I've been pretty consistent with keeping myself to 2-3 appts/week for the last year or so. In preparation for some big expenses I tried to do 5 recently and by the last one I just didn't want to be there. It would be super nice if I could see 4 guys a day and be done with it but it is too draining. It isn't even the sex, its the engagement. Plus OMG FUCKING SHAVE. I don't need beard burn on my pussy even if I don't plan to see anyone else for two days. Tangent!
Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Guys need to condition their beards. If you condition in the shower and then put a leave in conditioner on it before bed your beard will be very soft. No worries about burns anywhere. Girls are always shocked how soft my beard is. Some worry at first then when they feel it want to rub it all the time, cool at first annoying after awhile.