Drama, Highly Vocal posters, Disrespect, Trash Talk?... Why do YOU perceive ECCIE to not be a "friendly" place?

sixxbach's Avatar


Have you been getting coached on how to increase your visibility? Originally Posted by Whispers

Sure seems like it to me. I have been told before by providers that if one wants to boost a little business, you fight with Whispers and/or sixxbach!

CRamsey's Avatar
I addressed you Whispers, I called you out. I got a weak response, that didn't address my post but that's neither here nor here. I also got nearly 20 "likes" to my post. What does that say? That many people agree completely with what I had to say, yet I'm sure you didn't take that into consideration. Is Mysogony or Hypocrisy your middle name?
sixxbach's Avatar
I addressed you Whispers, I called you out. I got a weak response, that didn't address my post but that's neither here nor here. I also got nearly 20 "likes" to my post. What does that say? That many people agree completely with what I had to say, yet I'm sure you didn't take that into consideration. Is Mysogony or Hypocrisy is your middle name? Originally Posted by CRamsey

20 likes out of several hundred views is nothing to boast about IMO.

Did you just like your OWN post?

CRamsey's Avatar
always avoiding the issue and finding something else to attack. Typical

He asked why we thought eccie has become unfriendly, he's been told several times, in many ways, by myriads of different people, yet he still doesn't get it. His "defense" is laughable not to mention almost always off subject.

Stop posting these topics already, you're not going to convince anyone you're a good guy.
sixxbach's Avatar

Stop posting these topics already, you're not going to convince anyone you're a good guy. Originally Posted by CRamsey

I am going to assume you think Whispers is a "bad guy". I find it funny that ANYONE on a HOBBY board is calling someone a bad person, etc. CR with all due respect look at yourself in the mirror. NONE of us here are angels. I am willing to bet our spouses, SO's, etc wouldn't think we were such"good people" if they knew of our hobby habit. Just sayin.....

Whispers's Avatar
I addressed you Whispers, I called you out. I got a weak response, that didn't address my post but that's neither here nor here. Originally Posted by CRamsey
Obviously it is an issue so read below and have your answers...

I also got nearly 20 "likes" to my post. What does that say? That many people agree completely with what I had to say, yet I'm sure you didn't take that into consideration. Originally Posted by CRamsey
It has been known for a while that there is a little clique of people that decided that "liking/disliking" posts and rating threads was a way to try to exert some influence over what I have to say..... There is a reason that no matter WHAT subject I start a tread on it is immediately rated low... It first came up in another forum and was posted on another site attributed to a couple of the ladies that are no longer vocal here....

Surprise Surprise....

What that goes to show in MY opinion is just how small a number pf people actually DO agree with the views posted contrary to the types of people they represent...

Is Mysogony or Hypocrisy your middle name? Originally Posted by CRamsey
You will be hard pressed to find any examples of my being a hypocrit..... I stand pretty firmly with my views and personally am disgusted by hypocrisy.....

And the Mysogony angle? Really? Who's skirt are you wearing?

Come up with some new material and a legitimate argument if you want more response.

Your entire post is why people feel it's not friendly. I don't expect you to see that, Originally Posted by CRamsey
And YOU are seeing what you want..... I haven't had a negative word to say on this board for over a month.... After pushing a drive to help a community need that a hell of a lot of ladies and guys came together to support I found the comments I quoted in the original post to be what I tend to believe the problem around her is...

I did not START this discussion... Just brought it to a separate thread so as to not taint the subject in the original thread....

A practice more people should embrace....

but calling people weak minded and incapable of real world relationship is insulting and wrong. Originally Posted by CRamsey
It was meant as a general comment to address those members that simply want a CoEd where they and the ladies can flirt and they can show what men they are by standing up for and protecting some hooker from someone else s words....

It is probably only insulting to those that it identifies....

I doubt you'll get many responses because no one wants their response to be criticized and told that they're "wrong" for having the feelings or opinions they do. Originally Posted by CRamsey
What is wrong with criticism? You have no business posting to a public forum if you are afraid to be criticized......

One definition of criticism is to consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly

Think about it, how many times has the issue come up? We are all not crazy, people genuinely feel that you make this place unfriendly and not very welcoming. Originally Posted by CRamsey
Obviously though, you are the "few"... And just as honestly..... it was one from YOUR side of this issue that started this debate with his comments....

At a time when for over a month I've not had a negative word to say to anyone.... When ladies that on the board went back and forth with me set aside THEIR differences with me for a common good....

Wahh Wahhh Wahh,,,,

I get tired of all the crying.... Grow up... Post what you want, defend your opinions, leave your emotions out of it and you can find this a much more enjoyable place to be....

Do you REALLY think I should let someone call me out and simply not respond?

