He was captured by the governemnt of Sudan and in an effort to improve strained relations with the US was offered to the Clinton administration, at the time there was not direct link between him and any attacks on US territory or property. The Clinton administration was not prepared to meet Sudans price which was removal of sanctions etc. So they declined. Clinton made some reference to this situation during a speak in 2002 and then recanted during testimony in 2004.
Monger, I would like your rational as to why someone should have to pay a higer percentage of tax just because they are considered wealthy. They use less government assets i.e. social programs, give a much higher dollar amount to charitable organizations. How is it fair to say they should pay more because they can pay more. Isn't this mentality more deep seated anger, resentment and envy towards the wealthy. I would hazard to guess that Warren Buffett pays more in income tax in one year than you do in 15. I would also like to know the mentality that believes that the poor should get a free ride on taxes when they are the group that uses the most government assets.A flat tax system the requires everyone to pay a percentage of their income, which has a floor which excludes anyone below a designated income level and which removes all loopholes, deductions etc. and which does not require filing taxes at the end of the year because your tax money is deducted out of each check and is paid as you go and which would allow a reduction in the size of the IRS buracracy, which would lesson the burden on the judicial system because there would be no more tax evasion cases and would less the burden on the corrections system because there would be about 2000 fewer convicted tax cheats each year.
Changing the tax system would increase revenue overall, decrease government expenditure, which could then be used to pay for other programs like Health Care etc etc.