Absentee / Mail In Ballots and Election Fraud by the Democrats

berryberry's Avatar
All bullshit by far-right extremist trying to discredit our elections. Zero proof, just lies and bullshit. Originally Posted by rmg_35
I didn't realize the NY Times was part of your far-right extremist group.

I also didn't realize that a Democrat judge pointing to videos showing ‘partisans’ repeatedly stuffing absentee ballots into drop boxes was part of your far-right extremist group.

Was the CT State Election Enforcement Commission who found evidence of criminality in the 2019 Democratic primary for mayor and the judge who ordered a Democratic primary for state representative to be rerun amid ballot fraud all part of your far-right extremist group too ???
lustylad's Avatar
All bullshit by far-right extremist trying to discredit our elections. Zero proof, just lies and bullshit. Originally Posted by rmg_35
The judge in Bridgeport CT disagrees with you, rmg. There was enough proof of fraud to persuade him to require a local election to be conducted all over again.

But hey, that just involved a Democratic primary in an overwhelmingly Democratic city, right? No biggie, and certainly not instructive for any contestable elections where Republicans are on the ballot, huh?

Was the Bridgeport judge a "far-right extremist"? When did it become an "extreme" position to want to safeguard election integrity?
Cody69's Avatar
Why don't we all picket then, We want everyone to show up in person. Where I live we usually has like 300 people tops for the entire day. I walk up, vote, leave. I have heard of people especially down south in black area's (mostly democrats) wait in line 8 to 12 hours to vote.

So if we want voting in person and I can walk right in and vote, lets make it a fare election. Who ever the person is that waits in line the longest, (and by the way you honest republicans have made it a law down there no one can bring them food or drinks, I wish I was kidding, I have watched that on TV in the past couple of years), lets get a timer and have everyone wait the same either amount of time in the cold or hot even though they don't have to, the same amount of the time. By the way, I don't think they are allowed to take lawn chairs either. I guarantee we would have mail in's or more places to vote.

Because we want fair elections and we don't want mail in's anymore especially since Trump lost. It was only a fair election when he won against crooked Hilary. Lets go one step further put every ones thumb in dye just like they do in the crazy countries like Iran. So we know they already voted.

That way no rice paper, dead people, voting twice, filling votes out for your dementia mother or dad. I'm in, when do we picket?

You guys are smart, set it up. Broad cast it on TV. You heard of the million man march, we should easily be able to get 10 million men march.
I didn’t read one sentence of this thread but wouldn’t it be possible to hire someone incredibly intelligent and have him invent a sure fire 100% voting system. Kinda stupid that a country as great as ours can’t have a system signed off by dems, gop and MAGA.
I didn’t read one sentence of this thread but wouldn’t it be possible to hire someone incredibly intelligent and have him invent a sure fire 100% voting system. Kinda stupid that a country as great as ours can’t have a system signed off by dems, gop and MAGA. Originally Posted by Charley3
Well, when one faction (MAGA) refuses to accept losing an election, it's kinda hard to find common ground with that. They don't believe in numbers and math.
Cody69's Avatar
Well, when one faction (MAGA) refuses to accept losing an election, it's kinda hard to find common ground with that. They don't believe in numbers and math. Originally Posted by tommy156
Why couldn't we use our SS Number that everyone has to have now and go to a secure server just like you credit card, bank accounts, SS account, and vote. Period. How much work would that be. Have programmers from Amazon design it being there site is easy to find and use. Unlike some sites. Have the GOP in charge of security with the Dems watching over there shoulder because the democrats always win more elections than the GOPer's.

We won't mention what will and has happened every time that they lose, even when the polls all show who is leading the polls. That way three years later, the losers could move on with there life and do there life's work.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why don't we all picket then, We want everyone to show up in person. Where I live we usually has like 300 people tops for the entire day. I walk up, vote, leave. I have heard of people especially down south in black area's (mostly democrats) wait in line 8 to 12 hours to vote.

