Monthly Arrangements

I have one guy I meet once a week. Sometimes we stay in, sometimes we just hang out. I mean, it's not that bad. He's a pretty cool guy and it isn't exclusive. Plus I do enjoy his company.
I actually love a sd/sb relationship. Now that I travel so much it has gotten a little harder though. Another point that I have noticed is SD's don't want their SB's to be a provider.. what makes being a provider different than a SB? It's the same thing in my book.
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I don't have the need for great variety, and I have wasted a lot of money on girls that left me wanting. All but a very few will never pass my way again. I have heard some guys say that they never see the same girl twice, yet if I click with a girl I always go back. I am toying with the SB concept because I am single and don't have to worry about complications, but I believe the rest of my life will be spent in the Hobby, and with a relatively few girls that I really get along with. I am overwhelmed with the newest flavor of the day, but I end up going back to the same ones.
  • LynnT
  • 12-03-2011, 03:14 PM
I have a boyfriend deal for a month.. certain price paid up front and so many visits can be had in 30 days, they save $200 this way. I still do my usual business and they save some cash.
I actually love a sd/sb relationship. Now that I travel so much it has gotten a little harder though. Another point that I have noticed is SD's don't want their SB's to be a provider.. what makes being a provider different than a SB? It's the same thing in my book. Originally Posted by TabooTanner
Because they like being white knight and whatnot.
I mean, give me what I make per month being a provider plus 5 grand and I will quit. If you're not willing to do that how can you expect a lady to quit?
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  • FK
  • 12-03-2011, 04:08 PM
What's different is they want exclusivity. Usually, SD's don't want to share.
So your right, it has to be the same amount of money or some average close to what you would probably usually make as a provider to make it worthwhile.
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  • Tulsa
  • 12-03-2011, 04:50 PM
Yes, I agree. Providers make like 10-30k a month on average (some more) and I don't think too many are willing to fork that over. Besides, most girls do this for their independence and not to be "looked after" so to speak. Originally Posted by Shayla
10-30k average?
  • Sami
  • 12-03-2011, 05:49 PM
10-30k really? I know many providers and no way do they make that a month. I want to know where all them providers are doing this.....

Yes, I agree. Providers make like 10-30k a month on average (some more) and I don't think too many are willing to fork that over. Besides, most girls do this for their independence and not to be "looked after" so to speak. Originally Posted by Shayla
Interesting that this topic came up because a few of my regulars have asked me recently if I'd consider a monthly arrangement.

I'd agree with what most of the other ladies here said, that it would need to be paid in advance on a specific day & that the appointments would be pre-set (or at least the type/number of/length of those appointments would be predetermined) and rules set about availability & scheduling so that it would be fair for both parties. I would also NOT make myself available for an exclusive arrangement unless the offer was closer to the 30k/month mark.

Then again I don't tour, and I'm fortunate that I'm able to make my own schedule which allows me the flexibility to work around the availability of the gentlemen I see. I don't think scheduling would become an issue in that situation because of my flexible availability; and when I got to the point where we trusted each other enough to step into an arrangement like that, the gentleman would already know how my availability works & how to reach me on short notice, etc.

Nothing is foolproof of course, and I think success in this situation is going to come from making intelligent decisions about who - and who not - to start up an arrangement with.
10-30k really? I know many providers and no way do they make that a month. I want to know where all them providers are doing this..... Originally Posted by Sami
When you find out, would you let me know please.
I love these kinds of arrangements. It is only available to men with whom I have GREAT chemistry but then it is awesome. But I am not "on call" either. You can only be as tethered as you want to be and I would allow this sort of agreement with a control freak. By the same token, I can guarantee my clients is that I won't try to interfere in their personal lives because I already know they cheat.

It is nice to have guaranteed income, at guaranteed times as well. I may be able to estimate at the beginning of the month what I will bring in in the four weeks but I can't know. The OP said that he can't see anyone agreeing to 2k a month but why not? 3-4 clients on that schedule and I am only seeing men that I know I adore, that I know will be a great time. Ideal working conditions!
Tulsa's Avatar
  • Tulsa
  • 12-03-2011, 06:23 PM
When you find out, would you let me know please. Originally Posted by Ansley
10-30k really? I know many providers and no way do they make that a month. I want to know where all them providers are doing this..... Originally Posted by Sami
As Einstein said: "whatever your problems with math, I can assure you mine are greater".

Well I thought about her statement; saw a few reviews at 250 per hour x 4 = $1,000.

30 days in a month NO PROBLEM.....
  • Sami
  • 12-03-2011, 06:35 PM
Yes I sure will You mean to tell me your hottt a** don't do that? I love the avatar!
When you find out, would you let me know please. Originally Posted by Ansley
Ya... but realistically No!

As Einstein said: "whatever your problems with math, I can assure you mine are greater".

Well I thought about her statement; saw a few reviews at 250 per hour x 4 = $1,000.

30 days in a month NO PROBLEM..... Originally Posted by Tulsa
Yes I sure will You mean to tell me your hottt a** don't do that? I love the avatar! Originally Posted by Sami
Thanks for the compliment.
To be honest, with the other women that I know, the amount of money that is made really isn't talked about. We'll mention if it's a good or bad week, and that's about as far as we take it.
As long as their part of the lunch tab is paid, it's all good.