Republican Next Move: Special Prosecutor

This is now. We have a President who ordered his Attorney General to concockt a sceme to get more guns into the hands of some very brutal criminals so they could say "see, too many guns coming from North of the Border. We need more Gun Controle".

As usual, as bad as this crime is, the coverup will be even worse.

Eric Holder is either total moron, or is lying out his ass.

He serves at the pleasure of The President of the United States.
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  • WTF
  • 10-09-2011, 04:27 PM
Big Louie. If you explain complicated LE procedures to right wing cry babies. All you have is a bigger right wing crybaby. These people think they were selling guns so obama could overturn the 4th admendment! Do you see how stupid they are? It is like talking to. Taliband fighter only dumber
I B Hankering's Avatar
Big Louie. If you explain complicated LE procedures to right wing cry babies. All you have is a bigger right wing crybaby. These people think they were selling guns so obama could overturn the 4th admendment! Do you see how stupid they are? It is like talking to. Taliband fighter only dumber Originally Posted by WTF
The 4th Amendment?

It seems you'd like to preserve your rights under the 4th Amendment as well. You wouldn't want LE seizing your phone and questioning you about those calls you made to London and Naomi now would you?

Amendment [ IV ]
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me explain Iran-Contra. In 1983 the Democratically controlled congress (269-169) passed the Boland amendment specifically to stop aid to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. This was passed over the veto of Ronald Reagan and was in violation of the constitution. The executive branch is responsible for foreign policy and not congress. Aid to the Contras was a foreign policy action. Neither side wanted to challenge the law because neither side knew which side the Supreme Court would come down on. How to get money to the Contras without violating the illegal Boland amendment? LCol. North had the answer; the United States was holding on to a bunch of weapons already paid for by the Shah. They were contacted through intermediaries about the weapons. Iran paid again for the weapons (no black boxes, no super electronics, no anti-aircraft missiles) that they had already paid for. North transferred the money to an account for the Contras so that their funding came from Iran and not the US. As a side deal, maybe the most important deal for Ronald Reagan, the hostages in Lebanon were released. This was after Marine Col. Higgins were taken, tortured, and hanged by Hamas backed terrorists. So after everything was said and done American hostages were freed, the Contras got money to beat the communists, and Iran got some obsolete weapons that they already paid for once. By the way, Iran never got the four ships bought and paid for by the Shah. Those advanced Spruance class destoyers served in the US navy until decommissioned by Clinton. They went before their time and they were designed to operate in the Persian Gulf. I guess Clinton didn't think we had any more interest in the Gulf.

I don't see how Fast and Furious can compare.
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  • WTF
  • 10-09-2011, 09:41 PM
You guys sound like the nuts who think Bush had something to do withb 9/11. Do you guys really think they were doing this to give guns a bad name?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jesus, WTF, you are amazing. BTW, Reagan had NO involvement in Fast and Furious, and what he did prior to that does not make Fast and Furious ok. Why is it your only defense is "Well Reagan or Bush was worse." What horseshit.

Like I said, explain the wisdom of this policy to the border agents killed and injured by guns sold to the cartels by the US. I'm sure they will feel much better.

At best, this was stupid. At worst, it is treason. Obama should be impeached.
BigLouie's Avatar
This is now. We have a President who ordered his Attorney General to concockt a sceme to get more guns into the hands of some very brutal criminals so they could say "see, too many guns coming from North of the Border. We need more Gun Controle". Originally Posted by Jackie S
First try to learn to spell. Second you are making a mighty big assumption. Something that has no basis in fact.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't know, maybe . . . a special prosecutor could look into it, and if no wrongdoing, no problem.
What is your explanation as to why the Federal Government ventured into this debacle?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-10-2011, 05:27 AM
Jesus, WTF, you are amazing. At worst, it is treason. Obama should be impeached. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
and you should not be able to vote and expelled from this country to mexico for your ignorance. Bwt thank you though amazing is a bit over the top! Lol
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  • 10-10-2011, 05:31 AM
What is your explanation as to why the Federal Government ventured into this debacle? Originally Posted by Jackie S
I thought you knew. It was away to outlaw gun sales here in this country. Just like Bush allowed 9/11 so he could wage war in Iraq to avenge his father! Lol. Y'all need to adjust your tin foil hats and start reading the Globe for your news and information.
I thought you knew. It was away to outlaw gun sales here in this country. Just like Bush allowed 9/11 so he could wage war in Iraq to avenge his father! Lol. Y'all need to adjust your tin foil hats and start reading the Globe for your news and information. Originally Posted by WTF
First, we went into Iraq becuase of a different lie then 9/11. It is a proven fact we knew there were no WMD's in Iraq. Our government didn't give two craps about Suddam or we wouldn't have put him back in power after the first Gulf War. No, just like every dictator we have gone after recently, we don't have any problem with them and even give most of them money until they don't do what we want. Our government doesn't give a damn about the people in Lybia, Afganastan, Iraq, Iran or anywhere else, including right here at home.
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  • WTF
  • 10-10-2011, 07:28 AM
Texas, I was making fun of these wingnuts who think that Holder was really trying to outlaw gun sales in this country. They sound as nutty as people on the left that claimed Bush knew about 9/11 beforehand and did nothing! That in fact hbe masterminded 9/11. That is how kooky there fast and furious wingnuts sound. They do not even realize how outta touch with realith they are. They are the same nuts that did not believe Obama was born in hawaii
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WTF, can you expel me to Latvia instead? The women there are gorgeous!
NOBODy said this. What has been said was it was a political scheme cooked up to "attack" the 2nd ammendment; big difference ! Do you not think that Obama and Holder want to make signficant changes in federal gun laws?

Texas, I was making fun of these wingnuts who think that Holder was really trying to outlaw gun sales in this country. Originally Posted by WTF