300 for a CBJ???

The White Queen's Avatar
In this thread where it is a general discussion it is easy for this not to be personal. If the same comment is made on a review where the hobbyist and provider were both happy with what happened it becomes personal. Those comments influence others and may cause someone not to call the provider. That affects her business and her income. It is personal then because this is how she supports herself, it is not a hobby for them. If a hobbyist thinks a provider is overpriced or does not provide a service they want they should see someone else. Making irrelevant comments on a review thread is tacky. Originally Posted by Laz
Don't know you...personally (oh, nooo, not THAT word, again, lol), Laz, but you make some salient points. Incidentally, (other than thanking Mokoa for his .02 earlier in this thread) I haven't voiced an opinion-even though it is my review being martyred for "the cause", lol...

Frankly, yes, I would be thrilled if people [whom I've never met] kept their [therefore irrelevant] comments regarding the activities my clients fantasize about sharing with me to themselves-mom used to preach something..., something about not having anything nice to say...? Let's call it "kindergarten etiquette", but...anyway. Tangent-oops !

While I wouldn't call providing my "hobby", it is certainly not my primary source of income. Consequently, I enjoy the luxury of meeting only those with whom I feel a natural compatability and, in some cases, a genuine attachment. If you catch yourself weighing pro's and con's when you contemplate contacting me, please, save us both the, umm,...agony of your indecision, lol, especially if it all hinges on an obviously incompatible perception of fufillment BCD.

Lastly, it's ridiculous to think that denouncing my rates, activities, et cetera, reflects in any way on MY person. If anything, it does seem a bit like heckling when strangers blemish otherwise 5 star reviews with those kind of unwarranted, negative/derogatory remarks, but...c'est la vie. It takes all kinds (unfortunately), lol, and, of course, I do my best to ignore it (as does the clientele to whom I appeal). Thank you to my friends on this board (client and provider) who came to my defense when they felt I was being treated disrespectfully... , but no more "feeding the trolls", lol.

Please, refrain from contacting me re the topic of this thread or even re the review in question (poor Von... ). If either were to mysteriously become "closed",....how awesome would that be...just sayin'.

Thanks! M.
Mikela, I love your response. Very eloquent and rationale. Exactly what I would expect.

T I have found on occasion though, paying more doesn't always guarantee good rest. When I failed to do the research on a higher end hotel I was unfamiliar with, I occasionally got burned. I learned to do the research or stick to my comfort zone. Originally Posted by Rover14

I think what is most important here is RESEARCHING. If you feel that a girl's menu does not satiate your taste, there are many other ladies to choose from. A quick glimpse at her p411 profile or reviews will let you know what is what and if for some reason your query isn't answered, simply ask! You wouldn't go to Neiman Marcus complaining about how they're prices are higher than TJ Maxx because you're fully aware of that before you arrive. It's rude to go on a provider's review and say "you paid how much for that?" If the guy enjoys himself, why should you even care?
sensualsanaa said in part:
".....It's rude to go on a provider's review and say "you paid how much for hat?" If the guy enjoys himself, why should you even care?....."

love and totally respect comments made by Mikaela
sanan's Avatar
  • sanan
  • 04-26-2012, 09:41 AM
A VP usually has a showcase or an ad where anything you need to know is listed, and there are links to reviews where everything else you probably already now know is described in various ways, over and over and over again.

There is no reason, then, to complain or bitch about the terms if you select the VP.

If you don't like the menu then go someplace else!

It is rare to write a completely positive review of every encounter, but not impossible.

Sometimes there will be niggles and one has to balance the good against the bad, where if need be, in the end a recommendation can be made either way. It is provided by ECCIE - thanks guys and gals - as an option in the review.

So it isn't quite all a one way street here, VPs do sometimes get bad reviews.

Comments in review threads like ' I wouldn't pay that much for ...' are not unusual nor unexpected. But threads started about such comments are.

As to the VP whose review this thread seems to be about; a lady far far beyond anything else that I have come across in a long time hobbying. Excellent does not really get close, outstanding is the sort of language that feels right in her case. A 'Goddess' is probably a better word. So if I were in the market for a 'Goddess' I wouldn't even blink at $300 for the pleasure of going to heaven.

In fact I wouldn't care about the money at all for such a divine experience.

But as some of the comments above point out, if its hell you are into that too can be found. I know, been there done that. Yes a nice SW can fit the bill too, but you might end up dead or robbed as easily as laid. Sure, some of them provide as good and better service as a VP, but these are rare and hard to find. In the end it will cost you as much and more to discover such talent as to use a VIP.

As a final comment, and getting away from all the intelectualizing here I have to say that the divine experience is something no hobbyist could ever forget. Going to heaven is definitely highly worth it no matter what the cost may be.

Enjoy this Goddess while you still can.


