Trump says he’s been indicted!!!

Don't forget Bam - leftists want the country destroyed. Leftists hate America. Leftists don't care about the rule of law in this country. Leftists only care about themselves and taking down their political opponents by any means possible.

Make sure you are stocked up on ammo Originally Posted by berryberry
Stocked up on ammo? Lmfaooooo
berryberry's Avatar
When you have two Trump haters in the media scoffing at this, just imagine how repugnant, ill informed and anti American the leftists must be that are cheering this

Chris Cuomo and Matt Taibbi scoff and cast doubt on the charges Trump was reportedly indicted over.

Cuomo says they appear "at or below a level" anyone would deem "impressive."

Taibbi say, "A person who grew up in a third world country, you would recognize this kind of thing... "
We're not "ill informed". trump has been indicted in the classified docs case on 7 counts. He will appear in a Miami court on Tuesday. Let me know if any of that is untrue. TIA.
HDGristle's Avatar
Looks like Federal District Judge Cannon has been initially assigned the case.

The Tuesday proceedings will be before Magistrate Judge Reinhart.
The best/funniest part of this whole thing is: trump was given every opportunity to return the classified docs (which he was in illegal possession of). He had 6ish months to cooperate like any mature adult would. This was before any search warrants were issued. trump was treated with kid gloves by the DOJ until it became clear he had no intention of cooperating with the investigation.

Any other politician you can name (on either side) in recent classified docs news immediately cooperated, showed remorse and returned the requested materials.

Therein lies the difference. trump thinks he's above the law. Well, he's not. Anybody (including trump) who thinks he's being mistreated by the DOJ "witch hunt" is sadly ill-informed. These indictments were 100% self-inflicted and totally avoidable. In tennis, they would be called unforced errors.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Glad to find out Trump’s my hero, I was wondering about that

Heard on the news that Putin had his anti-war, political rival imprisoned after a decade of harassment.
Oh, wait…..
bambino's Avatar

Due to the weaponization of the executive branch, We need to change our language.

The USA is not a “Democracy” or a “Republic”, this is a totalitarian dictatorship.

Biden is not our “leader” he is a tyrannical dictator.

It’s time We called the spade a spade.
Lol. A bit dramatic maybe?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Not at all. Learn your history.

The DOJ has just indicted a criminal. That's what they're supposed to be doing. trump was given every opportunity over 6 months or so to cooperate, and he refused. He's a fucking criminal and a traitor. This is exactly what the Department of Justice should be doing. It's literally part of what makes America great. Grow up.
berryberry's Avatar
HDGristle's Avatar
Why did you leave off Putin?
Originally Posted by berryberry
trump's mating call for the entire 2016 campaign was "LOCK HER UP!". And of course he would have if he could have, and his supporters would have loved it. Lol. Hilarious all the pearl clutching going on in here. The DOJ actually indicts a real criminal for real crimes, and the "law and order" people are losing their minds 🤣
Why did you leave off Putin? Originally Posted by HDGristle
I'm guessing Putin was removed from the meme to incorrectly include Biden.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The indictment is hysterical. They’re pissed that Trump outed Milley (and who knows who else) re: China.

Just like witches at black masses, baby. God forbid we have ANYONE in government that wants solutions that don’t involve dropping bombs. Trump’s days above ground are numbered, and it won’t be from too many Big Macs.