
Checking out the Obama waterfront home in this post.
How does a “Career Public Servant” end up their their wealth. Several Multimillion dollar homes.
Have they shared their wealth.
berryberry's Avatar
So to recap

- Barack Obama’s chef died on a pond on his property.

- the official story has changed multiple times.

- they’re hiding the identity of the 2nd paddle-boarder.

- police are leaving blanks in their notes. No information.

- the media isn’t even curious about what really happened.

and now here’s the first picture of Barack Obama since his personal chef mysteriously “drowned” at the Obama’s family house on Marthas Vineyard.

Take a close look... There are bandages all over his fingers and his left eye appears to be bruised. It looks like Barack was in a physical altercation with someone.

He also told police he wouldn’t be questioned or give a statement.

DNinja69's Avatar
I will just leave this here for anyone who may be interested in the story:

winn dixie's Avatar
I will just leave this here for anyone who may be interested in the story:

https://srilanka.factcrescendo.com/e...f-obamas-chef/ Originally Posted by DNinja69
I highly question this site seekers site.
berryberry's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
Massachusetts state police are covering up information about the drowning of Barack Obama's personal chef, labeling the incident an accident but continuing to withhold information under the guise of an 'ongoing investigation', DailyMail.com can reveal.

It's been 11 days since Tafari Campbell drowned in a pond bordering the former president's estate, but authorities are rejecting requests for even basic facts including the identity of the sole witness and the 911 caller.

The state is citing a Public Records Law exemption that allows police to withhold any information that could jeopardize an active investigation.
winn dixie's Avatar
Most posters laughed at myself and Berryberry in this thread. Thats ok! Wednesdays interview about bathhouse Barry should get folks on track.
The chef did not just drown. Whether jealousy from Michael or lovers spat with Barry? The chef was murdered!
berryberry's Avatar
Most posters laughed at myself and Berryberry in this thread. Thats ok! Wednesdays interview about bathhouse Barry should get folks on track.
The chef did not just drown. Whether jealousy from Michael or lovers spat with Barry? The chef was murdered! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yeah but as usual, the leftists who doubted us were wrong

Bathhouse Barry has been exposed and will be further on Wednesday

Sadly like the number of people who died at the hands of the Clintons, I suspect no one will ever really investigate the murder of Bathhouse Barry's chef any further. Democrat politicians have a way of covering things up as we have seen