I asked one question..and yes it was critical but a fair question imo..
Maybe it's the gt but reading what has been posted since is ..well entertaining to say the least. IMO what was said was ill-advised and there is only one answer and there is only one person who can answer the question. I don't expect an answer from the op...aka FC..if I were him, I would leave it the fuck alone. In other words...I'm sorry I brought it up in the first place..and trust me, it's very painful for me to admit to a lapse in judgement but in hindsight it should have been pursued privatly..if at all.
Just a suggestion Fritz but seeing as I seem to be the current Mayag..why don't you close this mess..in fact burn it..lol.
But wait..first I would like to add that I respect the opinions posted by people I respect..and it was ill-advised of me to call into question what I believed to be ill advised..and dang this sucking up is getting painful...lol.
To FC..I had an outstanding encounter this afternoon with a very very good friend and I for sure get your exuberance. I'm still rollin with it...all is currently in balance.
To Ari..it was sure fun to watch you body slam bd and since he stole some original material from me he had it comming. He forgot what a "velvet" tough guy you can be..haha
You rock Sweetie.
To FC..you asked me way back when, what I thought of someone who would become one of your current favorites and if you will recall I was quite enthusiastic. I neglected to splain to you that there is a finders fee.. I'm very fond of her as well..
To Fritz, grab FC and LK and I promise I can make y'all jealous.. Hell I broke 60 just last summer..it was really cool, the folks at Cool Crest were great, they even gave me a free round..
Hopefully everyone got some this afternoon..I'm off to the penalty box..