Just how safe is "hobbying"?

Trnch's Avatar
  • Trnch
  • 04-20-2010, 03:21 PM
Thanks for your thoughts gentlemen. And just to clarify, my SO is a GF. She lives a ways away, and if we were to tie the knot, I would cease all hobby related activities, including trolling this board. Again, thanks for the thoughts.
AP Originally Posted by airplanedriver88
No you won't.

Falstaff's Avatar
She lives a ways away, and if we were to tie the knot, I would cease all hobby related activities.
AP Originally Posted by airplanedriver88
So right now you hobby because you only see her occasionally? What are you going to do when you get married and the sex stops completely?
Everything worth doing has risk involved. So if you're smart, you manage the risk to keep it at a level you can deal with. My suggestions to minimize risk:

Avoid street girls
Always, always, always pay cash
Never bring a provider to your home
Get a hobby phone
Do not give out personal info Originally Posted by blowpop
For starters, Airplanedriver 88 are you a pilot? That’s kinda narrowing the field a bit if you are. Just a don’t-get-caught thought.