
I think they're helpful for the ladies and the guys. Ladies can check a guy out in part based on his reviews. May make it helpful so she's not in for a surprise, just as it helps the guys when their researching a lady. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser

Oh I so agree! I will look at the part of the review that I am able to read.. and i look at how he describes the lady. An accurate description is respected but when it looks like he goes all out to draw more attention to a minor flaw rather than her skills... or if he just comes off as an asshat.. i will automatically choose not to see him. There are two ways to describe a lady.. in a respecting way or the asshat way. For instance if shes a mom... a gentleman will simply say maybe a slight mommy belly or even mommy damage.. but when I see some guy put something like her tits hung to her knees from having kids or that she musta ate too many ho-hos when she was prego.. (ive seen it).. its just disrespectful.

and for NWA- i guess i am one of the 10%.. because when reviews are discussed with the men I see.. i tell them if they want to do a review, thats great.. but keep it honest. Making shit up just gives the provider the chance of disappointing another when the other thinks the provider offers something that she does not. Youre basically setting a guy up for disappointment and the lady up for a negative review.
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Eccie Addict's Avatar
I just love when I get pm'd with a link to reviews.

I'm "Eccie Addict" so there's a very good chance I've seen the review before I get a pm
and for NWA- i guess i am one of the 10%.. because when reviews are discussed with the men I see.. i tell them if they want to do a review, thats great.. but keep it honest. Making shit up just gives the provider the chance of disappointing another when the other thinks the provider offers something that she does not. Youre basically setting a guy up for disappointment and the lady up for a negative review. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
LL, you are definitely in the top 10%, no, 1% from what I've heard. I really meant, 90% of everything in each review is pretty useless, at best. Everybody arrives, knocks on the door, takes their clothes off, get's in the bed, screws, yada, yada, yada. My biggest problem usually is in the opinions of the reviewer, i.e. his idea of beautiful, fit, cleanliness, or how well she does something, which unfortunately differs from mine most of the time.
Roothead's Avatar
reviews, like laws and regulations, are but a guideline.... open to interpretation and many times not clear and easily understood....

they are but one of many key indicators that one can use to assess a person, process or product/service