So if we want voting in person and I can walk right in and vote, lets make it a fare election. Who ever the person is that waits in line the longest, (and by the way you honest republicans have made it a law down there no one can bring them food or drinks, I wish I was kidding, I have watched that on TV in the past couple of years), lets get a timer and have everyone wait the same either amount of time in the cold or hot even though they don't have to, the same amount of the time. By the way, I don't think they are allowed to take lawn chairs either. I guarantee we would have mail in's or more places to vote.

Because we want fair elections and we don't want mail in's anymore especially since Trump lost. It was only a fair election when he won against crooked Hilary. Lets go one step further put every ones thumb in dye just like they do in the crazy countries like Iran. So we know they already voted.

That way no rice paper, dead people, voting twice, filling votes out for your dementia mother or dad. I'm in, when do we picket?

You guys are smart, set it up. Broad cast it on TV. You heard of the million man march, we should easily be able to get 10 million men march. Originally Posted by Cody69

if you mean Texas you are wrong. the law prevents operatives of any political party and that includes Democrats from providing such things because it could be considered an inducement to vote a certain way.

you need to stop watching CNN and MSNBC they intentionally distort anything they don't want you to know the truth about.
Cody69's Avatar
I seen what I am talking about either in Georgia, NC, SC or Alabama one of those states that had blacks ride in the back of the bus years ago. They still try doing things to them. That is the truth, to bad some can't see that. Not letting them have someone give them water or food after numerous hours of standing in line where the white area's have AC or heat in a building standing in short lines. Look it up if it bother you guys, its out there, I don't need to prove myself. I am not still fighting Hilary losing the election 7 years later.

That is what your republicans have created in election reform. God Forgive them. Maybe one day things won't be like this.

My news comes from CBS, NBC or ABC. Trusted and awarded winning news stations. Middle of the road both for dems and republicans. Fare as fare can be. As far as I know they have never had to pay a 800 million dollar fine for not telling the truth nor did they have to fire there staff. As far as I know neither has CNN the news channel that all GOP hate because there cult leader told them too. I don't have cable anymore. Ever since the last administration put all of the added fees to own it.

I don't get my news from the Pillow guy, Mike Lindell either.
Well, when one faction (MAGA) refuses to accept losing an election, it's kinda hard to find common ground with that. They don't believe in numbers and math. Originally Posted by tommy156
Somehow this can be forced on the MAGAs. I got to believe if our government ever actually did something to make this nauseating topic of rigged elections go away, it can be fixed.
Put together a think tank of mixed party geniuses to make it foolproof. Otherwise this is now the new norm. “If I lose, it’s rigged”.
Why couldn't we use our SS Number that everyone has to have now and go to a secure server just like you credit card, bank accounts, SS account, and vote. Period. How much work would that be. Have programmers from Amazon design it being there site is easy to find and use. Unlike some sites. Have the GOP in charge of security with the Dems watching over there shoulder because the democrats always win more elections than the GOPer's.

We won't mention what will and has happened every time that they lose, even when the polls all show who is leading the polls. That way three years later, the losers could move on with there life and do there life's work. Originally Posted by Cody69
Yep. See my post above. Just form a duel party think tank to make the election undeniable. Otherwise the new norm is deny the election if you lose.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I seen what I am talking about either in Georgia, NC, SC or Alabama one of those states that had blacks ride in the back of the bus years ago. They still try doing things to them. That is the truth, to bad some can't see that. Not letting them have someone give them water or food after numerous hours of standing in line where the white area's have AC or heat in a building standing in short lines. Look it up if it bother you guys, its out there, I don't need to prove myself. I am not still fighting Hilary losing the election 7 years later.

all of that caused by Democrats who after losing the Civil war ushered in segregation, Jim Crow and that social club .. the KKK

but let's be fair here. prove any of your claims .. just prove it.

