Obama Loses 42% Of Vote To Texas Inmate

I'll bet Little Stevie will be quiet for awhile, after being found out to be stupid. It's common knowledge, as has been shown here, that Obama wants to destroy the coal industry. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Read what he said AGAIN! No destruction threatened just a price that forces them to quit spewing mercury into the oceans at the present rate.

When some bellicose Teapublican wants to put mercury into your food and spread clouds of it over large lands masses, your answer is to defend those poisoners and to lambaste the people who are trying to stop the poisoning.

No one ever accused any of you of having much brainpower. It is just my hope that you continue to show your stupidity to this extent and that others can easily avoid believing the crap you dump on the board.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You must mean the forcing of conversion to mercury laden compact fluorescent light bulbs rather than incandescent that do not contain mercury. Now we get mercury poisoning that is sanctioned by the government and createes jobs IN CHINA!

And you want to question our intelligence. You have been duped and need to crawl back under you English teachers desk.
You have NEVER one time defended any conservitive rightwing Republican ideal. You ALWAYS defend the LIBERAL DEMOCRATE ideals. What are we supposed to think? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

If they have one I will defend it.they usually sit in the speeches waving blank sheets of papers.
You must mean the forcing of conversion to mercury laden compact fluorescent light bulbs rather than incandescent that do not contain mercury. Now we get mercury poisoning that is sanctioned by the government and createes jobs IN CHINA!

And you want to question our intelligence. You have been duped and need to crawl back under your English teacher's desk. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Still coming with the non-issue moronic responses, eh?

Yep, smart ass! Mercury thermometers really poisoned a lot of people, too, didn't they? Are you really stupid enough to equate the giant clouds of airborne mercury with the mercury that "might" be deposited inside plastic bags in a lined landfill or other such sanctioned disposal facility?

I did a little "no charge" correcting for your irrelevant ass just to show you don't even know how to spell "your English teacher's desk". LMAO!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, Stevie, how much mercury is ok to put into the environment? Since you support some mercury in the environment, but not the amount the coal companies might disperse, what is the best amount?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Leave him alone COG, he has his feelings hurt.
Sounds to me like a little boy that his dad didn't love or ran off before he was born. He has a lot of anger that he needs to express and uses his foul mouth and false sense of superiority to try to build himself up. More than likely a very insecure person that takes great pride in pointing out that a blind man sometimes does not hit the proper keys in the proper order.

People like this are typically liberal, probably caused by a birth defect or fetal alcohol syndrome. I would imagine his mother drank heavily knowing what she had groing inside her and could not afford an abortion. This would be a prime reason he would support abortion since it appears he obviously hates himself to the point of loathing. This is why he tries to make himself feel better by lashing out at others.

I am sure he will follow this up with some more vitriolic bile that festers in his gut.

But, as to your question about how much mercury he is comfortable with, it is whatever he is told is ok.

So Mr. English professor, what is the specific gravity of Mercury?
joe bloe's Avatar
You must mean the forcing of conversion to mercury laden compact fluorescent light bulbs rather than incandescent that do not contain mercury. Now we get mercury poisoning that is sanctioned by the government and createes jobs IN CHINA!

And you want to question our intelligence. You have been duped and need to crawl back under you English teachers desk. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Actually, I think he teaches Ebonics. English is a second language for Tiny Stevie.



Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh he is still pissed that a criminal white dude got almost half of the DEMOCRATS to vote for him over his butt buddy Obama. So who' your daddy now.

Are you saying that if Obama had a son he would look just like Teenie Stevie.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually, I think he teaches Ebonics. English is a second language for Tiny Stevie. Originally Posted by joe bloe
He does have trouble with English.

Thanks, Sexyeccentric1. These sorts ofthings NEVER appear on FAUX News or on the Rush Bimbo Show.

What LIV answers you elicited!

The Low Intelligence Voters here are really on a roll, aren't they?
This is what I've come to expect from them. They are non-responsive, "fluff material" posters who fancy themselves witty but, in reality, have a sub-standard understanding of almost everything!

They are actually "cracking wise" and defending those sorts of bullying activities by Romney while slandering the President with the false and unprovable banter of the highly-scripted AM Hate Radio jocks and FAUX News anchors.

One of these morons said Obama was for gay marriage before he was against it and went on to do an imitation of the "mass-produced" slam about Kerry's votes on the Iraq War.

All this is being done by idiots here as they support a candidate who is undoubtedly the biggest "Flip Flopper" in the entire history of Presidential Politics - Mittens "I'll Take Credit For That" Romney!

Keep posting the truth, SE1!
Originally Posted by Little Stevie

Still coming with the non-issue, moronic responses, eh?

