Dating a provider or hobbiest

  • Laz
  • 12-14-2011, 09:47 PM
Yes. Those are issues we would have to mutually discuss and find a solution for. I have to believe that any provider I felt that strongly about would be capable of more than fucking.

My answer is based on a relationship that is about more than sex.
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't consider a "successful" relationship one that involves both parties being able to fk who they want, when they want. Ummm where is the SACRIFICE in that? Of course you trust each other...there are no limits lmao. No thanks lol. I would rather be alone vs. letting a man who claims to love me pimp me out, and watch him fk other people.

Just because you are with someone for 20 years means nothing if you never gave up a damn thing to get to that point. Call me a realist I guess, but that would never be a man I would ever love.

If I ever aspired for the ideal relationship it would be one of a couple married 50 years where they DID NOT cheat...thancks.
I don't consider a "successful" relationship one that invovles both parties being able to fk who they want, when they want. Ummm where is the SACRIFICE in that? Of course you trust each other...there are no limits lmao. No thanks lol. I would rather be alone vs. letting a man who claims to love me pimp me out, and watch him fk other people.

Just because you are with someone for 20 years means nothing if you never gave up a damn thing to get to that point. Call me a realist I guess, but that would never be a man I would ever love.

If I ever aspired for the ideal relationship it would be one of a couple married 50 years where they DID NOT cheat...thancks. Originally Posted by London Rayne

When both parties fuck who they want when they want, that's called swinging. You're very adamant about what works for YOU, and that's great, but everyone is different, and what works for YOU does not and may not work for others. That's what the joy of differences in lifestyles is about. But just because you don't date clients, don't put yourself above others who do, because it sounds like that's just what you're doing in some ways. It isn't any of your business whether some of us want to date or marry clients just as it isn't any of my business whether you want to be alone or not. But that doesn't mean anyone is better than someone else. That's just my opinion.

As far as being alone, it's why I haven't dated any clients for five years LOL. I can't play that third concert in bed, and emotionally and spiritually, it just wasn't working out. And with my day job, the last thing I need is to come home to someone. Excepting of course, my cats.
London Rayne's Avatar
No, I think you have it confused. I don't give a flying fk what someone else does..really. It's simply not my idea of what true love and a relationship is about. Just because I "play" a hooker on Eccie does not mean I bring that crap home into my own life, relationships, and heaven forbid how I raise my child. If it's no one's business then why are we posting about our personal beliefs on a freaking hooker board? When you post, you make it everyone's business.
No, I think you have it confused. I don't give a flying fk what someone else does..really. It's simply not my idea of what true love and a relationship is about. Just because I "play" a hooker on Eccie does not mean I bring that crap home into my own life, relationships, and heaven forbid how I raise my child. If it's no one's business then why are we posting about our personal beliefs on a freaking hooker board? When you post, you make it everyone's business. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Maybe it's the way you word things with such little tact that I have an issue with. You don't play a hooker on here, you ARE a hooker, hon. That's why you use the boards like the rest of us do here to promote yourself. Otherwise you wouldn't be bothering to post at ALL. And like you said yourself, when you post, you do make it everyone else's business. Could that be why we're both posting? LOL!
London Rayne's Avatar
Um ok...not all of us are hookers 24/7. Love the new "handle" btw. You couldn't say this from your other one lol. Priceless.
I don't consider a "successful" relationship one that invovles both parties being able to fk who they want, when they want. Ummm where is the SACRIFICE in that? Of course you trust each other...there are no limits lmao. No thanks lol. I would rather be alone vs. letting a man who claims to love me pimp me out, and watch him fk other people.

Just because you are with someone for 20 years means nothing if you never gave up a damn thing to get to that point. Call me a realist I guess, but that would never be a man I would ever love.

If I ever aspired for the ideal relationship it would be one of a couple married 50 years where they DID NOT cheat...thancks. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Oh, brother. Here we go again.

Any successful relationship is based off of the satisfaction of mutual expectations and needs of the 2 parties involved. I'm sure a 'swinging' couple can have just as much of a loving, caring and nurturing relationship as a monogamous couple. What matters is that it works for them...that they're both getting their needs met. And beyond that, it's really no one else's business.

When I said I wouldn't date a hobbyist that wanted to continue hobbying, I was referring to those gentleman that only desired to 'take' from the situation and contribute nothing. Separate households, separate bills...a relationship only in the sense that he wants to refer to it as one for his convenience. A guy that offers his full support, financial and otherwise, gives as much or more than he takes... Now that's a different story entirely.

A guy like that is definitely a rare find within the hobby, though... so I do understand how some ladies could be jealous of it.

