to likinikki and our other long time known and trusted Cowboy fans here on eccie.....

Doglegg's Avatar
I am a fan of the boys and I winced when Romo got clonked, but holy moly, the second stringer started performing like Romo on a bad day.

When Romo came back out my thoughts were WTF?

But geez he really came out with determination,

I'm not willing to give him an A+ but I will go with a B+.

After learning he came back in with broken ribs AND a punctured lung, he sucked it up to earn an A-.

Not a Romo fan, but he deserves respect with that one.
Dogg, I'm a fan of your BOYS too! (lol) Well, we shall see tonight what Dallas is made of! And, then...the Lions next! I have to give a shout out to Detroit...they sure have surprised everyone across the board!

can you help Costa with the "huts hut huts" a little bit mate????

Cowboys 18
Redskins 16

Marcus78's Avatar
It wasn't the purtiest, but she'll do! A win is a win.
txtaz's Avatar
  • txtaz
  • 09-27-2011, 07:59 AM
18 points and all field goals. Bailey has a future.
Dennis, that was utterly embarASSking! Seriously, my Dallas cat could have tossed the ball better, and she doesn't even have hands! Oh well, was happy for the win!

So, what are the bets for next week's game?
Iced our own kicker? Bonehead decision cost us tonight...just about the dumbest thing I've seen in awhile!
Marcus78's Avatar
Uh Nikki please don't pump painful reminders, I mean threads, older than 30 days....LOL

Even before the icing, we had time to run 2 more plays at least! Who knows? We could have advanced the ball another 10-15 yards or even scored a touchdown. I'm seriously entertaining the thought that Jason Garrett got paid to call that timeout. It will go down in the highlight reels of the most amazing/WTF? moments in football for years to come! LOL
.....and I do hope you know I am not the greatest Jerry Jones fan in the whole wide world; however, I do hope all of you caught the camera glimpse of him in his private box with his back turned in what appeared to be utter disgust with what had just happened

and above all I have not heard Garrett offer any form of comment other than it was a coaching decision to make sure the team was set.....listen to his bullshit

he needs called to the principal's office
Marcus78's Avatar
Dennis, I've never seen such an illogical call in my life! He has no good answer for why he called that timeout. I felt bad for the kicker. He nailed the first one and had it stolen from him by his own coach!

We had the time and timeouts, so why not run it again...twice!?!? Like I said, at worst you pick up 5 yards or so. At best, you break free and score a TD or set up a chip-shot of a FG. I am truly baffled by what happened in last night's game. Being a Cowboys fan is hard on the old ticker I'm afraid! LOL
to me ===> this IS coaching in the NFL (or any other organized sport for that matter)
Ah geez, sorry Marcus...forgot this thread was that old! I just didn't feel like starting a new thread just to whine a little!

Guess I was hoping for a little spanking...I was just in one of those, "would someone please pinch me, I can't believe this just happened" moods! Ugh! Well, glad to see Houston had a good game! Heck, they don't even have a 1st or 2nd string QB...and won by 7pts! Get a clue Garrett...someone needs to lose their job!
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Commentators were saying the special teams coach advised Garrett to call the time out, regardless, as a friend said, Garrett is the head coach and it was his decision to make the call.

Really don't see the Cowboys going very far into the playoffs, so this maybe the last season for Garrett anyway, Jerry Jones will make a change.
Maybe so Aljan...Jerry didn't look very happy yesterday! (lol)