July 19th

berryberry's Avatar
Indictments and convictions are all that matter. Until then, this is a big yawn... Originally Posted by tommy156
You sound as bad as the moronic Democrats at the hearing with the Whistleblowers, unable to poke holes in their story. Unable to question their motives, given they are both well respected career agents and especially given one is a lifelong gay Democrat

The American people are learning the truth, no matter how much the corrupt media try to ignore it and the corrupt DOJ tries to cover it up. The truth is what matters.
berryberry's Avatar
Jonathon Turley - So far, the Democrats have largely avoided any specific questions on the specific allegations. However, the "look squirrel, squirrel" tactic is hard to maintain as a distraction. That is particularly when you have two respected experts saying "felony, felony."

The details on from these witnesses is crushing efforts to avoid dealing with the uncharged felonies. Indeed, their eye for details has been on display. These are the green-eye-shade experts who live on facts.

The Democrats continual effort to change the subject and to avoid the specific allegations is obvious. It is about a subtle as bringing in a seal bouncing a ball in hearing room.
berryberry's Avatar
Whistleblowers are destroying the Senile Biden crime family with facts. Committee Democrats are flailing. AG Garland is the DOJ and he obstructed the IRS. And he’s now obstructing the appointment of a special counsel. I suspect, in part, because of his own criminal conduct in obstructing the investigation
berryberry's Avatar
IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler to Rep MTG: "There were deductions for what we believe to be escorts and then that $10,000 golf club membership, yes, that was not a golf club membership. That was for a sex club payment."

berryberry's Avatar
SAVAGE: MTG brings the receipts of Hunter Biden's criminal behavior involving him in human trafficking violations.

Marjorie the GOAT for this one - pics included.

The Biden Crime Family are one of the most disgusting and unbecoming families this country has ever seen. A disgrace.

I can't post the clip because the Biden Crime Family is that disgusting that it is not allowed on a hooker board
berryberry's Avatar
Shapley just said that he had been retaliated against by the Senile Biden Administration. This includes being shunned by his immediate supervisor who has not spoken to him since June 1, 2023.
berryberry's Avatar
Rep. Gary Palmer: Was there other evidence in this investigation that you were denied access to?

IRS Whistleblower Shapley: "Yes. The Hunter Biden laptop."

berryberry's Avatar
Rep. Jim Jordan: Did US Attorney Weiss state that the DOJ prevented him from filing felony charges against Hunter Biden?

IRS Whistleblower Shapley: "Yes, he told me he was not the deciding person on whether or not charges were filed. He told us that DC US Attorney had declined to allow charges. He told us that he requested special counsel authority from main DOJ and was denied that authority."

berryberry's Avatar
Rep. Andy Biggs asks the IRS Whistleblowers who they think “the Big Guy” and “Dad” refer to in numerous, potentially criminal communications.

Both of them say President Joe Biden.

berryberry's Avatar
Jonathon Turley: Rep. Goldman just tripped the wire on Joe Biden. In trying to grill the whistleblowers to show that there is no evidence that Joe Biden was involved, he elicited an answer that the witnesses established that Joe Biden did discuss business deals of Hunter with the Chinese

Goldman prompted a sworn statement from the investigator that Biden did indeed discuss his son's business deals. In doing so, Goldman may have delivered one of the most damaging moments in the hearing for the Bidens.
Looks like the MAGA got what they were looking for today.


“Today’s hearing is like most of the majority’s investigations and hearings: A lot of allegations, zero proof, no receipts – but apparently, some dick pics,” Garcia said.
matchingmole's Avatar
It was a total imaginary burger of nothingness

Pure theatrics
berryberry's Avatar
Not surprising that the leftists are living in denial after the Senile Biden Crime Family was fully exposed today by two extremely credible whistleblowers.

But hey, don't take my word for it, here is award winning journalist and noted liberal Glenn Greenwald:

Two IRS whistleblowers are currently testifying before Congress, under oath, about the multi-pronged pressure applied by the DOJ to protect Hunter Biden from more serious prosecution.

Nobody watching CNN or MSNBC would, of course, have any idea that this is happening.

One huge problem for Dems is that both of these IRS whistleblowers are clearly credible: just anyone with an open mind watching them would see that.

They're rhetorically constrained, careful with their claims, and eschewing inflammatory words. And they have zero self-interest.

So in the absence of any ability to attack the credibility of these whistleblowers - who are emphatic about the fact that the DOJ improperly intervened to protect Hunter -- the Dem-allied media is just preventing them from being seen.
berryberry's Avatar
Oversight Committee:

Today IRS whistleblowers provided evidence revealing how the Justice Department treated the Bidens differently. Thank you to the two brave whistleblowers, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, for having tremendous courage in coming forward.

From the hearing, we learned:

- Hunter received millions of dollars from China, Ukraine, and Romania.

- There is evidence Joe Biden knew and was possibly involved in his family’s business schemes.

- Hunter Biden should have been charged with a tax felony, not just the tax misdemeanor charge.

- The assigned prosecutors did not follow the ordinary process, slow-walked the investigation, and put in place unnecessary approvals and roadblocks.

- The whistleblowers confirm they were not allowed to follow evidence that could have led to Joe Biden.

- Both whistleblowers confirmed they had never seen or heard of the FBI’s FD-1023 form alleging Joe Biden was involved in a bribery scheme during their investigation.

- Both Shapley and Ziegler confirmed they were retaliated against. Shapley, who is still employed by the IRS, has not heard from his direct supervisor in six weeks.
It was a total imaginary burger of nothingness

Pure theatrics Originally Posted by matchingmole
Yep. Nothing Burgers are their specialty. Always taste so sweet lol.