17 cultural reasons why this European never wants to live in America

Ugh, the author not European?

do you have the case of the stupids regarding geography or what????

He's Irish which means he's European, that goes the same for the British as well. Culturally, they're not European in that sense. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yes we are! Although some may say we have a foot in both camps (US and Europe).
only thing I object to in America is there are too many hyphenated Americans if you are born here you are American if you want to be someone else go there.
LucadeJure's Avatar
Thanks for your critique Dilbert ... been to Ireland ... been to England ... been to Europe ... from my perception, those two Island Nations stand culturally apart from Europe. But, if an Irishman considers himself European, so be it.
I dont care what anyone thinks or says

theres a waiting list to get in legally and a swarm to get in illegally .. this damn place must be hell on earth.

God Bless Texas. Originally Posted by CJ7
From what I have been reading and seeing on the news there has been all this hype over the past years about "All these illegals coming into the US", and apparently there has been a significant decline in illegals coming here. I suspect that opportunities in the other countries may have gotten better and as the world changes and countries become more democratic we will see hardly any trying to come to the US illegally.

I think the observations of the guy who made that blog are pretty accurate. Americans on the whole are hypersensitive thus your "political correctness" and many have become "spoiled" in some respects as well as apathetic. What we are seeing is a decline in education in America. Less education means more bias, stereotyping, and views distorted by the media because that is where most get their information from. Sad but true.. and I certainly agree with the advertising barrage on TV's and every where we turn. It is overkill and American's have gotten so use to it we just ignore automatically. I can understand someone coming here from another country finding it extremely annoying and don't blame this guy for complaining about it.
joe bloe's Avatar
We may not be perfect, but at least we're not Ireland. Ireland is a pathetic loser country full of chronically unemployed alcoholics that drink themselves to death to deal with the boredom and hopelessness of their miserable pathetic lives. Essentially everyone in Ireland would move to America if they could.
We may not be perfect, but at least we're not Ireland. Ireland is a pathetic loser country full of chronically unemployed alcoholics that drink themselves to death to deal with the boredom and hopelessness of their miserable pathetic lives. Essentially everyone in Ireland would move to America if they could. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Thanks for your critique Dilbert ... been to Ireland ... been to England ... been to Europe ... from my perception, those two Island Nations stand culturally apart from Europe. But, if an Irishman considers himself European, so be it. Originally Posted by LucadeJure
This is kind of the problem. Somebody from the US feels free to give their views on whether England is in Europe or not, whether it it is culturally European.

Why the fuck do you think you have any relevant views on the matter? Why do you think you have a need to express any views on Europe?

How would you feel if I expressed a view on whether US was European or not?

Geez, arrogant fucking bullies.

Just because you visited the place you think you have a right to say how we should live our lives and what our culture should be.

[Moi, sensitive?]

Why don;t you fuck off and stay with your retarded cousins in your little hamlet in the middle of nowhere ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hmmm. I guess Europeans are sensitive too.
mouthy euro-trash.....

I usually introduce them to my good friend,Gogh.

You know,the Honorable Gogh Phuque Urself
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I do agree with his issue with the waiters, they are annoying.

Its not in the article, but its also annoying when you can't get service from a waiter.

damn if you do, and damn if you don't!
Hmmm. I guess Europeans are sensitive too. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think if you had bothered to read the full post you would have seen I already said I was sensitive.

Did I tell you Americans have no sense of irony? Too damn straightforward, must be their lumpen German heritage.

Europeans have the ability to laugh at themselves. Something you may find useful to learn.

Ever tried criticising France to a French person? They look at you with a withering look and turn away carry on talking to somebody else as though you were a mad man.

That's called self confidence, not arrogance.

Ever tried criticising Norway to a Norwegian? They go into a 30 minute rant and start frothing. They really do. They are crazy beneath that cold exterior.

Ever criticise Ireland to an Irishman? They buy you another pint and laugh at you.

Ever criticise England to an Englishman? They tell you that you probably haven't met any Englishmen, only foreigners liver in London.
ps I hope newbies to this forum realise it is a place for personal abuse, not carefully considered rational thought. Nothing personal, just a place to let off steam.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Just found this topic and I liked what he wrote. And he also included things that he really liked about America as well further down in his article.

MANY people are more traveled than I am but I do have "some" experience with being overseas and in South and Central America. I can see where he's coming from.

He was right about one thing, girls DO like the accent. Little sluts. All of them!

In the end, this isn't an article to get anyone's panties in a bunch. I found it to be somewhat accurate and I could pretty much see his points in most of what he wrote. Shrug.
ps I hope newbies to this forum realise it is a place for personal abuse, not carefully considered rational thought. Nothing personal, just a place to let off steam. Originally Posted by essence
Americans are a mix. My Grandad on moms side was Irish. Dads side was English. I like to eat fish and taters...My family never ate dogs...