I like the music. It's physical. Can you recommend some metal instrumentals? Originally Posted by JohnBrown7Check out The Bakerton Group;they're a side project of the band Clutch.
New Marduk is brutal. Def not for the faint of heart...
sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
New Marduk is brutal. Def not for the faint of heart...
sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Damn, Sixx! Uh, it's been fun, but I think I'm going to turn around now. Uh, you know, back towards the light?
Musically, it's not really my thing; but, I give them credit for:
1. Doing their thing, intelligently. Check the lyrics (http://www.onlylyrics.com/marduk-lyrics-1086895.php).
2. Two and half minutes in, and that shit just grinds for a minute. I likes that! Originally Posted by JohnBrown7
What do u think of this black metal band... Satryicon. This song from that particular album was considered their "Metallica black album" for it being as commercial as anything that genre will produce.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQQdsKH3Qt8 Originally Posted by sixxbach
Again, not my thing. Lost me with the vocals.That and Pantera is about as metal as I get.
This is about as metal (with vocals) as I get: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM8bTdBs-cw
I think "One" is one of the best songs ever, regardless of genre. And, the video is pretty damn special too. Originally Posted by JohnBrown7
Again, not my thing. Lost me with the vocals.
This is about as metal (with vocals) as I get: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM8bTdBs-cw
I think "One" is one of the best songs ever, regardless of genre. And, the video is pretty damn special too. Originally Posted by JohnBrown7