NO donation or memory???

simpleton's Avatar
I was saying we do not know if she REALLY was drugged. How do you know? How do you know this girl is not lying? . Originally Posted by Naomi4u
The information posted points to being drugged.
The point Naomi is trying to make is for her to take accountability for her own actions. She had no business drinking beer or anything else. Then he wouldn't have had the opportunity to drug her. It's apparent first and foremost that she has to drink in order to do the job, which is NOT the client's fault.

It's unclear who brought the alcohol, but everyone knows the proper protocol with alcohol: don't let your drink out of your sight. There's a reason things happen to some providers and not to others. And you're right, it could have ALMOST happened to me, and one or more of my clients could have had a handful of GHB waiting on my ass, but because of the way I handle myself with my clients, I've never been drugged a day in my life. If you handle your business a certain way, you will be susceptible to different troubles. Being drugged and left without your donation is just one thing that could go wrong.

What we're trying to say is don't JUST blame the client. This was MOSTLY you. You were just the perfect target for the wrong guy. "Most bigger guys in the hobby" had nothing to do with your actions that night. I guess you want to out the guy for drugging you and keeping the donation, and you should, but what you should do first and FOREMOST is examine your business practices and think about what you could have done to prevent this and something worse from happening to you again.
London Rayne's Avatar
Well said Tiffani. She was drugged I am betting and I can also bet she has no clue who this guy is. Newbie with no refs, or this would already be an actual alert with his info. posted.

There are tell tale signs of a person being drugged. If I normally can drink 3 glasses of wine and not pass out, odds are it's going to be something extra that put me over the edge. Her not remembering anything is another sign of GHB in her system. This is a girl who admits that she can drink with the boys and not be drunk, yet on this occasion all she had was a few beers no less and passes out? It does not add up. People who drink often build a tolerance for it, and most remember what happens unless they are black out drunks. It would take a case of beer to knock my azz out lol.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Simpleton, ok detective.There's no point in arguing with you as it is going no where.

Tiffany, On point as always!!!!!!
  • Laz
  • 10-03-2011, 08:27 PM
If she was drugged I would not say she is to "blame". The person doing the drugging is the only person to blame. I dislike that using that word removes resposibility from the person doing the drugging.

However, she needs to review her business practices to increase her personal safety. Sadly not all customers will be honorable or give a damn about the provider so the provider must protect herself.
simpleton's Avatar
Really??? I'm being judgmental on a hooker board? where girls are getting JUDGED everyday for BOTH their looks and actions bcd and you want to talk to me about being judgmental? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
OK... Your on a hooker review board. But that has nothing to do with what we are discussing. Your the one that blasted her saying she gives good providers a bad name. You seem to deal in absolutes. I don't.
London Rayne's Avatar
Get a room you two!!!
burkalini's Avatar
Well said Tiffani. She was drugged I am betting and I can also bet she has no clue who this guy is. Newbie with no refs, or this would already be an actual alert with his info. posted.

There are tell tale signs of a person being drugged. If I normally can drink 3 glasses of wine and not pass out, odds are it's going to be something extra that put me over the edge. Her not remembering anything is another sign of GHB in her system. This is a girl who admits that she can drink with the boys and not be drunk, yet on this occasion all she had was a few beers no less and passes out? It does not add up. People who drink often build a tolerance for it, and most remember what happens unless they are black out drunks. It would take a case of beer to knock my azz out lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne

Reminds me of the girl who hates Budweiser.

Everytime she drank it she always woke up with a sore pussy.
Naomi4u's Avatar
OK... Your on a hooker review board. But that has nothing to do with what we are discussing. Your the one that blasted her saying she gives good providers a bad name. You seem to deal in absolutes. I don't. Originally Posted by simpleton
I'm done talking to you. I would rather talk to the wall about this matter as I would get more out of it. Ok you disagree with the way I look at it. Leave it alone. It's over. Whatever happened happened. She is the only one that knows the truth as you were not there. You know NOTHING about the information posted. It could have been made up. Just shutup.
London Rayne's Avatar
You're right..that was bad ha ha. Sounds like me in my teen years though, but I think it was Strawberry Hill or some crap.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Oh gosh and there's a negative review that JUST posted??? Now it's all coming together. Seriously this game has been played on shmbs for years. Really? If I were drugged or thought I were drugged, the last thing I'd be doing is posting on eccie.

Case closed. I think we all know what this is about.
London Rayne's Avatar
Oh gosh and there's a negative review that JUST posted??? Now it's all coming together. Seriously this game has been played on shmbs for years. Really? If I were drugged or thought I were drugged, the last thing I'd be doing is posting on eccie.

Case closed. I think we all know what this is about. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Oh no way ha ha. Guess you called that one Naomi!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Oh no way ha ha. Guess you called that one Naomi! Originally Posted by London Rayne

The end.

Again like I said most of the time it's some review rebuttal. This happens ALL the time. Maybe it has no connection to THAT reviewer but most definitely a way to get people to feel sorry for her and I'm sorry. I ain't buying it. Notice she mentioned a review in her initial post. Case closed.
burkalini's Avatar
Wow just read the review. Got to be honest. Doesn't make the gals story look to good.

The end.

Again like I said most of the time it's some review rebuttal. This happens ALL the time. Maybe it has no connection to THAT reviewer but most definitely a way to get people to feel sorry for her and I'm sorry. I ain't buying it. Notice she mentioned a review in her initial post. Case closed. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Agreed. She should have saved herself the aggrevation and not even posted this. A negative review isn't going to slander her reputation but I think this certainly did.