Do you have change for a $20 ????

  • Paven
  • 03-25-2012, 06:53 PM
No boobie bank? Originally Posted by pyramider
I don't keep cash in my cleavage .
I came across a review (don't ask lol) ..
(the last comment)
And it got me to thinking since I never keep cash at my place, would you ask for change back if you did not have the correct amount?

Ladies have you had this happen?

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

Never had a guy ask for change. I stick with a solid number, 300 LOL, so it isn't like it's 275 or 255 or whatever and change might be necessary.
canuckvic's Avatar
I usually only carry $100 bills and I don't really pay attention too much of the exact rate, If they charge $300 they get three bills, if they charge $260 they get three bills. Sometimes I'll add some twenties in to cover cab fare, etc so that it doesn't come out of their fee.
If I don't like the session thats the last bill they get from me, if I like the session, I repeat and they get more bills. It seems pretty fucking simple!
My attitude has always been if you have to ask how much, you can't afford it and probably shouldn't be in this hobby.
Lol..I never ever even thought about making change and have always tipped anywhere from $10 to $200 and was never worried about the provider seeing where I had my extra cash...I guess I always stuck with providers with a good reputation and never worried about those things and don't intend to start seeing providers that would make you worry about that..I been fortunate to have the extra cash and have always rounded off the rate or given more than the rate to every provider I've seen and on many occasion given a generous tip if I really enjoyed a ladies company.
I have never been asked for change, it's a shame really- never was able to put that roll of quarters I stowed up my ass to good use.
jaydalee's Avatar
When I used to work for agencies I would experience this a lot with gents asking for change.I would tell them I do not have change.Since being independent I had one gent recently do this to me.Except he did not have my 2hr rate he was short 50 which I had to point out to him which I hate doing.Since he was 50 short he decides to give me 100 but wants change I told him I do not have change.At this point he decides he does not want a 2hr appt now he wants a 90min appt.Thank god the rest of the gents I see have their stuff together.

I feel if a gent books an appointment and takes the time to see what a provider's rates are he should be prepared.If he does not have exact change that is his fault and he should not expect change.
Just my .02
In the future they will put computer chips in our ass to read CC as they swipe them in our ass cleavage... LOL
Sweet N Little's Avatar
In the future they will put computer chips in our ass to read CC as they swipe them in our ass cleavage... LOL Originally Posted by LusciousLacy

No, I never have change. I try to keep my rates even increments of 20, or if they're an odd number like 275 it because 25 goes straight to my incall, so I dont have to go out for change.
OMG! SnL.. i knew if anyone could find a pic or video it would be you!! The vision in my head made me laugh... but the video cracked my ass up!!
Hahahaha, that just seems tacky! I have cash on me all the time so if I guess if they wanted changed I would give it to them. Originally Posted by Shayla
Be careful...
pickupkid's Avatar
I usually leave a tip so I just let her have the change
Most clients pop by the ATM on the way to the appointment, but ATM's typically dispense amounts in $20 increments, so my rates on my most popular sessions are even amounts.

Only one of my rates is an odd number but I have a note on my website:

"Donations are expected prior to service. Please provide the correct gift amount, no change is available.

Before the appointment begins, please lay your gift in plain sight, no envelope. Tipping is appreciated, but NEVER expected.
Thank you!" Originally Posted by Giveumyhart
Once, I went to an ATM before going to an appointment. It dispensed FIVES. Bad on many levels...First, the thick wad of cash raises expectations. Then, there's the counting. Anyway, all ended well, but the ATM was not my friend that day.

In terms of the original topic, I don't ask for change.
the video cracked my ass up!! Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
I'm sure your ass DOES have a crack in it.
I'm sure your ass DOES have a crack in it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Why yes.. it has a Greek Crack.. but not available to accept CC through it yet.