That is what your republicans have created in election reform. God Forgive them. Maybe one day things won't be like this.

see above about who really started that nonsense .. Democrats

My news comes from CBS, NBC or ABC. Trusted and awarded winning news stations. Middle of the road both for dems and republicans. Fare as fare can be. As far as I know they have never had to pay a 800 million dollar fine for not telling the truth nor did they have to fire there staff. As far as I know neither has CNN the news channel that all GOP hate because there cult leader told them too. I don't have cable anymore. Ever since the last administration put all of the added fees to own it.

I don't get my news from the Pillow guy, Mike Lindell either. Originally Posted by Cody69


ABC leans LEFT


NBC leans LEFT


CBS leans LEFT


you get your news from LEFT leaning sites. and it shows.

when the Democrats and Biden cry foul over voter laws it's because they don't want any checks on voting at all. what exactly is wrong with having to show an ID to vote? do you really think minorities are so incapable of existing in American society that the vast majority don't have an ID?

then how do they work without an ID? get a loan for a car or a house? how?

blacks especially among minorities are extremely upset that liberal "white guilt" idiots claim they are so "incompetent" they can't even get an ID nor go to a polling location and vote.

you should watch this .. actual black people on voting



we'll hear from the brainwashed liberal "white guilt" types first. they make total fools of themselves.

then those "repressed minorities" tell the truth!
Somehow this can be forced on the MAGAs. I got to believe if our government ever actually did something to make this nauseating topic of rigged elections go away, it can be fixed.
Put together a think tank of mixed party geniuses to make it foolproof. Otherwise this is now the new norm. “If I lose, it’s rigged”. Originally Posted by Charley3
"If I lose, it's rigged" is only the new norm for MAGA. Last I checked, Democrats still concede elections.
berryberry's Avatar
I didn’t read one sentence of this thread but wouldn’t it be possible to hire someone incredibly intelligent and have him invent a sure fire 100% voting system. Kinda stupid that a country as great as ours can’t have a system signed off by dems, gop and MAGA. Originally Posted by Charley3
So you feel compelled to comment on the subject without reading the article and facts. That is typically not how must discourse works

But to answer your comment, there is a sure fire 100% voting system. The system works in the majority of other countries. It is simple

1. There is one day to vote, which is a weekend day or national holiday so everyone is able to do so
2. All votes are in person
3. All votes are cast on paper ballots
4. There is typically some form of voter ID or in some places, a different mechanism to ensure you only cast one vote
5. All votes are transparently counted that same day and results known by that evening

It works in a plethora of countries around the world. It would work here except there is one party (aka the leftists) dead set against it. Ask yourself why
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"If I lose, it's rigged" is only the new norm for MAGA. Last I checked, Democrats still concede elections. Originally Posted by tommy156

true or false ...

the DEMOCRATS claimed 2016 was "stolen" from Clinton

Stolen, rigged and illegitimate: Democrats’ long history of objecting to election results

berryberry's Avatar
I seen what I am talking about either in Georgia, NC, SC or Alabama one of those states that had blacks ride in the back of the bus years ago. They still try doing things to them. That is the truth, to bad some can't see that. Originally Posted by Cody69
If that is the truth, then you should have no problem providing us an actual link to the law that prohibits this. And you would know which specific state you are talking about.

And here, I will even give you some help. In Georgia, there is a 150-foot zone outside polling places where food and water or other drinks cannot be given out. This is similar to the law in Texas and other states so people can't provide an inducement to vote for a certain candidate close to the polling station. But outside that 150 foot zone, there are no restrictions

So please provide the link to the actual state and actual law you are referring to

My news comes from CBS, NBC or ABC. Trusted and awarded winning news stations. Middle of the road both for dems and republicans. Fare as fare can be. Originally Posted by Cody69
LOL - you do realize don't you that there is absolutely nothing middle of the road or fair (not "fare") about CBS, ABC, NBC. They are left wing propaganda sites. They exist to dupe unsuspecting people

Perhaps if you would explore non left wing news sites, you may have a different and more accurate perspective. But if you insist on continuing to be fed misinformation from the likes of CBS, ABC, NBC - then nothing will change