What should I do if clients don't write a review as promised?

pmdelites's Avatar
there are a gazillion reasons why he hasnt gotten around to writing the review.

and unless he swore on a stack of "LifeStyles Triple Pleasure Condoms" http://www.condomdepot.com/product/d...d/190/pid/3287
in front of Justice Sotomayor and the gang
just cos he said he would write a review doesnt mean he will.

it sounds like you've gotten over it and moved on.
there is a lesson to be learned and applied in all this. hope you took notes.

wrt posting his name, i would think posting it in a powder room forum would be more appropriate. otherwise guys will contact him to learn his tricks.
Girl, don't sweat it. Reviews should be a privilege and totally up to the guy. If he got a sweet "review discount" deal, that should be AFTER the review is written and you have had a chance to see it...

...(that way, if he is a shitty writer, mispells your name, posts your age as 40 instead of 20 you can retract the deal) LOL

pmdelites's Avatar
i hear you IP!! :^)
and i do appreciate all the considerations you've give me ... and more!!
Randall Creed's Avatar
Technically, he has up to 30 days after the session to write one. If he's anything like me, he has to be IN THE MOOD to write a review.

I can only do it when I'm in a review-writing VIBE, myself. If I gave my word that I would, I would do it. Maybe he's getting around to it.

When I see you, I'm definitely going to write one hell of a review.
Well, Dannie stole my thunder, she said exactly what I was going to. I enjoy writing reviews but have never expected a discount or special favors for doing so. I am a professional trademan, I like referrals but also work for a living. I think a job well done at a fair price is enough, satisfied customers are the reward. Dont let a couple dickheads cause you to loose faith in men in general. Half the people you meet in life suck.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I'm PMing you......hope you find it helpful.