Issa arrested on weapons charges twice

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-22-2012, 05:16 PM

yeah, a muzzie spy said so

very good joey, very good

the argumet of protecting agents is totally valid if they are responsible, found guilty of anything and get tossed into prisons with more mexican gang members than the GOP has idiots ...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
two guns show up out of how many, thousands and thousands?? and one is used and one agent gets killed ... Originally Posted by CJ7
And of those thousands and thousands of weapons how about all of the innocent Mexican citizens caught up in the relentless crossfire everyday in dozens of Mexican cities? Who gives a fuck about them, you know, the real victims in all of this? Is that what you mean?

Dodson later told the Center for Public Integrity, a government-watchdog organization, that massacres were occurring almost daily in Mexico as gun trafficking escalated. "I even asked them (ATF supervisors) if they could see the correlation," he said. "With the number of guns we let walk, we'll never know how many people were killed, raped, robbed."
Clinton 101: Discredit the source by any means necessary when the facts impugn you
Clinton 102: Make the source disappear

This is a Democratic smear campaign using "old news" that was already considered by Issa's constituency and voters in his district. Nothing to see here.

"Libtards please step away from the keyboards."

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-22-2012, 08:25 PM
And of those thousands and thousands of weapons how about all of the innocent Mexican citizens caught up in the relentless crossfire everyday in dozens of Mexican cities? Who gives a fuck about them, you know, the real victims in all of this? Is that what you mean? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Yea, who gives a fuc about them!

What about the poor Mexicans over here that folks want to ship back over there?

Here is the problem. Legalize the shit they are fighting over and problem solved.

We here in the States always go after the symptoms instead of the cause!

Shit those Mexicans need to start selling guns over there too. Both countries got it bassackwards! We sell guns, they sell drugs. Both should be legal!

Where's your progressive Messiah now WTF? The guy had a supermajority his first two years to make it happen then he puts the screws to California for medical marijuana? Where is He? Where's his hope and change?

Stop Obama's war on Mexicans.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have to admit, I'm with WTF on this. If we had a reasonable drug policy in the US, one that didn't turn a punk into a warlord just because his weapon is bigger, we wouldn't have this problem.

Legalize, regulate, tax. Like booze and smokes.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Yea, who gives a fuc about them!

What about the poor Mexicans over here that folks want to ship back over there?

Here is the problem. Legalize the shit they are fighting over and problem solved.

We here in the States always go after the symptoms instead of the cause!

Shit those Mexicans need to start selling guns over there too. Both countries got it bassackwards! We sell guns, they sell drugs. Both should be legal!

Originally Posted by WTF
I'm with you on every count right there. Whats to argue about in any of that?
Why do the Teapublicans keep forgetting that "Fast and Furious" was a Bush operation inherited by Obama.

Besides what Sexyeccentric1 posted (By the way; Court records on file in Issa’s hometown of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, show that in March 1972, one month after getting out of the Army, Issa was arrested on charges of carrying a concealed weapon and auto theft.

In May 1972, a grand jury indicted Issa on a larceny charge in connection with the car theft but dropped the weapons charge. Two weeks later, a prosecutor dropped the car theft charge as well.

Months later, when Issa was attending college in Michigan, he was fined $100 and put on three months’ probation after being arrested for possession of an unregistered handgun, Michigan court records show.

On Dec. 18, Issa pleaded either guilty or no contest to the charge, the records indicate. A magistrate fined him and put him on probation. He also was ordered to pay $107 in court costs, the records show)

Issa was also charged with car theft, car-jacking, arson and insurance fraud.

The hypocrite should resign from Congress.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Why do the Teapublicans keep forgetting that "Fast and Furious" was a Bush operation inherited by Obama.

Besides what Sexyeccentric1 posted (By the way; Court records on file in Issa’s hometown of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, show that in March 1972, one month after getting out of the Army, Issa was arrested on charges of carrying a concealed weapon and auto theft.

In May 1972, a grand jury indicted Issa on a larceny charge in connection with the car theft but dropped the weapons charge. Two weeks later, a prosecutor dropped the car theft charge as well.

Months later, when Issa was attending college in Michigan, he was fined $100 and put on three months’ probation after being arrested for possession of an unregistered handgun, Michigan court records show.

On Dec. 18, Issa pleaded either guilty or no contest to the charge, the records indicate. A magistrate fined him and put him on probation. He also was ordered to pay $107 in court costs, the records show)

Issa was also charged with car theft, car-jacking, arson and insurance fraud.

The hypocrite should resign from Congress.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Little Blind Boy is still a dumb, ignorant fuck. "Fast and Furious" started in 2009 and ended in 2011 -- on Odumbo's watch.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Also, the charges he refers to are OVER 40 YEARS AGO!! Seems that Issa has turned his life around and made something of himself. He's an American success story. He made mistakes as a youth, learned from them, got his head straight, and became a productive and respected citizen. I think we need more like him in Congress.

I noticed Stevie is not concerned with Obama's criminal past. After all, Obama admitted to the possession and distribution of controlled substances. Let's hold the President to the same standard. Issa resigns, Obama resigns.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Why do the Teapublicans keep forgetting that "Fast and Furious" was a Bush operation inherited by Obama.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
C'mon Stevie, you gotta keep up. There are two other threads going here where this notion has been completely and totally blown out of the water.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Facts are stubborn things. In 1970, when someone has accused Issa of crimes, he was just joining the army at the age of 17. So I guess someone screwed up the dates and the facts.
The first instance was the theft of a Maserati in which the prosecutor dropped the charges. The second instance was a traffic stop, A TRAFFIC STOP, and the cop noticed a pistol in the glove compartment. After getting six months probation Issa graduated from ROTC as a second Lt. and served in that capacity until 1980.
Yep, this guy is a criminal mastermind. The Kingpin of crime. Probably responsible for just about every crime on the west coast.

FYI, I can only find one charge with a weapon....I guess you'll have to cancel this incorrectly labeled thread and apologize for being a poop head. (thats a technical term)

I suppose he could passed his youth by using cocaine, heroine, pot and any other drug he could get his hands on like someone we all know.

By the way, the source of all this Lance Williams of San Fransisco faced 18 months of prison time himself which is much more than Issa got. Quite a source you got there.