Maybe it's the way you word things with such little tact that I have an issue with. You don't play a hooker on here, you ARE a hooker, hon. That's why you use the boards like the rest of us do here to promote yourself. Otherwise you wouldn't be bothering to post at ALL. And like you said yourself, when you post, you do make it everyone else's business. Could that be why we're both posting? LOL! Originally Posted by alluringava
+1. Hey, you know what I call a hooker that only works 8 days a month? A hooker.
Um ok...not all of us are hookers 24/7. Love the new "handle" btw. You couldn't say this from your other one lol. Priceless. Originally Posted by London Rayne

My new handle?
London Rayne's Avatar
Ginger, if you sucked his azz anymore you may as well be his gf lol. Yes dear, all the women on this board are that insecure the only man they can get is one who lets them fk others while he does the same...nah, I think that's in your head lol. I know far too many women who don't HAVE TO do that, or this for that matter. They were educated and established long before they "chose" to come here.

You can think and feel however you want and so can I. NONE of that crap will EVER be for me...period! If swingers want to do what they do, fine with me...have many friends who are secure enough that they don't have to hammer that crap into other people about their "successful" relationship. So what if I find the idea of a traditional marriage something to strive is so wrong with that?

Not a damn thing that's what. What I find ideal or something worth doing is not for everyone, but I will say wtf I want about it even though it goes against the hooker, swinger world. I really don't care what anyone else wants or needs...I don't need it.
Oh, brother. Here we go again.

Any successful relationship is based off of the satisfaction of mutual expectations and needs of the 2 parties involved. I'm sure a 'swinging' couple can have just as much of a loving, caring and nurturing relationship as a monogamous couple. What matters is that it works for them... and beyond that, it's really no one else's business.

When I said I wouldn't date a hobbyist that wanted to continue hobbying, I was referring to those gentleman that only desired to 'take' from the situation and contribute nothing. Separate households, separate bills...a relationship only in the sense that he wants to refer to it as one for his convenience. A guy that offers his full support, financial and otherwise, gives as much or more than he takes... Now that's a different story entirely. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll

Your paragraph where you said that a swinging couple could have just as much trust and love as a monogamous one is my main point. But, as London also stated, for everyone, there are different boundaries and different ideas as to what is a successful relationship, and to me, everyone IS different in that regard. I take a look at my parents who have been married 47 years and even though it was certainly not a perfect marriage, as what marriage is? It was a marriage in which they believed in adhering to the vows they took at the altar... FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE. And my mom was saying the other day the problem she sees with many younger people is they're too quick to get a divorce rather than work through things. My parents were born during the Depression years and they KNOW what it's like to struggle before my dad became very successful. My mother stuck by him, and he stuck by her. And I look to them as an example of what a marriage should be. Not perfect, but enduring. Ever enduring. Being Asian, we value that immensely. They were born here, but they are also Old World, and there's a part of them that simply does not believe in divorce. My grandparents on one side were married 67 years.
Ginger, you can think and feel however you want and so can I. NONE of that crap will EVER be for me...period! If swingers want to do what they do, fine with me...have many friends who are secure enough that they don't have to hammer that crap into other people about their "successful" relationship. So what if I find the idea of a traditional marriage something to strive is so wrong with that?

Not a damn thing that's what. Originally Posted by London Rayne

So why is this discussion still going on and on then? Let each person be. Let each person decide for themselves what is right for them and let the conversation end there.
London Rayne's Avatar
And do you know what I call a hooker who runs a special and only offers it to guys who did not pay 2k for an overnight with someone else? A fkin dumb azz lol!

Gava, your post about your parents and grandparents is spot on, and that is the ONLY type of relaionship I would ever settle for. What other people choose to do, is really not my concern or my problem.
And do you know what I call a hooker who runs a special and only offers it to guys who did not pay 2k for an overnight with someone else? A fkin dumb azz lol!

Gava, your post about your parents and grandparents is spot on, and that is the ONLY type of relaionship I would ever settle for. What other people choose to do, is really not my concern or my problem. Originally Posted by London Rayne

I envy my parents and my grandparents, and nearly all of my aunts and uncles have been married for many, many years. That takes true dedication. And I have to say, not all the men were always faithful. But in reality I think for some reason Asian women, even if they are Americanized and born her, tend to be more accepting of that kind of thing...perhaps it's a throwback from the old country where men had mistresses and concubines. But nonetheless, my relatives stuck together. Only a few of the older folks are divorced.
And do you know what I call a hooker who runs a special and only offers it to guys who did not pay 2k for an overnight with someone else? A fkin dumb azz lol!... Originally Posted by London Rayne
The thing about specials Hun, is that the hooker decides when they're over. So when a hobbyist insists he gets a special that's been OVER for a month, hoping to save $50...yet clearly demonstrated the week prior that he was capable of shelling out a couple thousand elsewhere... You know what I call that? A very SHORT conversation.

I'd rather not deal with gossiping dicks if I can avoid it, anyway. You want the short end of that stick? It's all yours.
London Rayne's Avatar
Gosh, what made you think that was directed at you? I am sure the messages are still in circulation in their original form if anyone is interested, but I doubt it. The person I am talking about SOLICITED the hobbyist via message and asked him, "Why have you never seen me?" Pretty fkin pathetic if you ask me. A successful hooker would never have to go through such to get business. She would also not have to offer a discount to a guy that needed a ref from her either, but I digress. I guess times are tough for some.

I will take em short fact, I insist. I am not the grand canyon like some lol.