Yep, smart ass! Mercury thermometers really poisoned a lot of people, too, didn't they? Are you really stupid enough to equate the giant clouds of airborne mercury with the mercury that "might" be deposited inside plastic bags in a lined landfill or other such sanctioned, disposal facility?

I did a little "no charge" correcting for your irrelevant ass just to show you don't even know how to spell "your English teacher's desk". LMAO! Originally Posted by Little Stevie

I'm voting for this as "The Most Outrageously Stupid Post of the Year". Even if you intended it to be funny, the hypothesis is too absurd to be funny, and that last comment is arrogant and elitist although there is nothing elitist about your permanent identification as a LIV.

And, Kayla, if you are going to accuse Obama of being a communist falsely (This is a dangling modifier, jackass.), at least have the brains to spell "commie" right.

Things would be fine if we revoked the voting rights of the LIVS! (Low Intelligence Voters).
Originally Posted by Little Stevie

but that is hardly ever addressed by the Teapublicans. They scream "Soros" when Soros gives 1/100th of what the Cock Bros give.

The FUCKING POINT these Teapublican retards don't everytalk about is that the OUT-OF-STATE corporate THUGS are using Wisconsin to draw a line in the sand on unions.

In the 1930's and 1940's
, and even into the 1950's, unions were strong.

Unions TODAY represent ONLY 7% of ALL the workers in this country.

People in this country who have decent wages owe unions for helping raise THEIR OWN wages. Without unions, Willard Mittens Romney will join the corporate thugs to pay everyone what Chinese laborers make, or they'll simply ship more jobs overseas!

That is the goal of the "line in the sand" in Wisconsin and the reason the Cock Bros and their ilk have donated $25 MILLION to Walker
and the Dems have less than $1.5 Million to spend so far in Wisconsin! (The Koch brothers donated $1.5 million to the Dims? Seriously? ) Originally Posted by Little Stevie

Read what he said AGAIN! No destruction threatened, just a price that forces them to quit spewing mercury into the oceans at the present rate.

When some bellicose Teapublican wants to put mercury into your food and spread clouds of it over large lands masses, your answer is to defend those poisoners and to lambaste the people who are trying to stop the poisoning.

No one ever accused any of you of having much brainpower. It is just my hope that you continue to show your stupidity to this extent and that others can easily avoid believing the crap you dump on the board.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Munchmasterman's Avatar
He does have trouble with English.





http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=...6&postcount=31 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You want to open this can of worms? Aren't you going to show "conservative" poster's mistakes too? How many people, besides you, have decried pointing out typos, misspelled words, incorrect punctuation, etc?
So is correcting posts more important than reading their content now?

By all means then, let's all get our red pencils out since you have defined posting priorities
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Munchie, remember when you lambasted me for supposedly misusing the word "site"? You need to be careful if you are going to get into this type of argument. You don't have the tools to win.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You want to open this can of worms? Aren't you going to show "conservative" poster's mistakes too? How many people, besides you, have decried pointing out typos, misspelled words, incorrect punctuation, etc?
So is correcting posts more important than reading their content now?

By all means then, let's all get our red pencils out since you have defined posting priorities
. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Little Blind Boy ALREADY opened 'this can of worms'. So why are YOU not challenging him? Little Blind Boy NEVER points out the typos of liberal posters, and, if you'll recall, he retracted his one post where he DID unwittingly critique a leftie's post. BTW, you've posted some pretty unintelligible shit that you do not want revisited (COG barely scratched the surface), so back off and write some shit about that pompous-ass, Little Blind Boy.
all of you make typo's shut the fuck up
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I make lots of typos and I have a legitimate excuse, I am blind. The truth is I exceed the requirements to be considered blind; they call it legally blind. I use a magnifying glass with a more powerful magnifying glass toward the edge. I use my "good" eye and look through the magnifier with my face about 2" from the screen. I know a few computer tricks to blow things up to a bigger size but it sort of sucks because you only can deal with a portion of the page at a time. The eye strain is exhausting but I manage. The shots in my eye are not really a lot of fun either. In addition I have spent a considerable sum of money of very expensive equipment that enable me to continue working so that I can stay off the government tit for as long as possible. I would much rather work than draw disability.
I make lots of typos and I have a legitimate excuse, I am blind. The truth is I exceed the requirements to be considered blind; they call it legally blind. I use a magnifying glass with a more powerful magnifying glass toward the edge. I use my "good" eye and look through the magnifier with my face about 2" from the screen. I know a few computer tricks to blow things up to a bigger size but it sort of sucks because you only can deal with a portion of the page at a time. The eye strain is exhausting but I manage. The shots in my eye are not really a lot of fun either. In addition I have spent a considerable sum of money of very expensive equipment that enable me to continue working so that I can stay off the government tit for as long as possible. I would much rather work than draw disability. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

you get a pass