Yes I did, thank you. I had been aware of several applications for Hemp but not this one.
Originally Posted by 1NEMESIS
1NEMESIS I am glad that I have provided you with a bit of new information, although my comments were not really meant for you or to bolster any of your liberal media facts. You did not state any bolstering but I took it as an inference and have thus have "run with it". Thanks.
If you were wondering I am a conservative, capitalist that simply has an alternative to all of this that the inept Government and Greedy corporations have banished to line the proverbial pocket.
For MY post what you(1Nemesis) have done is point out that even you(1Nemesis) did not have this information. As you(1Nemesis) taut alternatives that a Government can provide for this country you do not point out the obvious Government lead cover-ups and leaching of the people’s hard earned pay, all the while your beloved government body is taking the ever so hated corporate money to fill their personal pockets and agendas. That money is what you are supporting under the current guise of Hope and Change. In reality it is more like control to conquer!! To think that the government has the ability, the desire, the talent, the where with all to manage picking their own noses much less organize our energy is absurd.
Back to my alternative Hemp, that if I do say so myself is An “ANSWER” not another problem.
My biggest concern for all here is that you (1Nemesis) are the only one that weighed in on it. I have found the majority of this board to be educated, worldly and sensible in their views. But most do not know of the value that hemp has played in the whole world for centuries.
As I stated in my original post the issue is that Hemp has been wrongly bunched in with a “drug problem” and most would not even consider it as an alternative due to this incorrect label. It was then easy for lobbyist from industry leaders in the early 1900's to gain political support and to literally wipe history clean of the facts about the plant.
We as a people are the only ones to change what has been going on in politics. Stopping government greed, cover ups, misinformation and allowing/ encouraging an entrepreneurial spirit which in turn will help to turn the tide in Mega Corporations strangle holds. That hold is allowed by our government due to the huge checks they, mega corps., write to our elected officials. It is for this reason this divers community doesn't know of the facts concerning HEMP.
As for the pipeline it will fill many a pockets thru every state of both good and bad participants. Price will not change for us normal folks and Canada will make the money. "Greenies" will not allow for more refineries so we will be backed up and not be able to process it anyway.
Note #1: No politician wants to see corporations go away. Obama has a billion dollar “war chest”. I am guessing a few (tongue in cheek) big corporations have given money to him. Especially those he “Bailed Out”. He did not save that type of money from his job as a counselor in Chi-Town. These checks were not written for his hope and change but for favors. (GM was very thankful I am sure, makes me think we are going to see a VW, or peoples car, roll of the Detroit line soon) 2 years into his Presidency he has stopped taking care of his people and is campaigning. Unacceptable for anyone in our government yet some people will go and vote for this man and all the others again.
Pipeline, no pipeline, we are bantering over the wrong thing. We need restructuring of the government which makes rules on behalf of use and we need to hold them accountable.
Note #2: I have not seen one thing concerning pretty women!! Hi, Ladies I hope to see all of you before it is over!!!! Even if I have to spend $5 a gallon for gas !!
Hope everyone that reads this will learn something no matter your political orientation. Me thinks my time will be better spent writing a review or better yet researching another lovely to have a fantasy with.
Your, SA_Mike Hancho ( I have approved this message)