A Quick Question For Clients

Troll feeding must be addictive Originally Posted by monkmonk
Sorry, I was gone for the weekend and with my old timer's disease (alzheimer's) I am doing good to keep track of my own handle, much less all of the multiple handle members.

Question: Is it really a case of multiple handles when a person suffering multiple personality disorder has different handles for their different personalities?

Back on topic, prepay, paying with credit cards that create a paper trail, interstate transactions, all seem to be a bad idea. Since I avoid Paypal with a passion, I was not aware of any of the drawbacks there. I do chuckle several times a week with the emails in my spam folders telling me my paypal account has been compromised and I need to click on the link to clear up the problem. That and my Bank of America account I have never had.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I see she got banned again. Well, if she wouldn't been so rude on my thread, she wouldn't have outed herself.

Any who, I wish her luck anyway.
Over/under on another prepaid disaster. I set it at 2 weeks max
Torito's Avatar
I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a session today. Originally Posted by Jizzard
Trust me.
Remember what Paul Newman said in Blaze.

Say What's Avatar
I don't get it...

I have never paid a provider for 'activities.'

I have given late birthday cards. As a man, I find it very difficult to remember dates. So, I always bring a birthday card and my gifts are generally cash...who knows what she may want for her birthday? Gift cards tend to be too restrictive...cash is a great gift.

No early gifts though.
Mr Turov's Avatar
I don't get it...

I have never paid a provider for 'activities.'

I have given late birthday cards. As a man, I find it very difficult to remember dates. So, I always bring a birthday card and my gifts are generally cash...who knows what she may want for her birthday? Gift cards tend to be too restrictive...cash is a great gift.

No early gifts though. Originally Posted by Say What
Now that was good!
B.Wayne's Avatar
The first time I ventured into this I went to a brothel in NV. about an hour or so from Vegas. I was clueless and used a card there. The transaction was handled very well as far as the billing and such. The company was a resort something or other. I also had to sign a paper saying I wouldnt sue them and I was of legal consenting age. I think I even had to give a thumb print too but I cant remember. Maby I made a joke about giving a thumb print. Anyway, the main difference is in that county it was legal so there was nothing to worry about.

A few months back I made a suggestion to prepay and I was sorry I did. The girl I was communicating with at the time just kinda got consumed by the idea and made constant references to me prepaying. I was sorry I ever brought the idea up. As others have said, I dont think its a good idea.