College Girls On Break

Grace Preston's Avatar
Hooters closing 41 restaurants. You might have better luck with unemployed Hooters waitresses than with college coeds on summer vacation who are still on their Daddy's bank accounts Originally Posted by CG2014
In general-- I'm not one to bash but-- have you not noticed that the quality of Hooter's girls has seriously gone downhill in the past 10 years? I've seen some lately that wouldn't even have made the lunch crew 20 years ago.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
In general-- I'm not one to bash but-- have you not noticed that the quality of Hooter's girls has seriously gone downhill in the past 10 years? I've seen some lately that wouldn't even have made the lunch crew 20 years ago. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

And I suspect you're making that observation from the Eastoplex. I shudder to think of what the situation is like in the aptly nicknamed Cowtown.
In general-- I'm not one to bash but-- have you not noticed that the quality of Hooter's girls has seriously gone downhill in the past 10 years? I've seen some lately that wouldn't even have made the lunch crew 20 years ago. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I think it's a weird business model. You could just go to a strip club and eat.

I don't go to strip clubs often but the last time I was at BDD, nothing in the buffet looked edible (to me at least).

Of course there were dozens of Indian men enjoying the hell out of the buffet so maybe I'm just picky. Food looked like stuff they would sell at a ballpark.
Grace Preston's Avatar
And I suspect you're making that observation from the Eastoplex. I shudder to think of what the situation is like in the aptly nicknamed Cowtown. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
More making the observation from a multitude of locations. The only breastaurants I've been to in the last 6 months where the selection of ladies seemed... er... "up to par".. would have been Twin Peaks. And even then-- that seems tied to the franchise and how strict the individual franchises are.

I'm no longer a full timer in the Metro-- I just visit often.
Back when ads were permitted on this board, every May/June college girls in need of tuition money for the fall would post ads. I know the need hasnt changed, so where does a monger go to fill this need? Has OF taken over? God help us if it has. Originally Posted by Jet Streams
Like everything, it's all gone online. Back in the early days, there used to be a ton of non-pros on Craigslist personals or even Backpages, but I'm guessing a lot have gone to sugar dating.

Personally, I'm on both Seeking and SugardaddyMeet (SDM), and you do see a few new faces who show up around the end of the month and then disappear. You also see a bit of an uptick in November and around August, which I guess is school-related.

I keep reading the dating sites are dying, so I don't know if that's going to hit sugar sites too, maybe we'll have to start trolling Instagram? (best time to join sugar dating sites)
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I got an anonymous text from someone who had matched my Seeking profile with my RW ID somehow. I don't know how -- possible some AI facial recognition software. as I never used pics on Seeking that I had posted anywhere. The text had my name, my wife's name, and screen shots of her and my SB profiles, and threatened disclosure unless I paid some money.

Funny thing is, I've never used my Seeking profile to meet anyone. I set it up when the SB kicked me to the curb but only lately have decided to banish the past and move forward, and I never got any decent hits, though a lot came for out of state or out of country.

I know a (very) few women through my business dealings who are destined for greatness and whose success I would love to be able to contribute to in exchange for holding hands across the table at lunch, a hug, or being able to put my arm around her in a movie, put I have no idea how to make that happen without screwing the interactions that are frequently the best part of my day. And I have no idea how to find these college girls in need of tuition money. I got lucky: The SB attended Tarleton State and wasn't a resident, lol.
I don’t know. Ken Paxton is making enough noise that I could see that effort gathering steam and engulfing OF.

Imagine if some of the longstanding internet protections get struck down (there is bipartisan support for that, and both sides have said it’s too easy for children to access pornography.

There will be workarounds (thank you Opera!), but if they put a big enough dent in the traffic the impact on wallets may be severe enough that good old-fashioned whoring will come back in style. Originally Posted by TinMan
Guy is a total hypocrite. I know 2 girls he sees on the regular. He pays through the nise to see them, 10k plus. He paid one girl i know all the way through grad school.

ZERO DEBT AND CASH IN THE BANK. All our tax dollars
wish some1 would blow the whistle on that holier than thou hypocrite
I got an anonymous text from someone who had matched my Seeking profile with my RW ID somehow. I don't know how -- possible some AI facial recognition software. as I never used pics on Seeking that I had posted anywhere. The text had my name, my wife's name, and screen shots of her and my SB profiles, and threatened disclosure unless I paid some money.

Funny thing is, I've never used my Seeking profile to meet anyone. I set it up when the SB kicked me to the curb but only lately have decided to banish the past and move forward, and I never got any decent hits, though a lot came for out of state or out of country.

I know a (very) few women through my business dealings who are destined for greatness and whose success I would love to be able to contribute to in exchange for holding hands across the table at lunch, a hug, or being able to put my arm around her in a movie, put I have no idea how to make that happen without screwing the interactions that are frequently the best part of my day. And I have no idea how to find these college girls in need of tuition money. I got lucky: The SB attended Tarleton State and wasn't a resident, lol. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
Well, do you ever get those emails from a bank saying your account has been compromised? I get a bunch of those and usually just ignore them because I know I don't have an account with that bank. But if you did, maybe you're going to get a bit nervous, hopefully not nervous enough to click on the link they helpfully provided. Mind you, if you opened the email and it downloaded the banks logo, that's enough to tell a scammer that the email is active (the reason some email clients don't auto-download images).

Now, once you have a name, it's probably not that hard to see if you have a spouse. If you can, have a look at that Seeking profile and make sure it's actually yours. However, since anyone can view a profile, they could potentially harvest a lot of images.

If this sounds like a lot of work for a scam, it probably is, though, as you said, AI facial recognition tools might make it much easier than a few years ago. I suppose if they get like 1% of guys to pay up, then it might be worth it. Maybe best to just ignore it, send the info to Seeking and delete your account. Interested in what others think about this?