Can the President just QUIT?

Willen's Avatar
Aside from Clinton, only Andrew Johnson back in Reconstruction days was actually impeached. Nixon resigned prior to the full House formally voting on the articles of impeachment, but as has been stated here senior Republicans assured him that the h
House would approve the articles.

As for conviction in the Senate, the released White House tapes, which showed conclusively that Nixon had engaged in obstruction of justice, were sufficient evidence to garner the votes for his removal. There is really no question about this.

Presidents' reputations are revised all the time. Ford is a prime example. His pardon of Nixon was reviled at the time. Many historians (and not simply conservative ideologues) now see this as the best course for the country. The vendetta against Clinton (as slimy as his actions were) showed how much damage to the country prolonged political wrangling can do. Ford's action let us move on.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nixon was not impeached. He would have been had he not resigned, but he was never impeached.
LexusLover's Avatar
He said "I do not think the American people would stand for that". Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
It seems that the "American people" modified their attitude after he said that, if in fact he actually did said that, although having lived through that period of time, I can readily understand why he might say such a thing.

Additionally, the statement is the opinion of Gerald Ford, not a statement of fact.
Ford was correct; and your outrage proves it......but where is the lie in this quote? If that is your standard for lying then Bill Clinton certainly is a liar (I did not have sex with that women; and he lost his law license for lying to a grand jury), Obama is a liar (I will close Gitmo as one of the first things I do as President), Biden is a liar (don't pass this bill and rapes will go up), Geitner is a liar, etc, Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I think its pretty safe to say {insert politician's name} is a liar. Clinton lied, Boehner has lied, Pelosi has lied, all the GOP nominee's have lied, etc...

But, one thing people never take into consideration is the "promises" made by candidates. ANY person running for President who says he will pass a law to do something is a liar. Only Congress can do that. He propose something, but both Houses must pass a law. He gets to sign it. He can do executive orders (as Obama tried to do with Gitmo). But he couldn't because Congress has its fingers in the pie. They fought him on it, and Congress won. So he's stuck (and honestly, he should have said he will do all he can to close it... that's honesty... but not a very good sound bite).
I B Hankering's Avatar
Nixon was impeached, as was President Clinton. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
False! Nixon wasn't impeached.
You are impeached in the House and the trial on the articles of impeachment is held in the Senate. Nixon resigned rather than face trial on the article of impeachment and thereby risk conviction. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
A small distinction, but an important one. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
True. It's a shame you don't acknowledge it.
But there is always hope and change
LexusLover's Avatar
But there is always hope and change Originally Posted by Jdriller
And hope for change.
"Can the President just QUIT?"

Yes. Biden in 2011!
TexTushHog's Avatar
I stand corrected. I went back and looked at the record. The House Judiciary Committee had approved the Articles of Impeachment and they were on their way to a floor vote. But the actual floor vote was never held, although they surely would have passed. Conviction in the Senate was less certain, although I would argue likely at least on one article.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Why anybody would want such an enormous responsibility and all the insults that come with the job is another question.

AMEN to that!

two of worst jobs i believe you could have is occupying the office of the president or being a physician.... Originally Posted by MariaElena
Well thank God Sarah Palin never became POTUS- she surely would have quit- she has a history of quitting when the times get tough.
Well thank God Sarah Palin never became POTUS- she surely would have quit- she has a history of quitting when the times get tough. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
lordhavemercy....who would take Palin seriously anyway?

i'm just saying....winks
The question: Can the President of the US just quit his job?

The answer: If there is a God, yes!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Ford wasn't stupid. What he did by pardoning Nixon was a risky political gambit that backfired on him. I think he kinda knew by doing that he was a one termer (well he only served out Nixon's term). If he knew this would damage him politically, it makes me wonder why he bothered to run for the 1976 election against Jimmy Carter. I think it would have been prudent for him to step aside and let someone else run for president.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think Palin did the logical thing for the best interests of Alaska. Constant, baseless legal charges made it impossible for her (or anyone else) to govern. She put a stop to that with her resignation and a Lt. Governor with the same mind set as her. Sometimes strategy requires that you take a step back in order to win in the end. Ask G. Washington, Sam Houston, Winston Churchill, and Mohammed Ali. All of them had to take it on the proverbial chin to give themselves a chance to regroup and come back when the time was right. Sarah Palin has more influence now than she would have as Governor of Alaska and, yes, she made some money as she was doing it. Isn't that the American way. Despite this great wealth (as defined by her detractors) I don't see her changing her life style with apartments in New York City or LA. So what is their problem with her. Jealously? Envy?
Any historians know why Nixon gave his letter of resignation to Henry Kissinger instead of VP Ford? Was it because there was no way Kissinger could become president? A political science professor once told me that Kissinger told the military upper echelon that Nixon could not be trusted with the Nuclear Football and to not accept his orders in that regard.