We really need to go back and do MORE of what caused this situation, don't we?
Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Well, as is quite obvious, we
are doing more --
much more! -- of
exactly what caused the mess we're in! What are we getting for all the out-of-control deficit spending we've been doing? Can you point to any meaningful way in which the financial system has been fixed? (Didn't think so!) As we've discussed in previous threads, Dodd-Frank does nothing about too-big-to-fail and virtually nothing to prevent the next crisis. Nothing has been fixed or regulated in any positive, effective way.
Fast Gunn, I think everyone understands your opposition to Republicans. I ain't a big fan myself. Just look at the fiscal kamikaze mission they started about 10 years ago. But what is it that you don't understand about the obvious fact that Obama, Pelosi, and Reid continued -- and expanded -- that disastrous agenda?