New Years Resolutions...Ugh!

Mine are ..

1) Make more people smile.

2) Not hold grudges.

3) Make others feel special.

4) Pamper myself a lil more .
Precious_b's Avatar
Great ones, PoP.
governmentguru's Avatar
My NYs resolution is to get back to the gym and get on a healthy diet. I'm sitting here watching Dr. Oz...ugh! I feel defeated before I start! (lol) Here's a list of absolute *NO* foods:

1. Fast food
2. Sodas (any)
3. Processed meals
4. Canned soups
5. No *Diet* anything

Oh, and I can only have a martini once a week! Why live? See the cat in my avatar...yeah, that's my look right now!

What are your resolutions this year? Originally Posted by Likinikki
Found that martini glass you wanted for Christmas...
Attached Images File Type: jpg giant_martini_glass_prop_01.jpg (51.7 KB, 139 views)
Haha...thanks GG, always looking out for me! Btw, still have that Christmas Stocking you gave me 7yrs ago! (toot, toot! lol)
Mine is to enjoy being single. I am much older and wiser this time around. Last time I was single was in the 80's. What's the single market like for 53 yr old men?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-28-2011, 10:56 PM
To get out, and stay out, of the wheelchair.
governmentguru's Avatar
Haha...thanks GG, always looking out for me! Btw, still have that Christmas Stocking you gave me 7yrs ago! (toot, toot! lol) Originally Posted by Likinikki
7 years ago? I was young and good-looking back then... I remember that day, you flew in, I picked you up at the airport, straight to an airport motel, 5-6 hours later I drove you back to the airport... I filled more than your stocking that Christmas
"I hear the train a comin'
It's rolling round the bend
And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when,
But that train keeps a rollin' on down to San Antone..."
raedy4funn45's Avatar
2012 will be different: I will actually accomplish my goals.

First, lose 20 pounds.
Second: Excercise while I travel ( besides those 1 or 2 hour cardio workouts with some special lady)
Third: Knock a few items off the bucket list.
  • Sami
  • 12-29-2011, 08:48 PM
A Lot to have fun with, but this time around much wiser

Mine is to enjoy being single. I am much older and wiser this time around. Last time I was single was in the 80's. What's the single market like for 53 yr old men? Originally Posted by 1trvlman
This year I plan to travel more, be more giving help more charities. And of course stay on track with staying healthy. Lots of cardio
Ramos's Avatar
  • Ramos
  • 12-29-2011, 08:59 PM
Mine is to enjoy being single. I am much older and wiser this time around. Last time I was single was in the 80's. What's the single market like for 53 yr old men? Originally Posted by 1trvlman

Shouldn't be too bad. I was 54 when I got married for the first time.
I should resolve to be more outgoing. Since I am out of state on business most weekdays, and was alway home with the family on weekends, I hardly know anyone in San Antonio even though I have lived here over 10 years. Now that I'm single and the kids are grown, I need to get out more and meet people. I mean other than the few VERY lovely ladies I know through the hobby.
Ramos's Avatar
  • Ramos
  • 12-30-2011, 07:26 AM
I should resolve to be more outgoing. Since I am out of state on business most weekdays, and was alway home with the family on weekends, I hardly know anyone in San Antonio even though I have lived here over 10 years. Now that I'm single and the kids are grown, I need to get out more and meet people. I mean other than the few VERY lovely ladies I know through the hobby. Originally Posted by 1trvlman

This is off-topic but anyway....
If you're going thru a divorce it's kind of awkward at first. Especially during the
holidays. Things seem to be geared for couples and not singles.
Then you
have well meaning friends and relatives inviting you to functions that you
normally went to with a wife or SO and now you're alone. This is my first
holiday season divorced after being married over 10 years and the strangeness is there.
I feel too conspicuous being alone now so I just bow out of the holiday parties
for the time being. Hopefully, as time goes on, we'll feel more comfortable being social as a single.
Actually I'm liking being single again. Just gotta get thru the holidays.
At my age I don't want to start dateing again, hence, my resolution posted earlier.
bitte_sex's Avatar
Definitely to hobby more
I'm going to learn to play a Guitar; get professional lessons . And run more.
GG...yeah, those were the days! Fun, fast and furious! (lol)

Ohhh shit where do I begin, no sodas, nothing white ( pasta, rice, salt, tortillas ect..) n join a gym n loose lots n LOTS OF WEIGHT.. SMH .. SP crack the whip on me too.. n ladies we should do a self defense class Once or twice a week? ?
Lexi, I have a very good friend who owns a dojo and offered to teach a self-defense class...anytime we want.