This second fabricated "debt ceiling" fiasco is just a synonym for "austerity".
Austerity measures ALWAYS cause secondary recessions or even full-blown depressions when they are done on as large a scale as the Teapublican morons are attempting to use to stop Obama's recovery and re-election.
Helping the country is less important to them than taking over for the lobbyists and wealthy elite who keep them in office.
You have two ways to get out of a recession - inflating your way out like Bush and Obama agreed would be less risky or deflating your way out like Romney wanting to let GM and others fail. The downside risk of austerity creating a worldwide financial collapse accompanied by 30% unemployment is far too probable with the Teapublican obstructionist measures designed only to hurt Obama.
The 1% won't be terribly affected but the world's economy will.
You dumb asses are the ones who will be affected more than those who are in the upper 1%. It is NEVER a good thing when we lose jobs in any sector.
Demand drives the economy - not reduced spending and Cayman Island corporate headquarters or Swiss Bank Accounts.
Actually, I really am pretty well ready to watch the stupid people get what they are whining to get - a deep double dip recession or even a depression the size of the Great One. You think you are so smart. You've got it coming.