Is good hygiene over-rated?

Its pretty sad that you even think that it would be ok to go in smelling NASTY which you would after a day like that and expect a provider to want to put her hands on you without a shower... THAT IS NASTY . If you dont have time to clean up then you dont have time for a session ! Or hell call a backpage girl most of them dont give a shit as long as they have the cash to take back to there "daddy" at the end of the night.

EWWWWWW... thats just nasty Originally Posted by Kaci Snow
Kaci nailed it....don't have time to shower...brush your teeth...put some clean clothes, etc prior to a session?? That's just poor planning, that's all.

When I show up, I expect (or hope) that the young lady has made all efforts to be clean and fresh as possible for her time with me. Can I do no less? Even if it's blistering hot (as summers can be in Dallas) and I even remotely suspect the heat / humidity has gotten to me, I ALWAYS ask if I can at least spritz off in her shower for a minute or two prior to engaging in body-to-body contact. I bring mouthwash, gum, mints, etc, too, as insurance (in a handy little backpack....along with bottled water, condoms, wine, etc, etc....always never know). Anyway, why would I want to go into her incall smelling like some kind of a barnyard animal?

Isn't it the civilized thing to do?
pyramider's Avatar
You sure you are not a provider?
LovingKayla's Avatar
Alyssa I want your sig line... seriously I've been staring at it for the last 20 min and forgot to get ready for this appt (thank goodness he's a friend.)
Alyssa I want your sig line... seriously I've been staring at it for the last 20 min and forgot to get ready for this appt (thank goodness he's a friend.) Originally Posted by LovingKayla
LOL! it IS distracting isn't it!? Heres where I get em at
Red Tex's Avatar
I wonder what it was like in the old days when a man rode in on his horse off the range after he had been sleeping in the woods for months.

Walks into the saloon, spurs jingling as he walks up to the bar and orders a shot of whisky in a dirty glass and then goes upstairs to meet one of the establishment's fine ladies who has been working there all day.....

Maybe they have a little wash-pan to clean up with....maybe not.
What about how the soiled doves douched? I would think oral pleasure would be VERY RARE!
Bestman200600's Avatar
There is no GFE for a guy that has a smelly ass and is not clean. Would you want to stick a dirty dick in your mouth???????
Satire or tongue in cheek comments hardly ever work in print. Obviously the OP is not serious. The question is so damned stupid. Coming in not just smelly but with fiberglass all over him.
Neither side wants to smell like ass. Take a shower, bathe, scrub, brush your teeth, use deodorant. Have some pride man! It's a major turn-off to smell during sex. Both parties should show the respect and be clean.