The "American Courtesans" site is now live and our faces are on the internet!

tia travels's Avatar
... HOW do you think your clients will feel after viewing the film and seeing/hearing you expose such horrible experiences you went through??.... Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
I'm looking forward to seeing the film but I agree with WM. If I were a gent who has a fantasy that my ATF is perfect and then see a film where she mentions how she's on or has done drugs or whatever other problems she had or currently is experiencing, how she may have been abused, etc., it would ruin my image of her.

Especially if I were a client and paying a higher donation for a "VIP" or "Courtesan" or "HDH", I would expect someone closer to perfection (this means mentally, emotionally, and with her own health).

I also agree with Fast Gunn's comments.

That is precisely the proper attitude a true provider should have if they are going to be successful in the business.

I have been with some knock-out providers who have later confided in me that what they do is "degrading".

I was quite shocked to hear such a confession!

. . . Any provider who believes that her work is "degrading" should get therapy or get out of the business.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I wish I would have known about the project. I am an advocate on women's right and at the very least decriminalization of prostitution with safe guards or more stringent penalties for traffickers of all ages of women but especially minors.

I didn't grow up poor, I have a college education, I was never molested, I was a social outcast;(never invited to parties), a teachers pet, and overachiever in high school. In college I simply transitioned from being a slut to making it my career choice, using my business management skills. I honestly love what I do and no one forces me to do it.

I can't wait to see this film and I will continue to pray the government will just stop trying to oppress the women they hold so dear in their own hotel room away from their wives and start trying to use our income to get us out of this trillion dollar debt we are in. Either way i am moving to Canada where the smart people(politicians) are living and thriving.
hello did any one else notice the weight of the dollar steady decline. I am passionate about this issue.
I'm looking forward to seeing the film but I agree with WM. If I were a gent who has a fantasy that my ATF is perfect and then see a film where she mentions how she's on or has done drugs or whatever other problems she had or currently is experiencing, how she may have been abused, etc., it would ruin my image of her.

Especially if I were a client and paying a higher donation for a "VIP" or "Courtesan" or "HDH", I would expect someone closer to perfection (this means mentally, emotionally, and with her own health).

I also agree with Fast Gunn's comments. Originally Posted by tia travels
I believe this thing of ours should stay what it is - "A fantasy".
I was horrified at the thought of a parent actually being interviewed for this.Why would anyone do that? I like that the ladies are trying to "keep it real" however, men that book escorts are not trying to hear these stories. I am actually looking forward to the film. I WILL go and watch it but I don't think it's showing these women in a good light at all. If the producers are trying to make money from this film , BRAVO. If it's supposed to be a marketing tool for any of these ladies, Major fail.
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
I wanted to comment on the business aspect of this. I think each of us stepped forward knowing that there would be some risks. And I want to tell you first hand, what has occurred. I have had some people scared off, in fact in some instances they have run for the hills. They seem to be my clients that view this as just a past time. Those quick one hour appts. To counter balance that however, I have had those who are looking for a more substantial type of experience come poring out of the wood work from literally around the world. Those looking for 12, 24 and 48 hour appointments. Those looking for a bond with a woman who knows who she is.

However, I do understand the fear, and I too in my earlier years bought into that stereo-type of us being playful sex bunny that was really just that. A fantasy. Which obviously, is part of the gig. However, I have found that who I really am and my experiences in life, demand a higher price, that those one hour liaisons. I have found that it is okay for me to be real. Now that doesn't mean that we don't incorporate the art of illusion into our work. But our lives are fascinating to the outside world.

In my first years of working, prior to this age of the internet I was fortunate enough to work for a madam named Penny, at one of the Nevada Brothels. One of the many lessons I learned from working for her was, that there will always be someone younger, someone cuter, so one smarter, coming up right behind you. And if you just make it about that - the “Quick and Sweet”, illusionary experience, (which I did for many years, as I was very young and seemed to have an unending stream of loyal clients) you will not only harm your body in the long run (this is a labor profession), but you will always be playing a losing game. As each day passes - you get older and there’s always another one waiting to take your place.

But, if you become the type of woman who is well read, gives back as much, or more than she takes, is a world traveler, a studier of politics, and a woman who isn’t afraid of who she is... well, you will never have to worry, because you are irreplaceable. And am grateful to say, that for many of my clients, that is where I find myself today. The letters that have poured in with their genuine regards for who I am and this profession.

