Cain is Flovor of the Month

Yes, let's be clear. I did no such thing. I explained this to you in that thread, and i'll do it again. Here's my post that you took offense to, and continually cite.

What i did was call into question the accuracy of your statement by noting a very clear distinction between people who care about economic policies and people who care about birth certificates. Instead of seeing that, you went and took my comment as a comparison of the two.

Belittle me all you want - you'll no doubt gain the approval of the people who photoshop KKK hoods on TTH's avatar picture - but don't claim i said something i didn't say. Originally Posted by Doove
Yeah, that's it!

Cherry-pick one post from a number of threads in which you carried on with the same crap, and the context of which you think might make you look like less of an ass than you really are. Remember when you pretty much ran Olivia Howard out of the forum? She took serious offense to your behavior, as did a lot of other people.

As for "belittling you all I want", there's really no need. You seem to be pretty good at self-belittlement.

Since you're obviously not capable of engaging in an intelligent discussion of the subject at hand, please do me and everyone else in this forum a big favor and STFU.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then why do you always react? In fact, you love it don't you? Originally Posted by waverunner234
Yeah, I have fun. If I didn't enjoy this shit, I wouldn't be here.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
COG about 1/3 of your party will crap down both sides of their pants if Cain was to get the GOP nomination. That is a fact that no matter how much you cry about it. It is the truth that you just can't accept, but anyone who lives south of the Mason Dixon line knows is true. Originally Posted by wjon2000
MY Party? Which party is that? I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I do not support Herman Cain for President. I think he is being treated unfairly, but I am not voting for him. And I dislike him for reasons other than his color. I do like his 999 plan, but he was once Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank, and as such, has no credibility with me.

Republicans. Blecchh!

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-17-2011, 04:11 AM
Yeah, that's it!

Cherry-pick one post from a number of threads in which you carried on with the same crap, and the context of which you think might make you look like less of an ass than you really are. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Cherry pick? Cherry pick? You've referred to that post only about 5 or 6 times in regards to your problem with me. In fact, it's the only one you ever cite.

Cherry pick, indeed.

Since you're obviously not capable of engaging in an intelligent discussion of the subject at hand, please do me and everyone else in this forum a big favor and STFU. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
But i'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. Show me one post of mine, just one, that comes even close to equating to this one.

You've been going on and on and on and on about me. Yet, not one word about any of the other posters in here. Stop obsessing. It's so beneath you.
Doove, the only thing you're interested in doing is continuing to harrass me, which seems to be an entrenched habit of yours. Get over it.

If you're unable or unwilling to intelligently engage in discussion of the topic at hand, please do as I suggested earlier and STFU.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-17-2011, 02:08 PM
You have 655 posts. We've had 2 discussions, you and i, that i recall, over the last year or more. Just what is your definition of "entrenched habit"?

Further, I'll take your last post as an admission that you can't cite anything i've ever said or did that compares to posts you don't feel the need to get uptight over, no matter the content. Telling.
You have 655 posts. We've had 2 discussions, you and i, that i recall, over the last year or more. Just what is your definition of "entrenched habit"?

Further, I'll take your last post as an admission that you can't cite anything i've ever said or did that compares to posts you don't feel the need to get uptight over, no matter the content. Telling. Originally Posted by Doove
I've had enough of being peppered with asinine comments and snide insults. Apparently, what you perceive to be my arrogance or pomposity rubs you the wrong way and you just can't help yourself. Get over it.

You're by far the biggest nuisance in this whole forum.

Buzz off.
Rasmusen's newest head-to-head poll shows "the flavor of the month" beating Obama..............43% to 41%.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-17-2011, 05:35 PM
I've had enough of being peppered with asinine comments and snide insults. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
How about getting peppered with my calling you out on comments you make about me that you can't back up?

You refuse to stand still for my snide comments? Everyone in here makes snide comments, but alright. Whatever. Not everyone makes false accusations, however, and i refuse to stand still for yours.
Boltfan's Avatar
Can't just walk away. Last word-itus is a funny disease.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Can't just walk away. Last word-itus is a funny disease. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Especially when your ate up with yourself.
How about getting peppered with my calling you out on comments you make about me that you can't back up?

You refuse to stand still for my snide comments? Everyone in here makes snide comments, but alright. Whatever. Not everyone makes false accusations, however, and i refuse to stand still for yours. Originally Posted by Doove
After judging that it needed some clarification, someone was kind enough to PM me this rough translation of Doove's statement:
BigLouie's Avatar
Cain is just the puppet of the Kohl brothers. They are doing everything from bank rolling him to writing his entire platform. He is just their mouthpiece.
Another flip-flopper. One day they want to cook people on the border and the next day they want to open the borders and make it easier to come to this country.

"When asked what he would tell Latinos who might be offended by his remarks, Cain emphasized his plan to help immigrants gain legal citizenship.
"What I would say to them is, I'm all about making it easy for people to come to this country," Cain said. "We have wide-open doors. I have talked repeatedly about wanting to make it easy for people to come to this country the legal way - cleaning up the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. Those kinds of things never get reported on. But I am all for opening up the doors of this nation.""
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Cain is just the puppet of the Kohl brothers. They are doing everything from bank rolling him to writing his entire platform. He is just their mouthpiece. Originally Posted by BigLouie

That sounds like some more racists shit to me.