johnny_boiii's Avatar
I've had four sessions in the last two weeks, all with Eccie providers. I am doing my part to stimulate the provider economy.

Honestly I'm just way more picky these days because you can afford to be. There is some exceptional talent in Houston right now. You can get great looks and service for great rates. Seems like it's a bit of a buyer's market. Quite a bit so.

I'm honestly a bit spoiled. I haven't had the need to go to a no-tell in years (and never will again). For less than two bills I can drive to a nice part of town, go into an upscale hotel or apartment complex, bathe in a well-stocked shower, and get totally rocked by a gorgeous lady.

I see a lot of complaining around here but I think it's an awesome time to be in the hobby. Quality of service and presentation have really gone up. Expectations are probably higher than they've ever been so I'll keep tossing my money y'alls way Originally Posted by linux

Well then your prolly one of that small percentage of men that can make money rain like that.while 90% of the other men are middle class and are on budgets.and seriously quality of services? I thought it was the other way around.decrease of quality and increases in rates.and I know I ain't the only one that notices that
linux's Avatar
  • linux
  • 07-16-2012, 12:20 PM
That's the thing, though. I'm not "making it rain." If you read my reviews you'll see I normally am at or under the two hundred spent. I think (I know) there's some exceptional talent around this town at that price point.

I've probably spent close to a grand in the last two weeks but have had some incredible, memorable experiences.

I do my research, though. Looking at your reviews it appears you take a lot of chances with BP girls. I don't go into unknown scenarios like that. I mean, that's cool if hunting on BP is your thing. I can dig it. But I'm just curious why you don't limit your activities to ladies with proven, documented track records? Wouldn't you be doing yourself a favor?

Anyway, I'm not telling you how to hobby or anything I'm just genuinely curious.
I have always experienced a decline during the summer. The children are home. The parents might have to shell out cash for a babysitter because they still have to work. People take family vacations during the summertime.

All the things I listed above dips into the hobby cash fund. So that is probably why there is not a lot of hobbying right now.

Pictures gone!!!!
Now do you have anything to say related to this thread???? Originally Posted by Brooklyn Sky
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 07-16-2012, 12:42 PM
I have always experienced a decline during the summer. The children are home. The parents might have to shell out cash for a babysitter because they still have to work. People take family vacations during the summertime.

All the things I listed above dips into the hobby cash fund. So that is probably why there is not a lot of hobbying right now. Originally Posted by mikkifine
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Many providers don't understand marketing. However, there are MANY providers who get it.

Like linux I have received many PMs from providers who are running private "specials"--these providers understand that if you want to make more money during slow times, they will LOWER their rates and provide MORE time, rather than raising rates.

These providers also know where to direct their marketing efforts (and correspondingly who to avoid).

It is currently a buyer's market - and the good providers know how to weather the storm.
blowpop's Avatar
I think we have all said it before, best to try and avoid the "hit or miss" on Back Page ladies, and go with well reviewed, well known ladies from these boards. Albeit I know some ladies from our community boards do advertise on BP but they still have many reviews here on the boards and are well known with a good reputation. Originally Posted by Sensia
I'm not sure what a "Back Page" lady is. Back Page is an advertising medium, just because a provider chooses to advertise there has little to do with whether or not she offers a good experience to her clients.
blowpop's Avatar
Without prices, the ads here aren't very useful to hobbyists. "I'm running a special" tells me nothing, because in many cases, it's $10 or $20 off, and that's not enough of a difference to matter.

(I say this with all due respect - I am not privy to the reasons for prohibiting pricing) I'm surprised they get the number of page views that they do.
so your saying if all providers do $50 off specials .... it would be better for business?

well im in!!! <lol>

If all providers would lower their rates by atleast 50.they will all stay busy.with this economy seems like all providers are increasing their rates instead of decreasing which means less business Originally Posted by johnny_boiii
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Without prices, the ads here aren't very useful to hobbyists. "I'm running a special" tells me nothing, because in many cases, it's $10 or $20 off, and that's not enough of a difference to matter.
Originally Posted by blowpop
Seriously BP, $10 off a $300 session doesn't make you want to pounce on the offer?

I think this would be a great topic for Co-Ed discussion: What type of "special" is enough to get your attention--amount of $, % of discount, additional time, etc.
Sarunga's Avatar
Without prices, the ads here aren't very useful to hobbyists. "I'm running a special" tells me nothing, because in many cases, it's $10 or $20 off, and that's not enough of a difference to matter.

(I say this with all due respect - I am not privy to the reasons for prohibiting pricing) I'm surprised they get the number of page views that they do. Originally Posted by blowpop
I believe they are still working on get the pricing info back.
Many providers don't understand marketing. However, there are MANY providers who get it.

Like linux I have received many PMs from providers who are running private "specials"--these providers understand that if you want to make more money during slow times, they will LOWER their rates and provide MORE time, rather than raising rates.

These providers also know where to direct their marketing efforts (and correspondingly who to avoid).

It is currently a buyer's market - and the good providers know how to weather the storm. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
This turned into a good ThreAd congrats!

Font and Color of text in ad can help.
Good quality pictures are always helpful.

I hope that helps!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
All this still doesn't explain these shocking drops in numbers...
Maybe it will change and this is just temporary Originally Posted by Brooklyn Sky
A true slut would drop her rates and fuck more guys.
Seriously BP, $10 off a $300 session doesn't make you want to pounce on the offer?

I think this would be a great topic for Co-Ed discussion: What type of "special" is enough to get your attention--amount of $, % of discount, additional time, etc. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Go for it...I was thinking the same...but didn't want to stray too far off topic.
peaceful one's Avatar
Without prices, the ads here aren't very useful to hobbyists. "I'm running a special" tells me nothing, because in many cases, it's $10 or $20 off, and that's not enough of a difference to matter.

(I say this with all due respect - I am not privy to the reasons for prohibiting pricing) I'm surprised they get the number of page views that they do. Originally Posted by blowpop
Pricing information is available on Eccie but just needs a bit of effort to see it.
I posted this workaround in the Questions for the Staff forum.
Providers' rates can be seen in their showcase via the mobile device-friendly URL.

  • Go to provider's showcase
  • Change the "www" in the URL to "m"
  • Expand the Services & Availability section to reveal rates
For example:Here is Brooklyn Sky's showcase via PC URL:
Changing the www to m reveals the rates:
So Brooklyn need only to post the mobile link to her showcase in her ads for clients to see her rates and any specials she may be offering.