I know its hard to believe there are still a few folks out there whose word means something to them, but I swear I saw five or six this past week, they seem to be a little ragged around the edges and some of the comments that come out of their mouths even though the truth, are embarrasing. They still run to carry a package for a lady or open the door. My question is what happened in the world to change all this ?? Was it war, or did Obama cancel it. What brought about the decline of the decent and honorable parts of our existance
Originally Posted by chelsea simms
The more I read about history, the more I think we look back with rose tinted glasses. Even when looking back at our own pasts, we view the past with an air of nostalgia, the good moments resonating clearer then the bad, and so little remembered actually as it happened, and more the way we prefer to remember it.
There was no golden age of honour - there have always been honourable people, and there always will be. What the past has, is a tradition of greater formality. Most of human history had a lawlessness to it that I don't think we quite appreciate, and in such a world where the wealthy and/or influential get away with a lot, it is wise not to make enemies. It was territorial posturing, etiquette that set up the board game for the fine play of power amongst the powerful. Though they bowed to each other at formal balls with haughty air, there was never any lack of treachery, betrayal or cruelety.
The only women who were treated with this romanticized gentility were wealthy and white - and even they could be legally beaten and raped by their husbands. It was about class and power, not kindness and empathy. What good does it do if you'll run to carry a woman's bags but don't hesitate to beat your slave? Or if your husband brings you flowers, but you can't vote or seek gainful employment?
Now men live with the additional problem, of assuming their gentlemanly manners are patronizing or look like they're trying to get your number. So they hesitate to carry your bags, hold an umbrella for a woman walking down the street without one or indulge in some other act of gentlemanly charm. And as women, we do live with some sense of fear and trepidation, knowing there are complete strangers that would enjoy harming us. So suspicion can be hard to shake.
If you go out of your way to show appreciation when men act in kindness, you will find that they repeat, and that other men who observe how you graciously accept such acts, are happy to indulge in traditional displays of kindness as well. You need to give them signals, to let them know you aren't a hard-line feminist who demands a standard that men can't quite make sense of.
I don't think honour is dead, I think one needs to know how to spot honourable people, and how to attract them to you, and understand and live with honour to keep them in your life. Be a Lady, and Gentlemen will find you.
I actually find gentlemen are looking for a place to safely express themselves and be welcomed.