Removing License Plates

Just reading the cards acp is laying out on the table.

He says is isn't ignorant of the specifics. Considering I don't recall ever discussing my desire to wear clown make up with him publicly I am unaware of what he could know. I wanted to shield my family from the scrutiny of knowing their minivan doubles as a clown car and I asked about removing my plates at Chuck e Cheese for birthday parties.

So, did you know specifics or were you just racing along with little or no information and you were making assumptions acp? Because telling someone on a public board you know their specifics might be slightly stupid.

BTW SJ, your avatar/SB is smokin hot. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Hey man, have a good Easter ok. Maybe something good will happen in your life and you won't be so inclined to throw unwarranted insults at people on a public board like this one. In the mean time just keep the License Plate on your car. You'll just drive off without remembering to put it back on.
ShysterJon's Avatar
BTW SJ, your avatar/SB is smokin hot. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Thank you. She may be a keeper. She's a little older than my SBs have been (24) and more responsible. She works full-time and goes to a good college, but she has a great sense of humor and swears like a sailor. Oh, and she's very vocal when I'm banging the hell out of her. Haha.
boo-boo bear's Avatar
Thanks for the response SJ, but a little wrench in the gears may be the complex rules on vehicles and parking. I know some people who work in hotels and apartments, and quite a few have their own rules on vehicles and parking, as well as various agreements with towing companies. Frequently these require all vehicles to possess valid insurance, inspection and registration, and that the inspection, registration AND tags be displayed on the vehicle. And some towing companies will tow at the slightest chance, and getting your car back can be a real bitch.

I know those who worry about tags being stolen, or information falling into undesired hands. So even with all the issues of taking your tags on, or off, make sure you comply with the complex rules as well! (As well as resident parking stickers and when and where guests are allowed to park!)
ShysterJon's Avatar
I guess it's possible a guy could be in a girl's incall for an hour or two and get his vehicle towed because he took the plates off, but that scenario seems highly unlikely to me. Someone would need to observe the tagless car, make a report to the complex or hotel office, the office would call the tow service, and the tow service would need to abscond with the vehicle, all in less time than it took for No Tag Man to blow his load in Valerie Vagina in the room.
I think everyone here is missing the idea.
Removing a plate (or both) DRAWS attention... if you can find an old plate, or both you swap them so that
1) the security guard who see's your car does not notice anything out of place.. they are not going to run it, they do not get paid enough to run every plate.
2) to anyone else who might look at your car and write them down.. the plates lead them elsewhere.

True fact, if you do not draw attention to yourself you can drive down the freeway with a trunk full of contraband and the cops won't pull you over. Have a busted brake light and that gives them PC.
Jannisary's Avatar
Accidents can happen at the most inopportune moments. Wouldn't it suck (and not in a good sexy way) to get into an accident someplace between the hotel and your chosen spot to swap back into your legal plates? You can be the most careful driver there is between those two points and still wind up getting rear ended, side swiped, whatever. Then you're stuck in a situation of having to explain to law enforcement why you have the wrong plates on your vehicle. I think that is as much of a risk in driving around with illegal plates than there is in just driving to the hotel legal and doing your business discreetly and then leaving.
Not saying that cannot happen, but if you carry a cordless screw gun (cheapy) when you get to the place or nearby its a quick change..

Certainly do not do it in front of a camera.... and one should train one's self to look for them.
I think people do not want to have their vehicle associated with frequenting a spa or a hotel known for "traffic"
I found this thread interesting. I've yet to meet any of the girls on this site yet. In the event that I do, are you suggesting it would be a good idea to remove my cars license plate once I arrive at the girl's location.
Boltfan's Avatar
I had a pretty simple question that was answered. It actually wasn't even hobby related. I mainly wanted to make sure I wouldn't get towed, and the responses received let me know what I need to consider.

Jim, I guess it all depends on the location of the lay's incall as to whether that would be appropriate.
Bolt, just an add-on for what it's worth. I would think that the locale would be a factor that might affect the whole theory.

In other words, in a populated complex where nosy neighbors might be peering out cracks in the blinds, the time you were huddled over unscrewing the tags could turn into a report to the manager or the police that there was a license plate thief at work, especially considering the car would be left sans tags after you got them off.

Some crimes are committed by criminals in stolen cars that also have plates stolen from OTHER cars just to slow down the vehicle searching capability of patrol cars.

If you are just trying to avoid having your plates copied by a pimp or a provider, park at the closest store and walk. Try carrying a carpet sample board or a clipboard and a neck lanyard with some computer-generated card clipped to it. You'll blend right in like a survey taker or a salesman who belongs there.


City where I live, and I think many of the suburbs, requires that anyone going door to door must be registered with the city & carrying their permit. I would suggest that while the general concept of doing something to fit in to the particular area is a good idea, the going door to door approach could get you ticketed (and of course, bring your presence added scrutiny).

Heck, considering some of the neighborhoods you guys hang out in for streetwalkers, carry a basketball, wear shorts & a t-shirt, and say you were looking for a good pickup game of basketball. Would have worked in my neighborhood growing up for sure. (Wait, I had either a basketball or a frisbee on me about 50% of the time I was on foot when I was a kid.)

For a lot of us, a picture of our vehicle in the parking lot of a hotel, AMP, studio, strip club, or driveway of an unknown (provider) friend would initiate conversations with SOs that are not desired.

There have been a lot of allegations floating around about pimps & scams taking down a guy's plate number, taking a picture, and sending it to the SO to out a hobbyist. Originally Posted by tigercat
See a reputable lady with good reviews and a reputation for being an indie and this shouldn't be a problem. Those type of people digust providers. We do everything in our power to keep our meetings discreet and your identity protected; however, if someone removed my plates at my incall, I would be VERY concerned about the added attention.

IMHO, if you have THAT much to lose, then you should take the extra steps of being with a provider that has an impeccable reputation for discretion. Anything less puts an unnecessary risk (and guilty/worried look on your face) of your SO finding out and that is not fair to her.
Taking the plate might be worthwhile IF the group in Houston gets going that is trying to pressure the Mayor on going after John's and not the providers......your plate posted on a billboard by a maniac on a mission would just not go down well at home.

But on the otherhand, several local copshops are now equipped with scanners on the car that cruise through an apt complex or mall and read plates in all four directions, and run them for no plate would just be instant heat.

Discretion, just think discretion, and keep the plates on.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
I found this thread interesting. I've yet to meet any of the girls on this site yet. In the event that I do, are you suggesting it would be a good idea to remove my cars license plate once I arrive at the girl's location. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Seems like the OP has had his question answered so hopefully it's OK to wander off topic a little. Personally, I would not remove my plates when I arrived at a provider's location. Seems like the act of removing your plates is likely to draw unwanted attention. OTOH, anyone who sees your plates can run your license and find out whose name the car is registered under. I think it generally is a good idea to protect your personal identity from disclosure to anyone in this hobby who may be looking. So, I never park right at the provider's door--always park a little away and walk a bit.