Nicely stated Mikaela!!!!
Ok here is one of those topics that is going to get me to come out of my one line response hole. I am probably going to ruffle a few feathers here but here I go anyway

First of all like Moka says, a lady can charge whatever she wants and provide whatever service she wants for that set price. It is the hobbyist choice to either visit with the lady or not, but for other hobbyist to call a guy out because he decided to pay the fee for the service provided is horse S***. Maybe he prefers a cbj, maybe he wanted only an hj who are we to know what he wanted. When we make comments like that everyone sees it and it could hurt the ladies business. Some of the guys will think since Joe Shmoe with A review count of 100 must really know what he is talking about. So he shouldn’t try to see that particular lady because the "hobby heroes" say that isn’t a good value? My question is can you really put a value on your dick being in some hotties mouth? ,that you couldn’t hope to achieve anyway unless you paid her? Hell she is a third your age do you think she wants to suck your dick? Take it for what it is worth, you are getting a blowjob. That’s a good thing, enjoy it ,..so what if it is wrapped up. She is doing you a favor. You probably are going to last longer because of the cover... You should know nothing is secret on these boards. All the ladies know all the things we are saying. It just makes you sound cheap if you gripe about a ladies price or level of service. Hell if Megan fox was doing 300 cbjs I would be first in line. Remember what you’re paying for. You don’t have to see her if she doesn’t bbbj, but don’t flame her or the gent for a cbj in a session. One has to remember your dick is still in her mouth and for most of you that’s all you need to get off anyway. I guess what I am trying to say is what if the women all got together and colluded to only do cbj.. Than what would you do? you wouldn’t stop. I doubt it. So quit bitching. Several of my brethren have this sense of entitlement because they a high review count and think they should receive special treatment from the ladies because of it, REALLY? so what? That just makes you a bully. We have to remember they are doing US a favor. Do you really think we are doing them a favor by seeing them? Do you think they want your 60 yr old balls in her mouth? No they don’t so play nice, and don’t complain about pricing.
Any of us that hobby regularly has to make somewhat of a decent living or we couldn’t afford to play. I know when I am at work I expect people to pay for my time because it has a value and I am sure all of you do too. Would you lower your cost of doing business because it’s a customer’s birthday? Probably not, unless you own a dennys or something.
These ladies work hard dealing with us. So pay what they ask and don’t expect more than they are willing to provide. You can always move on to the next if you are not happy with their level of service, or if you cant afford it don’t ask them to lower it to what your willing to pay. It is just disrespectful. They deserve our respect. They don’t judge you because you like to dress up like a little girl and get spankings, or you like a dildo in your ass. So treat them with the same respect they treat you and all be right with the world…..and Im spent
" I know when I am at work I expect people to pay for my time because it has a value and I am sure all of you do too. You can always move on to the next if you are not happy with their level of service, or if you cant afford it don’t ask them to lower it to what your willing to pay." Carguy2442

I concur. We can charge what we want and if it's not for you, there are other fish in the sea. It's really a win win.
We have to remember they are doing US a favor. Do you really think we are doing them a favor by seeing them? Do you think they want your 60 yr old balls in her mouth?
It is just disrespectful. They deserve our respect. They don’t judge you because you like to dress up like a little girl and get spankings, or you like a dildo in your ass. So treat them with the same respect they treat you and all be right with the world…..and Im spent Originally Posted by carguy2442
OMG Seriously, I spit out my chocolate milk! You are hilarious! I think you bring up a valid point that most ladies don't get to pick their partners or know how they look/smell/act/hygiene etc before he arrives. The ladies don't always get the activities they enjoy during an appt. Every lady should determine what cost helps them live with making those sacrifices and no one should judge a happy hobbyist who felt they got a good value regardless of what they paid.
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
OMG Seriously, I spit out my chocolate milk! You are hilarious! I think you bring up a valid point that most ladies don't get to pick their partners or know how they look/smell/act/hygiene etc before he arrives. The ladies don't always get the activities they enjoy during an appt. Every lady should determine what cost helps them live with making those sacrifices and no one should judge a happy hobbyist who felt they got a good value regardless of what they paid. Originally Posted by atxdream

Im gonna agree with that --- I say if you dont like the MPD (mileage per dollar) then dont take the drive
+1,000,000 to all of the recent comments defending this gorgeous goddess, xoxo M!

Let me tell you something, fellows! I have met this girl, provided her champagne over conversation, etc. She is drop-dead gorgeous with a heart of Platinum and possesses the intellectual prowess many women in this hobby wish they had. Honestly, her rates are too fair, and if I were a betting woman, I'd say she could go much higher and still get solid business. I have been in discussion with girls in the 4 and 5 range, and some are so intellectually inferior, vapid, shallow, horrible....and do not have the gorgeous face, beautiful mind and chiseled body of xoxo M, I wonder why men pay them more than what xoxo M charges?!? Then those same men have the audacity to contact me stating they wish they would have seen me or xoxo M as they felt scammed by visiting/local providers charging 4-5 bills for the hour ride because those same clients have seen us and know the two of us have the heart, mind, intellectual abilities and better service. WE ARE REAL. FAKE does not exist in our universe. I mean, really. After this whole debating of rates, I am going to up my rates again and quit offering specials as xoxo M inspired me as for her being so strong, beautiful and diplomatic through this all. What a defense she provided!

