Encounter: Kelly O

stein's Avatar
  • stein
  • 12-07-2023, 04:04 PM
When was your last visit with her?
Just my 2 cents. My guess is Kelly has been active for 40 years. Maybe her earlier years she was not seeing people for cash but because of her age it’s a good chance she has been active that long. My second guess is that there are women in the world who don’t charge money and my have some things you don’t want to share. My 3rd guess is pillow used his own money so he gets to say how he wants it. No one is going to tell you what to put on your hamburger. 4th. This thread is entertaining as all get out.
stein's Avatar
  • stein
  • 12-07-2023, 06:38 PM
I hate to spoil your fun but 40 years is about 2 times as long as it should be
i first met her on chamberlain st summer 2006. introduced her to Cindy and she started working there . dont think she was brand new to industry in 06 so thats roughly 17 years and change . dont think ive seen her in 15 years
stein's Avatar
  • stein
  • 12-08-2023, 05:04 AM
Your math seems more accurate
Your math seems more accurate Originally Posted by stein
You must be in love and delusional. She has definitely been doing this more than half her life. I honestly think she looks better now than she did 20 years ago. She has been using the same ad and pictures for as long as I can remember. Her age is always the same and I am sure she was older than she stated when she started using the ad. Enough of this nonsense. I had fun, I was very impressed at how she aged and some guys like more experienced women. I hope this review helps her out and I can't wait to see her in another 20 years.
stein's Avatar
  • stein
  • 12-08-2023, 07:25 AM
Amen pillowlips, glad you enjoyed your visit. Don't wait 20 years though. Lol
ben dover's Avatar
Who cares how long she's been doing this, if you like the experience go for it and if you don't then DON'T. I think Big Dad is close actually, at least 30+ years anyway.
stein's Avatar
  • stein
  • 12-08-2023, 08:58 AM
Off by 10 BD
Who cares how long she's been doing this, if you like the experience go for it and if you don't then DON'T. I think Big Dad is close actually, at least 30+ years anyway. Originally Posted by ben dover
Ok, let's be conservative.
365 days a year times 1 guy a day times 20 years is almost 8000 conservatively. I would feel comfortable betting that it could be almost twice as high and closer to 16000 VS 8000. I will most definitely require a CBJ with those type of figures or anything even close to those figures. There will be no daty. No dato and definitely nothing uncovered. That's my reasoning for CBJ. I don't care how good a regular bj would feel. I still carry a bottle of alcohol and wipes with me to clean up after a CBJ. I would be scrubbing it will a SOS pad if it was uncovered.
ben dover's Avatar
Off by 10 BD Originally Posted by stein
OK so 40 it is..
stein's Avatar
  • stein
  • 12-08-2023, 05:47 PM
That's 10 in the wrong direction. 20 years is more accurate
elghund's Avatar
Who woulda thunk we would get math lessons around here?

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Who woulda thunk we would get math lessons around here?

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
but is she still a awesome ... cook ????