It's not hate, it's joy.
I typed the wrong shit in that last message.
Fuck you people.
Full disclosure.....Dims lie about everything.... including working at McDonalds as it turns out.Bill Maher agrees with me.....
You can bet they are lying if their lips are moving.....
And even the Dimwits are.... scratch that, they aren't smart enough....
Funniest thing though.... and no one seems to be catching on..... but.... there is a small sliver of undecided voters. Historically this group is usually more informed than the general population on policy....
They aren't being fooled by the absence of media presence. The Dims thinck they are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes with this charade. They are going to be surprised this November.
Look for a landslide of Reagan proportions come November..... Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Not sure I know either. All I can recall is that he has a fascination with Ladyboys....
Don't know what he thinks about burdensome commercial regulation, parasitic illegal immigrant invaders, irritating income redistribution, white guilt, mainstream media scumbags, transvestites, or any of the other host of destructive democrat party insanity.
Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Not sure I know either. All I can recall is that he has a fascination with Ladyboys.... Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
seems like a lotta misinterpreted envoyOriginally Posted by jokacz
not anywhereoh wait , take that back
come and try it out on me
you can definitely but you don't have the sack
for anything like that Originally Posted by JONBALLS
now you have right one right in wordsOriginally Posted by jokacz