Name Change

John Bull's Avatar
Just make sure you check the members list to make sure the name hasn't been taken already.
Awesome Idea: I like both - your idea of Sophia Taylor or London`s choice of Chloe Taylor.
Both awesome!!!!

ps: and btw - compliments to your thumbnail photo - really great! Makes me want to see more of them..... wonderful legs, darling, and wonderful photograph! Originally Posted by ninasastri
Thank you Nina! I had that and a few others taken at this uber-gorgeous hotel I stayed at the other day, will get around to doing new website soon as I'm still mad busy. About to take a movie break, thank God.

Thank you for the suggestions, the name Kensington has been suggested to me via a back channel and I like it, what do you think? I looked up 'Chloe Kensington' on Google and there's actually what sounds like a really good club called Chloe in Kensington. I spent a lot of time in Kensington.

Chloe Kensington - I'm veering towards that, any thoughts?
London Rayne's Avatar
Can't go wrong with the last name "Kennedy" either.

Chloe Kensington - I'm veering towards that, any thoughts? Originally Posted by AphroditeAmanda
Awesome, very unique and stylish, sounds a bit like british royalty. Yes, definetely. It gives the impression of class and something stylish, but understated.
Great choice.
London Rayne's Avatar
I like it as well...great choice.
Thanks Nina and London! I'll now send a message to John Bull.

Whew, the creative process takes some turns but always a pleasure.

Amanda/Chloe xxx
One last thing - I think London's idea of using Kennedy as a last name is great. I have my reservations about taking that on but I think that'd be a great name for another companion to take on.

(My reservations? I'm not sure I'll be around that long. Shame to waste a great name like that. Then I'm not sure what the amplitude of expectations - including regarding historical knowledge! - would be with a name like that. It'd help make a strong brand though.)
John Bull's Avatar
AA - the request is in and you'll soon have your new persona!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Congratulations!!!!! I love the new name !
AA - the request is in and you'll soon have your new persona! Originally Posted by John Bull
Thank you John, people noted that it had been done very expeditiously!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Moretti for some reason sounds better with Anastasia but I like Chloe Kensington.

I see you've picked Aphrodite Amanda pardon my lateness lol
Blake is really popular. You have sarah blake & blake rose. If you are cool sharing then rock on. I always say give yourself a week... you'll know it when it comes. Let it come to you.
Chloe Kensington

Great choice.
Very sleek. Very royal. Very tasteful.
I like, I like.

great choice. I want to change mine to Anita Lay or Anita Bone