Now, I don’t expect any one to believe me, but as each days go by in this business you will know more and more about what I am speaking of. We are more than sex kittens (although that in itself is one small component of the woman). What makes us so passionate is that spark of life that society has always been so scared of. And for some reason, many of us women buy into that as well. We allow ourselves to be hollowed by shallow values. I am grateful for my clients. And I am grateful for those men across the globe who have written in support of us women and our endeavor. And more than anything, I am glad that this underground sisterhood, that I learned in the houses when I was so young, is still alive and well in the world today.
And some of those ladies needed makeup BAD!

Love your attitude, Charlotte. The film pretty much did what every hooker documentary does - put us down. I wasn't beaten, raped, molested, promiscuous during my younger years...etc. Everyone had a horrible story to tell. I thought it would shine light on the NORMAL women that do this on their own free will not because they were kicked out, desperate for money, molested..etc. Originally Posted by hiddenrose
I had no idea that you had to come from a perfect family in order to be considered NORMAL.If you live such a charmed existance then perhaps you should be grateful for your good fortune, and less concerned with what another woman's make up looks like.The reality is there are many women who have been victims of abuse, or extreme poverty that are attracted to this business. For some it is a good way to escape a bad situation. For others their early abuse has ended up being their on the ob traning.Yes that may sound "rough", but the truth is the average woman would not touch what we do for any amount of money.So what is it that makes us so different? Many of us have something in our past that helped to make us who we are today.Those of us who have been abused know the one trick that the average woman does not know, we are able to seperate our mind from our body.A talent that can come in very handy if you have ever experienced a difficult client.Of course there are also women who work as providers who like you lead charmed lives, and I do believe that we all make the decision to do this regardless of our past. But the reality is the rate of abused women in this line of work will always be higher than the average non escort. The movies that make the fluff pieces are as bad as the ones that exclude anyone who has come from a better enviorment.Both try to cover up the truth in order to avoid making some people uncomfortable.

I had the pleasure of taking part in this film: Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
I only saw you in a fast clip, but you really do look beautiful, and you come across as very likeable.I think that you, and the others were very brave to have done this..

I wanted to comment on the business aspect of this. I think each of us stepped forward knowing that there would be some risks. And I want to tell you first hand, what has occurred. I have had some people scared off, in fact in some instances they have run for the hills. They seem to be my clients that view this as just a past time. Those quick one hour appts. To counter balance that however, I have had those who are looking for a more substantial type of experience come poring out of the wood work from literally around the world. Those looking for 12, 24 and 48 hour appointments. Those looking for a bond with a woman who knows who she is.

However, I do understand the fear, and I too in my earlier years bought into that stereo-type of us being playful sex bunny that was really just that. A fantasy. Which obviously, is part of the gig. However, I have found that who I really am and my experiences in life, demand a higher price, that those one hour liaisons. I have found that it is okay for me to be real. Now that doesn't mean that we don't incorporate the art of illusion into our work. But our lives are fascinating to the outside world. Originally Posted by KristenDiAngelo
Very well said. There will always be those clients who want only a fantasy, at the first glance of anything real they will move on.But the smart ones know there is so much more to us. A woman who is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside will know that she does not have to hide who she really is. The best clients will recognize goodness, and passion when they see it, regardless of how hard her life may have once been..
Thank you Katy for your support and input there are some things you've said that are perfectly put and I couldn't have said better myself.
Seeing your faces on the Internet was a real eye peace!
I had no idea that you had to come from a perfect family in order to be considered NORMAL.If you live such a charmed existance then perhaps you should be grateful for your good fortune, and less concerned with what another woman's make up looks like.The reality is there are many women who have been victims of abuse, or extreme poverty that are attracted to this business. For some it is a good way to escape a bad situation. For others their early abuse has ended up being their on the ob traning.Yes that may sound "rough", but the truth is the average woman would not touch what we do for any amount of money.So what is it that makes us so different? Many of us have something in our past that helped to make us who we are today.Those of us who have been abused know the one trick that the average woman does not know, we are able to seperate our mind from our body.A talent that can come in very handy if you have ever experienced a difficult client.Of course there are also women who work as providers who like you lead charmed lives, and I do believe that we all make the decision to do this regardless of our past. But the reality is the rate of abused women in this line of work will always be higher than the average non escort. The movies that make the fluff pieces are as bad as the ones that exclude anyone who has come from a better enviorment.Both try to cover up the truth in order to avoid making some people uncomfortable. Originally Posted by Katy Alexander
I tip my hat to each and every one of the brave ladies who participated in this film. I think there's really too much focus on what's been shown in the trailer. Once the full film is released, I'm pretty sure we'll have a more clear understanding as to what the creator is meaning to portray. All I know is that it took some serious courage (for a number of reasons, some of which are listed in this thread) for them to share their stories in such a public manner. I can't help but feel a new level of respect for the women who have decided to take a stand and share a journey with the World that I am not sure I ever could.