Wanna Play TRIVIA Tonight? Looking for TEAM members to join us!

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-18-2012, 10:53 PM
I definitely remember that.

The opponent that night was Golden State, who did win that game.

Another question...

What important group of officials were in attendance and received that not so good impression?
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
Sorry Mokoa, I'm not that good. I just remembered that game randomly when I saw this thread. I was still a kid when that incident happened so I barely remember the game but I remember the water going off. My dad and I just sat there and said to each other, "20 bucks says that wont happen again."
Doc_rob's Avatar
Damn. Nearly 10PM so that is too late for me since I get up at 6:30 AM.
Marcus78's Avatar
We're gonna kick some ass tonight!!!!! Probably not, but it's fun to imagine things. Hope to see ya'll there.
Marcus78's Avatar
Good luck tonight everyone. I don't think I will be able to make it out, but crazier things have happened, so keep your fingers crossed!
WHAAAT?? That's it...give me your boss's number...doesn't he know what's on the line here? (lol)

Guess, we'll have to eat all the chicken wings by ourselves now! (big sigh.) Hope you can make it...we need you!!
Marcus78's Avatar
I hope to see some familiar, friendly faces tonight! Just FYI, traffic is horrendous tonight so you may want to leave a tad bit early if you plan on going...
flinde's Avatar
Have fun
Tex9401's Avatar
I wish that I was in your city. I am into board and card games. Fluxx, Apples to Apples, Red Dragon Inn, and numerous others.
Marcus78's Avatar
I'd rather be lucky, than good any damn day! Dyslexics Untie!!!!

And, for no particular reason at all, this .gif of an insanely hot girl shaking her ass. I mean, what thread wouldn't be improved by such an image?

Jed Clampett's Avatar
Lol! Here's to being dyslexic! Ill drink to that!
BorderCrosser's Avatar
Giulty As Cahrged!!!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I'd rather be lucky, than good any damn day! Dyslexics Untie!!!!

And, for no particular reason at all, this .gif of an insanely hot girl shaking her ass. I mean, what thread wouldn't be improved by such an image?

Originally Posted by Marcus78
Nutting Buckeye's Avatar
I'd rather be lucky, than good any damn day! Dyslexics Untie!!!!

And, for no particular reason at all, this .gif of an insanely hot girl shaking her ass. I mean, what thread wouldn't be improved by such an image?

Originally Posted by Marcus78
+1 I'll have two shots of Crown on that Rump Shaker!!!
Bless the dyslexic one...who fcuk'd up and saved our team!!!