With regard to her services, there are clients who book her strictly because they respect her health precautions and have a deep understanding why she is CBJ and no DATY. I personally am not a fan of DATY. Once upon a time, I did this "legally" in a state where it is permitted and made X10 of what I am making now per the hour and CBJ was enforced by law. Some men negotiated, others paid what I wanted. This was because they saw me at the front-door brothel line-up and chose me out of the other 12 girls standing next to me 9 out of 10 times. The difference was I was strict and never truly budged on my rates for the hour. I was firm and persistent on what I felt I was worth. Now, I feel like I am too sweet and will work with budgets in the local, Texas hobby. No more! Not after this whole mess. I will continue to train in the gym, have that desired physique most men want and stay near 3 bills. I was there a year ago (3 bills) and got it all of the time ((far less than my Nevada days)).....maybe in recent days, my generous heart was too big in all of this.

I rest my case, xoxo M is a phenomenal human being with a beautiful face, gorgeous body, cerebral, witty, charming and fun! I was almost banned last week for defending her, but stated this before it was deleted by mods...."she has the mind of Einstein with Baywatch looks...." Enough said, fellows.

Good day!


P.S. My dear friend, EDM_FW always stated ((I know I am going to mess this up)), that if the difference in seeing a provider was over a few twenties or cbj vs bbbj, then she was never truly worth it. In essence, he is saying that if a girl is true quality, why the hell would it ever matter?
+I am going to up my rates again and quit offering specials as xoxo M inspired me as for her being so strong, beautiful and diplomatic through this all. What a defense she provided!
Originally Posted by VIP Latina Barbie

No No No barbie thats not the answer I was looking for......sigh... guess I gotta start saving....... you are a sweetheart you deserve it
  • Laz
  • 04-28-2012, 01:26 PM
No No No barbie thats not the answer I was looking for......sigh... guess I gotta start saving....... you are a sweetheart you deserve it Originally Posted by carguy2442
My thoughts exactly.
Another one? http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=437215
I guess some people don't realize things Improve with age? To imply someine isn't worth 200 bc they are 40 yrs old is just insulting.

OH and BY THE WAY.... I assumed that others would look at the review history of the person who made the comment that started this... The discussion of CBJ vs BBBJ as a pref wasn't the issue with him. He was specifically insulting her donation. Well you'll get the point and draw your own conclusions.
Rev 1: 3 girls, hh, $$, CBJ+
Rev 2: 1 girl, 1 hr, $$$$, bbbj+
Rev 3: 1 girl, hh, $.60, cbp? & hj
Rev 4: 1 girl, hh, $.70, cbj +
Rev 5: 1 girl, hh, $.20, cbj+
Marcus78's Avatar
I'm legitimately confused. ATX, is your complaint that guys see this as non-personal venture (as the first post in this thread would indicate) or is it that guys get upset with the level of service that some ladies provide as it relates to the amount they choose to charge, or is it a hybrid of both? It just seems like this whole thread has meandered around a myriad of topics, with one conclusion (That the lady can charge whatever she wants, and provide what level she wants, and guys will choose who they wish to see accordingly) seemingly coming to the top over, and over, again.

People are going to voice opinions on the review thread (whether they should or not is another matter IMHO) stating how they feel, giving their feedback, etc. Every guy here has a reason they chose to see the ladies, and pay the amount they did, including Gentlemancaller, from whom I think you've drawn a faulty conclusion.

It appears that Gentlemancaller was commenting on the price a lady charged as it related to the level of service she provided, and NOT, as you put it, "...insulting her donation." Your conclusion only provides half of the story, and is seriously misleading, IMHO. Just look at the price list you posted immediately after that conclusion, and it shows the folly.

He paid a lower amount as it related to a lower level of service (CBJ as opposed to BBBJ) in all of his reviews, whereas the provider in question charged $300.00 for CBJ. Granted she provides a full hour (which is a much better deal than paying $170.00 for HH, but maybe he likes HH sessions as a matter of preference) so you could say $170 per HH is lower than $300.00 an hour. Then again, if he can get his rocks off in 30 minutes at half the price or less, than it's a wise financial move to book only a HH session. But your argument especially falls flat on its face with review 4 (again from the list you provided) as he happily paid $400.00 for a lady, and got the service he wanted, namely BBBJ.

So it would appear that he is a buyer at $300.00 or more, if the right level of service (for him at least) is offered. If it were true that he only cared about the donation, amount, then why would he have paid $400.00 for an hour ($100.00 more than Mikaela's rate) with another lady? Or is it that the lady he chose to saw provided him with a more-fitting experience (level of service vs. price paid) which suited his needs? In any event, I feel like this about this thread now.

Exactly. He is willing to pay essentially the same rate (just in hh increments) as the original reviewer for the same service. My argument is that how can anyone say his comment wasnt personal? His problem was not with the rate, it wasn't with the service, so what's left? Hes commenting on the value of a girl he has never met. Re-reading when I wrote her donation, it would have been clearer if I said her donation.