Or, the company he works for covered the increase without passing it on to him.
Originally Posted by Grathic
Maybe. I won't know will I? You know who isnt bitching about obamacare? United healthcare, Aeta, BCBS. They make billions upon billions in profits every year and know the young and healthy can easily cover the ones they hated covering.
Preventative care saves them money,
from Forbes:
UnitedHealthcare, the nation’s largest private health insurance company, has announced its intent to continue allowing parents to keep their kids under the age of 26 on their insurance policies while also sticking with the concept of providing their customers with preventative medical care without need for co-pay or other additional out-of-pocket charges, no matter what the future of Obamacare may be.
Apparently, UnitedHealthcare has discovered that—in both the short and long term—health care reform had it right when it comes to the savings to be accomplished when encouraging customers to take care of themselves before they fall ill. The approach also saves the insurance company money by fostering patient practices designed to discover disease early, thereby avoiding the far higher costs that attach when illness becomes more serious and expensive to treat.
The company additionally intends to continue its ACA required policy of not placing lifetime caps on benefits, thus protecting insured customers from using up their coverage should they encounter a serious, long-lasting illness. This is a particularly interesting development in that there is no financial upside to an insurance company in electing to continue this practice were the Court or Congress to take them off the hook with regard to this obligation. This decision would seemingly make it clear that UnitedHealthcare anticipates a strong, negative public reaction were they to revert to their old ways of capping health insurance benefits.