Let's be smart here

Amber1198's Avatar
I've been on the other side of the playing field, now that have a little free time i text a couple of playmates and had two replies not to text but email. A hobby phone is a must...Why Ask Why?
  • Chloe
  • 11-01-2011, 01:11 AM
Erica these threads can never be posted enough. After a dozen hate calls from scorned wives and stalking leading to one calling my FATHER for advice I have been dilligent in teaching all my newbie guys on how to be discreet in the hobby.

As for the ladies . . .well we get along or we don't but some don't chalk it up to just that. I get more threats from the ladies than the scorned wives! So the idea of being united instead of divided to me is the best choice but simply is not reality I will remain on course while accepting everyone else's choices.

Guys NEVER think you are immune!! Do you think your wife will never suspect? Think again! They do and are looking up every credit card statement, phone record and business expense you are making right now. Be safe and discreet. Many of the ladies here have children and jobs that do not need a scorned woman attacking them and ruining their situations. You contact us and we do not ask for anything but the even exchange in the moment