Keirsey Temperament of Hobbyists and Providers

tia travels's Avatar
That's funny, Daen.

Maybe you should take this test: Originally Posted by OldGrump

I'm ADHD free it says: Score of 18
If you scored... You may have...
70 & up Adult ADHD
50 - 69 Moderate ADHD
35 - 49 Mild ADHD
25 - 34 Borderline ADHD
0 - 24 No ADHD likely

In regard to your first link:
I scored the following:
Your Type
Introvert(33%) Sensing(12%) Thinking(6%) Perceiving(33)%
You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (33%)
You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%)
You have slight preference of Thinking over Feeling (6%)
You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (33%)

It said I missed 1 question so my results might be decreased. I "did" do it in a hurry.
Roothead's Avatar
ENTJ NYer - and I only meet with providers that can respond back within 48hrs and can make and keep an appt a wk in advance.... when I have to cancel within 24hrs of the mtg, I always offer to pay the fee, as I realize that their time is also their money..... likewise, I expect that if they bail on me, they will " make it up to me" - be that extra time, lesser fee on the reschedule, etc.... this is a business (albeit a really fun one most times) and I treat it as such
Y0yoY0's Avatar

And, I remember when I first took the "color" one. I was Green, which really explained a lot about me and how I work/relate w/people in the other categories.
You no longer need to leave your home to determine the likelihood of ADHD disorders. It's easy now! It is enough to complete a specially prepared test. Many people benefited from our help. See for yourself that it's worth it. adhd test
Mine is IDGAF but CAET at the very same time LOL and never took the test.