Sorry man.... YOU ALL KNOW what happens when you raise certain subjects.....

Seriously, how many times? Have you ever stopped to reflect or try to see things from another's point of view? Originally Posted by CRamsey
I do that every time I read a thread... Why DO YOU REFUSE TO PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH?... There was no animosity here on the board..... A large number of people from THIS community had come together and a lot of good was being done.... I've been quiet, Sixx has been quiet.... there has been little to no controversy in CoEd....

Then we get the whining attitude about how bad this place is because I post harshly?....

And you act surprised that I respond?

Ya know the terms Self Fulfilling Prophecy or opening a can of worms?

You give off a 'better than thou" attitude and shut people down. Originally Posted by CRamsey
I am better than a hell of a lot around her in that I separate emotion and personal from most debates and subject matter. More people receive points for calling me names and getting personal than I do in thread after thread after thread......

Obviously I follow the rules and keep within the guidelines of the board....

People have stopped posting because having constant back lash is not fun. Hobbies are supposed to be fun. Originally Posted by CRamsey
Then they should KNOW their hobby and be prepared to fend their opinions.... not whine and become juvenile when they are losing a debate because they lack the experience with the topic matter or lack the information about what is really going on.....

CHAT is ALL ABOUT nonstop banter and flirting..... Most people that don't post as much as they did before fell into that category in my opinion....

All I can say is that although you are a vocal poster, you are certainly not the majority. The only people you'll be 'influencing' in 2012 are the 'weak minded'. Originally Posted by CRamsey
Thanks for your opinion. I disagree with you.... The boards have become what they are because a majority of those involved with the boards want them the way they are....

Even the silent ones, by their silences side with the position that the free flow of information is what it is all about.....
Whispers's Avatar
He asked why we thought eccie has become unfriendly, he's been told several times, in many ways, by myriads of different people, yet he still doesn't get it. His "defense" is laughable not to mention almost always off subject. Originally Posted by CRamsey
I disagree... I tend to remain on subject the bulk of the time....

Once again... I didn't start this debate.... I responded to someone else's comments....

Care to comment on THAT?

Stop posting these topics already, you're not going to convince anyone you're a good guy. Originally Posted by CRamsey
You take heart in and feel good about you "Like Count"

That is obviously important to you.

I find it ludicrous that you think I care about anyone thinking I am a good guy on a SHMB....

All I care about is that enough other like minded guys respect my opinions and contributions enough to share with me.....

And I greatly care about people taking the time to read what I have to say.

Agree or disagree...... So long as I get a chance to be heard it accomplishes what I look to achieve.....

I'll take high View Counts on my threads as all the support I need in order to keep posting my opinions.....

You believe in that like thing... You might want to check out life on facebook!
budman33's Avatar
Train wrecks always have high view counts. it doesn't mean that it was a damn fine train.
You will be hard pressed to find any examples of my being a hypocrit..... I stand pretty firmly with my views and personally am disgusted by hypocrisy..... Originally Posted by Whispers
It's not that hard... http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=...5&postcount=12
It's not that hard... http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=...5&postcount=12 Originally Posted by JohnBrown7
Wait!!! Damn, I almost missed it...

There is a simple bottom line. With the exception of a small crew and a few new this board has become a virtual ghost town compared to two years or even one year ago.
That pretty much says it all.
sixxbach's Avatar
Cody, it would be interesting to count the first page of thread counts from this time last year in coed and the year before and see what the view counts say. I think we might be surprised.

The other section has grown as well as the SC section.

I do agree less people are posting but people are still coming to the site and new providers coming in all the time

Cody, it would be interesting to count the first page of thread counts from this time last year in coed and the year before and see what the view counts say. I think we might be surprised.

The other section has grown and as well as the SC section.

I do agree less people are posting but people are still coming to the site and new providers coming in all the time

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Yep I was referring specifically to participating posters which is pretty much what the topic is about.
As long as there are horny mongers and hooker ads the visitor count shall remain high which has zero to do with board atmosphere and it's influence upon the great many no longer willing to participate/contribute.
budman33's Avatar
Yep. While there are always a multitude to slow down, peer over and admire the train wreck... the vast majority turn up the radio and keep on going rather than becoming involved.

The fact that there are less regular posters but more views is evidence of that. For me? I shouldn't post, but I cant keep my mouth shut. its the Honey Badger in me... I likes scorpion.

providers don't come for co-ed. hell the first thing they learn is that its poisonous and detrimental to business.
Whispers's Avatar
It's not that hard... http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=...5&postcount=12 Originally Posted by JohnBrown7

Ahhh yes.... Funny you should grab a link by someone else posting under an alias.....

yeah... In the regards of having no tolerance in my life for a woman that cheats on me? Yeah I can admit to being a hypocrit.....

But what does that have to do with any subject or topic matter here?