Judiciary Committee in March 1982. Support came not only from Republicans but from a 39-year-old, second-term Democrat: Joseph R. Biden Jr.

“I’m probably a victim, or a product, however you want to phrase it, of my background,” Mr. Biden, a Roman Catholic, said at the time. The decision, he said, was “the single most difficult vote I’ve cast as a U.S. senator.”

The bill never made it to the full Senate, and when it came back up the following year, Mr. Biden voted against it. His back-and-forth over abortion would become a hallmark of his political career.

As Mr. Biden prepares for the possibility of a third presidential run, women’s rights leaders and activists in both parties are recalling these shifts on abortion, which are likely to draw fresh scrutiny in a Democratic primary race where women are expected to make up a majority of voters.
Maybe Clarence will get the court to revisit Loving. Since they are based on the same underlying theory.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
1b1, the funny thing is that I can promise you that 95% of the Trumpettes reading your post would have had no idea what you are talking about until today, but on a positive note in such a negative forum, what a perfect last name for all that they endured just to be together and to love each other.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Maybe Clarence will get the court to revisit Loving. Since they are based on the same underlying theory. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Thomas is married to a white woman... butt u knew that, right?

1b1, the funny thing is that I can promise you that 95% of the Trumpettes reading your post have no idea what you are talking about, but what a perfect last name for all that they endured to be together. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

and you'd be wrong. butt when did that stop you?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-24-2022, 08:20 PM
it then becomes exactly what the ruling says .. a State's rights issue.


note that this does not outlaw abortion altogether. it's now back to the States were it was before. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You wanna bet that Republicans don't try and make it a Federal ban?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-24-2022, 08:22 PM
Thomas is married to a white woman... butt u knew that, right?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
And the Loving ruling made it so that Thomas could marry a white woman.

Me thinks you miss the sarcasm.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And the Loving ruling made it so that Thomas could marry a white woman.

Me thinks you miss the sarcasm. Originally Posted by WTF

are you sure Perry Mason was being sarcastic?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You wanna bet that Republicans don't try and make it a Federal ban? Originally Posted by WTF

Fuck Trump and his Nazi thralls.

The 2022 midterms are no longer in question. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I agree.

The majority of Americans will get completely turned off when they get a look at the ridiculous protestors wailing and moaning about not being able to abort babies on demand,

And give the Republicans a landslide victory.
May be one of the stupidest statements you’ve ever made, AE, and you’ve made a few. Actually in this very thread.

How might they have codified it so activist judges couldn’t have burnt it up?

Please explain.

Next time an “unborn” cuts you off on the street, remember them rights.

And God Damn Trump. Standing up for the rights of the uneducated Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What are you going to do, scream and tell them they should have been aborted, lol.
VitaMan's Avatar
It looks like some of you are getting dumber in real time. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Now there's a stupid statement.
You know, isn't it ironic that the party that can't define a woman wants to lecture us on women's rights. Those fucking morans are such hypocrites.
VitaMan's Avatar
The Supreme Court can't create rights. Maybe the next decision will affect you.

Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip hmmmmmmmm

get a job! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Hee Hee! ... Thanks, Yssup... Now THAT'S FUNNY!

#### Salty